62% of Germans AGAINST third Merkel term, representative poll concludes.
Other urls found in this thread:
>I am the 38%
>Germany not finished yet
>First post
Refugees pretty much stopped, right? They want someone that can bring them more diversity.
BBC addicts need not apply.
>mfw a neoliberal autist responds to my post
Doesn't mean shit if they're still the most popular party. In the UK, the conservatives only got 24% of the vote but still formed a majority government because of the fucked up 'first past the post' voting system.
>acting autistic
checks out
opinion discarded, come back when you can into 1st world
I want to be happy for you guys. But seriously, how the fuck is it not 90+
So now they want someone even more open and tolerant, ja?
>only 62%
Seems a bit low
>1st world
New Aleppo pls
Kek shut up you fucking anime cuck faggot
I'll still vote Merkel you cucklord.
It's too late, you can't remove her and the government is far from collapse, she just imported 1.5 million new voters too when they get their right to vote.
Germany as we know it is finished, replaced by something else.
Yeah this
America is pulling off a Donald trump win with 60% white population. Germany has no excuse for it not being higher.
>representative poll
2000 people
There are countries with an anti-white nigger as president, so it could by worse.
It will go up, mark my words.
Gun sales went up like a moon rocket.
We will get out of this shit via blood and fire.
fuck merkel
fuck roaches
1k people is enough to poll groups of many millions.
Lern 2 stats nooblet.
You know what a representative poll is, right?
INSA had a margin of error of 1% last elections.
this. Give it a week an Merkel is beloved again.
can you stop idiot? this is pathetic excuse of shitposting. if you dont know how to shitpost backpaddel to old memes like Wifes son and similar shit you cunt.
How about you pay those WW2 war reparation goy?
posts Anime, pro Merkel, ID: JP.
It's like you are oozing Autism
>posts pro Petry
>is srs about it
Oh boy, you're the epicentre of autism
>Can't read
>tries to bring the Bantz
>N-No y-you are the autistic one
there is literally nothing wrong with merkel, she did the right thing in a fucked up situation
>ahahaha epic autism snowballing battle lmao
no you're autistic xD^^
go on and fucking hang yourself like your dad wishes you did 5 years ago you fucking failure.
Even if Merkel goes away so what? You think Germany all of sudden will become non degenerate, against multiculturalism?
Everybody calm down.
We're all autists and everyone knows it.
wow rude, why dont you follow your leader and pull the trigger already?
the anti merkel wave is based COMPLETLY on the refugee crisis. go figure.
merkel never spoke in favor of multiculti you retard
Still changes nothing about the fact you can't read and compare to IDs to each other.
Ok calling you autistic is an insult to Autism itself, you are just dumb.
Germans are natural born cucks. It's in their DNA.
Not solely. It's also a feeling of not being represented, as politics are done for the elderly and the big economy now.
okay Mr. Nazi.
Isn't it a lot about the economy overheating, inflation etc also? I thought that was the main argument the "real" opposition was using pre-refugees. I'd imagine that's a real problem in a country known for having policies favoring sound money.
The problem for you is that of the 62%, about 40% are probably leftists who are fine with the open borders but want more nationalization.
The Germans on this thread...
does this poll include tanned germans?
> 62% of Germans AGAINST third Merkel
You are delusional on how fabian society works, are`nt you?
Germany was finished from the moment it ceased to be Prussia and tried to make friends among random political circles around the north sea, where anglo-leeches habitat is.
unemployment rates have been going down since merkel took office and the national budget hasn't seen better numbers for ages
its all linked to the shitskin invasion and people realize what cavemen really came over. it all links together.
Mr Nazi cant deal with so much Kawaii Desu~~~~
>excuse my language my anime is a little rusty
>In the UK, the conservatives only got 24% of the vote
Tories got 36.8% of the vote. en.wikipedia.org
please nuke us already,
at this point it's just euthanasia
>German """humour"""
Unironically this.
>Merkel is not a lying cheating slimy cunt
fuck off proxyfag
Don't listen to him.
Don't give up.
Du bist einfach unlustig. Dafür brauch ich keinen Proxy du Hurensohn.
Und jetzt spreng dich weg du Natsocmongo
Was ist denn so schlimm am National Sozialismus?
At least we're not letting him ship in millions more. And at least he's not allowed to serve a third term.
I have no problems with Germans. I just can't begin to comprehend how so many are okay with her destroying the country at the speed she is. By the time she's up for next term there might not be a Germany left.
So are you a true supporter for her, or are you trying to swing the pendulum farther left so it destroys everything when it swings back?
so you're just a self-hating idiot
Don't be naive. You cannot give up on a already lost war.
Von welcher Seite hast du diese Bilder geholt?
No I'm a true supporter of her and her party.
2000 people is considered a very large sample size with a margin of error of about 2.2%.
what should we do vote for the AfD, so they become the next Merkel when they gain power over Germany?.
It's useless.
Here's a prediction give Germany 10 years and we'll have a all muslim party in the Bundestag (parliament)
20 years: they'll have a coalition with another party.
25 years: they will be the most voted party
26 years: fuck the constitution!, enable Sharia Law now!
30 years: Germany is a leeching shitstain of a Country.
>you're just a self-hating idiot
no I like myself desu
Sup Forums.com
Don't post awoo if you're going to be a cuck. She's a nationalist symbol.
no you're not you fucking commie
>what should we do vote for the AfD, so they become the next Merkel when they gain power over Germany?.
Vote Der III. Weg and not alt right lolbertarian faggots.
>Here's a prediction give Germany 10 years and we'll have a all muslim party in the Bundestag
100% believable.
Yeah we've seen how they lash out, with fucking chalk murals.
Do you even know what anime he's from?
communism is fascism.
Wouldnt that be ok on your list Mr. Nazi?
>Do you even know what anime he's from?
Do yout think that's important?
>t. Anime Pro
She's from a videogame, not anime.
Communism isn't fascism. Communism is actually a bad thing.
>Der III. Weg
yeah that worked well in Germany in the 40's, sorry Teutons we are a banana-republic
hahaha that just means merkels party will get 38% in the next elections
wew I run into an expert.
and you lack reading comprehension
>tfw knew a manlet in highschool king of the fucking autists
>his name was JP
he did a sonic the hedgehog run through the halls to his next class
>Communism is actually a bad thing.
negro...oh neko para?
They'll ore for her anyway because being a servile piece of shit is in their genes.
Grow some balls Germany
and you're a Nazi
boo fucking hoo
the last German with balls died in Africa, the Normandy,Stalingrad and Berlin
lol gtfo. They don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
I hope you enjoy being deported to central asia for literally no reason then.
I'm voting CDU you disgusting excuse of a human being
who, in germany, is even offended by being called nazi anymore?
I just wanted to say that I appreciate your effort combating the scum of our land.
Yes, but I'm not a cuck like you.
>I'm voting pseudo-conservative
>communism will deport everyone to the desert for absolutely no reason
>this is what natsoc shitters actually believe
>German humour
>not finished
>going to get outbred in a few decades
k m8.