What evolutionary advantage does big penis have?
What evolutionary advantage does big penis have?
You get more pussy ----> children.
None, which is why average penis size has hardly changed much.
How is that even remotely true? Whites are dying out and most only have 1 or 2 children.
Because they dont have big dicks?
Its advantageous in animal societies where the males cannot control access to the females. Female chimps just fuck whoever fucks them and the males can only hope their larger penis will scoop out the jizz of the previous male.
Gorillas have tiny penises because they control access to their harem. Humans have quite large dicks relative to their body size which would indicate that for most of our evolution we behaved like chimps do.
Blacks have largest dicks and Asians have the smallest out of humans. Makes you think.
Can fuck fatties
What size do you consider big?
thats a direct cause of the insane work load most people have now-a-days, technology was supposed to make it simpler and reduce the amount of time working yet people work more now than at any point in our history they dont have time for anything else, also has to do with the education level even highly educated non-whites tend to have fewer children
anything over 10in
Measure from the anus right?
vagina is only 3 inches deep, anything bigger than that is only better psychologically, not evolutionarily.
That's monster dick. It's a fetish.
It's because feminism destroyed the family.
They''re just a mating display. When we became nipedal it became advantegous for our genitals to be on display so they became external and big 24/7.
>people work more now than at any point in our history they dont have time for anything else
Why don't they work less then? If idiots want new iphone every year they better not complain about working extra to buy it.
In some cultures, mostly in Apefrica, women are often fat and men therefore need bigger pipes to impregnate them
So anything bigger then 3" and you're in the cervix? I can't into anatomy, please explain
>people work more now than at any point in our history
Lel, must suck to be a yank
None that's why most people's dicks are 5-6 inches. It's like asking is having big Tits has evolutionary advantage. Most men only care if the Tits are the same size and shape.
>ibf Small dicked, small titted she-male
speak for yourself, plenty of us are unemployed and can't find jobs.
and nevermind the pointless busywork they give you when you do finally get one.
a sensible economy we have, yes?
You can't please a woman thoroughly with anything below 7 inches.
Pleasing women is vital to keep a family structure, which gives your offspring a better chance to be successful.
This is why white boys end up with divorce rates over 50% and a large part of those who do not divorce are getting cucked by men with bigger dicks, like brown/black men like us Mexicans.
In a way, being 'gifted' with white genes is also ensuring white genocide.
Ironic, isn't it?
oh amercia... keep telling your self that.
Why do fins do this?
>bigger dicks
Get a load of this guy.
>big dicks
Good one.
None, otherwise the variation in dick size would be way smaller.
None. My gf left me for a broke jew with a tiny penis.
I guess he meant that the canal of the vagina is only 3 inches long, after that you end up in a cavity and unless you have an extremly thick dick, you will not tooch her walls
In sex ed way back when they said that the vagoina only have 3ish inches of nerve endings, and everything after that is a non stimulating area.
No idea if it's true I'm not a vagineer.
There's no evolutionary advantage. Much like most of our bodies, we aren't optimized for evolutionary advantage. Lots of our characteristics are sexually selective, including penis size.
You need it if you want to impregnate the shitty landwhale wife.
>mexicans having bigger dicks than whites
you faggots are like a step up from asians and even if you did have big dicks its irrelevant because you are a nation of manlets.
We have far lower divorce rates.
Also, our reputation as excellent lovers is known worldwide.
White boys can't compete with exotic Hispanic traits, including dick size.
The reality is none, as long as your penis can penetrate in far enough compared to the womens vagina of your local area.
Penis size is a direct result of the size of your race/ethnicity's vagina.
That's the spaniards though, not mexicans.
>excellent lovers
>has azn genes
mexico is at it again
>mexican big dicks
They're called Latin Lovers, just ask your girl when you're done posting
Give me 30 minutes with your gf (if your neckbeard ass even has one), and she WILL attest to that fact. Our smoothness with the ladies is even injected into pop culture.
Have you ever heard of the term 'macho', it isn't a Spaniard thing. There's also the term Latino lover, which is mainstream as fuck.
greentext isn't an argument
Again, that's not refering to mexicans at all.
>Also, our reputation as excellent lovers is known worldwide.
This actually made me laugh out loud. Delusional beaner.
From what I've heard they're big on eating pussy.
>Latin Lovers
They only fuck a lot to make their kids work on the fields. You shit well know this is true. The wife knows this is her purpose in life.
muh dik.