What's up Sup Forums???

What's up Sup Forums???


You been crying?

Also, you know the rules.....

I hardly think that's any of your business

No I haven't been crying lol it's my makeup and no tits cause ILLEGAL

Underage trap


gotta be sharpie in pooper then.....

Show feet

If you are here then it isn't illegal. tits or gtfo

Youre 25

You again. Go away.

Timestamp or gtfo

>no tits cause ILLEGAL
Not where I'm from

You have really shitty skin from caking make up on your face every day



Tits are illegal now? I don't want to live in this world

the distance from the tip of your nose to the tip of your chin is too short. you look like a birth defect. like that ugly annoying bitch that always plays the ukulele.

tits with time stamp or gtfo

lol my skin is fine

stfu retard. we know you're 18+. now show 'em.

She's underage'd.

But I'm not lol...

That there is pussy lips, Might as well show tits

Whats up attention whore.

I didnt post that so no

Not true

Time stamp or fake

Eh not much really.. you?

Mods plz ban

not gonna stop till you show them or some proof that you are underage. show your tits

from one of the MANY attention whoring thread she has made.

Why I'm not doing anything wrong

you're just gonna get a ban

Just seeing where this goes, another pointless thread to feed your ego or need for attention even if its inappropriate requests like tits etc. You won't do it so meh

That's not me lmao


You are fucking ugly and gross and an attention seeking waste of time.

show feet


If you're not 18 you aren't allowed here..

WELL what's the point

More pics?

BUt im 25

Tits with timestamp or gtfo

Tits. Tits are the point. There are rules here

BYE Sup Forums

There is no point to this thread other than attention for yourself. People asking for more pics people asking you to fuck off, you feed off this bullshit its annoying and ruins Sup Forums. at least start a decent conversation like " what do you guys think of this subject " or " what outfit should i wear today " or something better that "whats up b"

You expect us to cry for you not to leave us? bitch gtfo we dont need you.

Really now? So show your tits

it very obviously is.

leave and take your trips with you faggot

LOL THIS ENTIRE PLATFORM IS FULL OF RETARDS AND PEOPLE TROLLING STOP trying to make it better it won't be better YOU fag omg

Sigh new fag over here doesnt remember the good ol days

I didn't want people to cry lol I was just saying BYE STOP HURTING MY FEEEEELINGGGS

If you're 25, post tits. Doesn't need to have your face in it. Just a timestamp.

I linking your face meat.

Stop saying bye if you aren't going to leave, whore.

Would you like be friend

keep telling yourself that...

I have genital like angry potatoes