Paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?

Paid $40 for this. Did i get ripped off?

not sure if troll

lol i get that for 5-10 euros.

but i live in the netherlands

also, there's a hair in there
which is gross obviously

yes, you paid money for a piece of dry leaves.

same guy

upon closer inspection it looks kinda weird

yep, i wouldn't pay that for a dollar


I paid $40 for this. Did I get ripped off?


It sure is summer

I paid $40 for this. Did I get ripped off b?

I'de pay $40 to get jerked off by one of those alone.
Look at that grip.

Paid $40 for this. Did I get ripped off?


It's been the same post since before Christmas. Fucking faggot. Did I get ripped off?


havent seen this thread in a long while so...

you see OP that all depends on a few things
#1 are you a faggot?
#2 are you a faggot?
#3 are you a faggot?
if you answered any of the questions then its clear to see YOU ARE A


therefor my fine sir you did not over pay.
good day from the upper Canadas

With th hair removed I would still smoke it, but it is terrible on visual inspection, alot of leaf from being poorly trimmed, and that amount of ganja, be it good chronic or bunk schwag like you got there, it is worth $5 tops here, Canada(it's practically legal here).

I'd rather the one on the left, I mean, I'd take the right one if I had to, but

sure. it takes a while to identify cancer.

>Inb4 "It's quality hydro bro, gonna vibrate your anus from one toke BROOOO"

Considering this picture has been posted 10000000 times already. Yes.

the pube is the part that gets you high.. lol