How is Sup Forums enjoying Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 2?
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How is Sup Forums enjoying Rupaul's Drag Race All Stars 2?
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They're not trannys you stupid nigger. Stop calling it that for attention. It's a great show and this is a great season, don't be a dickhead every time you start this thread.
This show didn't interest me so I will not watch it. I am also hiding this thread.
>Tranny is a slang term used chiefly to describe people who are transgender, transsexual, wearing drag, transvestites, or cross-dressers.
You’re In The Club And This Guy Slaps Your Ass. What Do?
I don't care what a definition says. They don't call themselves that and you doing it is an insult. They're talented and awesome and calling it 'le tranny show xD' is annoying.
Meh I hate this new twist. it's so contrived by the production. The top 2 has to announce in advance who they are sending home so that the producers can see which one matches the person they want to send home and give the win to them. Tatianna's lip sync was clearly better than Roxxxy's
Fuck off, gash.
love this show, everyone is just so catty or smug it's hilarious