When will this motherfucker accept that he's getting old? Literally don't give two fucks about what he said about trump...

When will this motherfucker accept that he's getting old? Literally don't give two fucks about what he said about trump, it just annoys the shit out of me how he acts and dresses. You're not Keith Richards faggot, fuck off.

Well, he's crying in the corner now because you hurt his feelings. I hope you're happy.

Here here. Point to the part of the doll where he touched you.

Well its his own choice isn't it.

Shitposting like this just makes you seem jealous as fuck

>implying alcoholics have feelings


You an Amy shumer fan too?

Keith Richards wishes he was half as popular or talented as Johnny.

What's Keith's claim to fame? Guitarist for an ancient no longer relevant band.

No. I'm not even an amerilard.
I just disagree with the mentality of "dress according to your age".

I dress myself with things I like or fit me. Anything else is fucking dumb.

Who even gives a shit about a celebrity you fucking autist?

Depp 100% idolizes him. He rides his dick so hard he might as well call him daddy.

No one cares about your my little pony shirts and skinny capris

>Sup Forums
>getting rustled and running to the defense of some celebrity
>mama mia