Trump vs. Comey

Trump vs. Comey

Who is more trustworthy?

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Well trump is known for blatant dishonesty but I'll take a liar over a cuck taddletail

I don't know what is metal.
Nails or Slipnot?

Let's see 100 cunts speculate like fags though.

This is over, nobody cares anymore. Eat a dick.

rhetorical question

obviously the former head of the FBI vs. the pathological liar

Comey is the kind of guy to not keep his eyes on his own paper at the urinal




Trump can't keep his story straight on any given day of the week, and it's not that he intentionally lies its that he doesn't give a shit about much other than his public image and his money, so he just doesn't remember if things are true or not and he likes to parrot information he gets from bad sources without checking if it's true or not.
