Weird.. What changed?
it's those oppressive cis-gendered white men at it again
>Weird.. What changed?
White men are lashing out in impotence as time marches on without them.
Muslims hate gays, this isn't new
Other countries moved ahead of us it seems.
>Mfw I don't dare to be a transgender Muslim Woman of color because of Sweden Democrats
Sad to see a great lgbt country like Sweden become right wing bigots. ;'(
We are fucking 3rd
Ah, the Liberal dilemma, old as the World
>import intolerant minorities
>be tolerant
>choose one
Its only because of the increase of migrants from lets say "not so gay-friendly" countries
nothing has changed
All the gays moved to Finland
Come on Sweden, how come your aura of faggotry hasn't turned your Muslims into degenerates as well yet?
this is just a trap to make Swedes panic and to destroy their own culture even faster.
Could it be b/c we have a growing population of shitskins that hate everyone that isn't a goatfucker?
oh thx not see my country
So not only are Swedish men racist, they're homophobic as well.
Colour me surprised.
Fuck these cunts.
Oh look what I found. Guess where the US is.
>not cucked
It goes down because of the trannies
Australia aint there. Fuck yeah cunt.
>bisexual muslim trans woman of colour
Swedish people didn't change.
Kebab changed Sweden.
You're not European.
Croatia number 9 on the list.
IMPOSSIBLE.It can't fucking be.I swear our politicians falsify data to appear more progressive and to stuck up to the EU's asshole.
I've never seen gay couple walking on the street.
Every gay pride so far has been smashed,and if it didn't,it was because they brought huge police support to defend the Pride.
Nothing against genuine Swedes, but there's a delicious irony to this.
The hands that be force tolerance and inclusion.
They get it.
The result of that now means a growing minority that never cared for that or even understand it.
I'm looking forward to a critical mass worldwide where the demographics shit so much that the far left genuinely has to fight for survival, because nobody cares about their forced politics or terms. It's the only way they'll learn.
Again nothing against Swedes, it's sad to see this happen to anyone. But it's also glorious that the after effect of all this bullshit means SJWs are FUCKING DONE FOR
Demographics shift sorry.
Shit or shift. Doesn't fucking matter.
Australia is in Europe!
Because all of you are closet faggots.
Sweden why so intolerant? I'm disappointed
Supporting this is nothing but selling out your sexual identity to bankers and corporations.
Here's a gay pride from my town,Split.
stay mad, ustašo
>Sweden welcomes Muslim immigrants
>Sweden becomes less gay friendly
Because this is the most conservative British man.
Congratulations! Do you want a fucking medal you absolute retard
nah,you stay mad,commie faggot
>bring in tonnes of foreign extreme right-wing people to piss off white right-wing people
>follow their extreme right-wing beliefs to show your tolerance
>Entire nations becomes right-wing
Why does Sweden hate diversity?
ummmm no??? this is clearly the fault of right wing cis white bigots
Deep breaths
Lefties will never admit that they are wrong. They would rather convert to islam then accept defeat. How long would it take to renew the education system ? 20,40 years? Its too late.
Racist cis-men brainwash Muslims into hating gays.
Thus, we need more muslims
Import muslims and anti-gay/anti-semitic abuse goes up. Who knew?
Be content in the knowledge they'll be purged by either side.
wouldnt be suprising that they would
then the fucking retards decide to vote for more diversity
gays are like jews. they want it all, instantly the country that they are in falls, they move to another
if you are gay and you believe you are not a retard, accept the fact there are people who hate gays and thats how it should be
Archbishop Nicodemus Daoud of Mosul in Northern Iraq, standing in the ruins of his cathedral, has also sent us a message. In 2014 he said:
“Our sufferings today are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer in the near future. I lost my diocese. The Islamic radicals want us converted or dead….Please, try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing here. You must consider again our reality in the Middle East, because you are welcoming in your countries an ever growing number of Muslims. Also you are in danger. You must take strong and courageous decisions, even at the cost of contradicting your principles. You think all men are equal, but that is not true: Islam does not say that all men are equal. Your values are not their values. If you do not understand this soon enough, you will become the victims of the enemies you have welcomed in your home.”
I've had my fair share of discussion with them.
Everything that goes wrong,they will blame the right.You can see that in recent events.
Every Muslim terror attack that happens,they blame natives for not being "nice enough" to Muslim.
These people are insane.
But they do
>HIV travel restrictions make the country less welcoming to gays
That should speak volumes.
>Sweden not even in top 10
We aren't bringing that shit to the Eurovision contest.
Here you are youtube.com
More like Norgay, amirite?
Guess your right Z
Truer words have never been spoken burger
Muslims taking charge
Ahaha even Portugal is ahead and everyone hates fags here. Is this muslim influence?
Ask them if a few Christians moved to Saudi Arabia and didn't feel treated well enough and shot up or blew up a group of people if it was the Arabian people's fault for not treating them better.
I dunno, it's alright being gay here, the only people who ever care are mudslimes and people generally just don't mind it unless you're some stereotype flamer
Well southern Sweden is like 40% muslim so
Daily reminder
"I live in Indonesia, the country with the biggest Muslims population in the world, about 200 millions from 250 millions are Muslims. About 500 years ago it was still a Buddhists and Hindus country.
They were so peaceful and naive, they have no idea what Islam is. They are converted by Arabs through marriages and wars. The first Sultan in Java killed his own father because his father was a Buddhist. His father did not want to convert to Islam and that's it.
After most of the population were converted there was no peace anymore. At 1800 there was a jihad war between Muslims and...Muslims because the first group thinks that the second group is not Muslim enough! Later the second jihad war followed...
We are still seeing the same thing with Shiite and Sunni right now. In Indonesia Sunni just burned and killed Ahmadiah followers. If they cannot make peace among themselves how can we ask them to respect Atheists and people having other religions?
I am afraid the same ignorance and naivety will bring a catastrophe to Europe, the same story on Indonesia will be repeated on Europe, especially Germany. That makes me so sad. Why we could not learn from History."
>USA behind Mozambique
Are these niggers serious?
It's different here in Europe. We can make those Muslims part of our peaceful society. We just need to try harder.
Trust me, brother.
based islam saving us from leftist degeneracy :^)
I guess it's true. Homosexuality does exist in the animal kingdom.
that pic is a parody... right?
Its because of mudslimes
Goddamn those democratic nazis.
useful eeeeeeediots
Top kek
Just wait till mudslimes are the voting majority.
It's an agenda driven "study" conducted by European Jews so it's not going to make sense. These type of studies are notoriously anti-American because to them, we need to be more like those enlightened socialists overseas, but we all know it's fucking kike bullshit.
No, the guy who made it also made a children's book btw.
>Bring Muslims into your country
>Country no longer as "gay friendly"
Gee, wonder what the cause of this one is
i thought suomi would be higher
can finnbros explain? you guys are less tolerant of gays than portugal and spain?
History is full of white colonialism and oppression and thus racist.
For 75 years or so after they're exterminated. It's a natural cycle muh man.
>And it all starts with Women
how dare you! you bigot!
>switzerland better ranked than albania
fucking albanians, no wonder we give them less rights here, they are shit in everything.
>asking questions you already know the answer to
>bisexual trans muslim women
holy keks batman
Well Sweden, you've got some work to do on intersexed people's rights. Because, you know, all your other problems are solved.
And then the Swedish white population waited for their impending death......
I hope straya wins this year, one can only hope for the amount of banter that would come from an australian Eurovision