What 1st world country has the worst "cities." I nominate the US

What 1st world country has the worst "cities." I nominate the US

I don't like Japanese cities

American cities are definitely the worst at being cities.

loved simcity 1

US or Italy.

China desu

>1st world country
Just because they propped up a bunch of skyscrapers in their biggest hellholes doesn't make them first world.

>3rd largest economy and largest amount of active military personell
>not first world

what's wrong in that pic?

Get rid of that proxy, Wang.

>3rd largest economy and largest amount of active military personell
india has a large economy and a decent sized army as well, would you suggest them as first world?

Low population density, inefficient zoning, bad public transport, all leading to high utility costs and high rates of traffic, which is the opposite of what a city should accomplish.

India is different though.
Only reason they've got that is because of 340 million poo's who were more than eager to breed after recieving independence in 1947.
China has had a more gradual growth, and is thus alot more civilized.

they ain't first world mate

Peru has a higher HDI than China.

They are not First World at all.

>t. literal 3rd worders
asia = first world ( invented lots of shit, generally a nicer place
Europe/africa = 2nd world ( filled with non-yellow cumskins and niggers )
americas = 3rd world ( colonized by the niggers and cumskins )

cute, it's like my ant colony.


>American cities are bad
>for some reason

Do I have to say it?

I listed the reasons, read the thread and stop being a ignorant fucktard on purpose.

Hmm yes, very interesting theories you have there

But American cities have something that European cities don't tend to have.
Can you think of what it is?

I really want there to be a suburb where it's nothing but one really, really long spiral.

English cities are shit because of property laws and councils dont have the balls to make them free from filthy traffic Deustchland Netherlands do it better
