Non cringe band tees

non cringe band tees

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Any beach boys ones?

Nice bait


That's incredibly cringy

All band tees are extremely cringey unless you're extremely handsome and well-built




Not a band tee but I've been thinking of purchasing the classic brown Orange amps tee
Not really to show support for Orange amps it's just that Orange is my favorite color and I like the logo
I don't know if Sup Forums would think that's lame or not

It's bad fashion obviously but if I saw you around I'd think it was cool, because I don't care much for good fashion

looks dope. who gives a shit what Sup Forums thinks

what's really cringey is not wearing your favorite design because of what you read on Sup Forums


Literally the worst fucking tame impala shirt desu.

>Tame Impala

>wearing a shirt with a swear word on it

Are you twelve?

>thinking damn is a swear word
Are you twelve?

Not cringe but hideous, Smile one is pretty nice.


Merch for amps aren't different then any other graphic or band tee, so you should worry about it. If you are in a doom metal concert you would get a lot of compliments.

I'd wear it, and would love to buy some earthquaker merch myself.

any graphic T is cringe unless its ironic or so authentic no one would recognize it

taking fashion advice from a bunch of 15 year old virgins who mask their anxiety and depression by claiming to have the most elite taste in mass-marketed music is the most cringe

>wearing a kendrick t-shirt
I can tell you probably are.

someone show me a good Loveless t shirt


just buy a white tshirt and write "damn." with a red marker