Whats? Sup Forums's favorite sci-fi movie

>no sci-fi horror allowed

Other urls found in this thread:


Total recall (1991)

Dune is space opera right? Or is that just the books?

Eh I'll copy this user and say TR

>no sci-fi horror allowed
well fuck you then

Dune is acceptable.

If we count Star Wars, then Empire Strikes Back.

If we don't then either Starship Troopers or Total Recall.

Is "sci-fi" different from "science fiction"?

I feel as if "sci-fi" denotes stupid action movies whereas "science fiction" is thoughtful. Can any experts contribute an opinion? If you aren't an expert please fuck right off.

anything apart from SCI-FI HORROR.

Sci-fi is science fiction.
Event Horizon is Sci-fi.
Star Wars for example is Science fantasy.
Dune is Space opera.

From what other anons have told me, and I could be wrong sorry, what makes something science fiction is when they have explanations for their scientific achievements and it's explained how things work.

Science fantasy is sci-fi minus the sciencey stuff. Nothing is ever explained to the audience beyond them having advanced tech.

Space opera is a sci-fi that focuses on a group of characters throughout an entire series of movies/shows.

>If you aren't an expert please fuck right off.

Didn't see this part so yeah ignore my post ass-hat.