African-Australian here. Consider myself to be redpilled to an extent although of course I don't agree with your agenda. AMA
Throw the original comments at me
African-Australian here. Consider myself to be redpilled to an extent although of course I don't agree with your agenda. AMA
Throw the original comments at me
Other urls found in this thread:
Show us your dick faggot.
How many white girls have you fucked?
The answer better be none.
No such thing
What is your opinion on speedsolving cross-on-left?
Vote for the LNP or gtfo
No such thing m8, go home refugee
You ruined the straya chain Sven
Also OP what don't you agree with?
PS ... nigger
>The answer better be none.
or else what? you'll masturbate in frustration?
negroid or australoid?
> African-Australian
hyphenated cunt.
Proud of my country's post for once
My people are the only true African-Australians
Nah in a public library
I wouldn't browse this board every day if I had. I will though, sometime
I'm adopted, my parents are highly liberally coercive in that they want me to explore my 'African' identity, though
How does it feel going to a better country and having a superior race give everything to you for free? Were you raised with no shame or ability for self-reflection?
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if Aliens came down and made Antarctica habitable, but only invited whites to live there. Gave us all free money and a free house and let us rape and rob to our hearts content.
>don't agree with our agenda
fuck off m8
Unless Turnbull comes up with a conclusive anti- decision concerning negative gearing than I'm for Shorten.
I'm adopted, guess that's kind of like a refugee
Negroid, Oromo Ethiopian
>African-Australian here
Is that it? Who does it make you relevant? Is this the new "hi Sup Forums femanon here"?
Go to /r9k/ if you feel lonely, faggot.
>they want me to explore my 'African' identity, though
What is African about you?
Does having dark skin give you a magical soul connection to "African culture" whatever the fuck that means. What is African culture anyway? Africans have never invented shit.
Your culture is whatever you choose it to be.
You aren't African in any real sense.
You should embrace beautiful Australian culture assuming you plan to stay there.
First rule of being Australian, you leave your ancestors at the door. You're only Australian.
watermelons must be rare and expensive on the desert island. you poor thing
I agree with all the arguments you guys make. Some of the historical substantiations you provide for the arguments, however, are pretty inaccurate and based on selection bias, particularly concerning Persia. The reason I disagree with your agenda is because your agenda involves sending me back to the continent and I'd rather not go there, or killing me
I don't know, kinda nice. I was adopted when I was two so there's nothing I can really contrast it for, though.
As for shame and stuff yeah, my parents are obviously huge (political, not party) liberals and wanted me to 'discover' my African roots a lot. Never really cared about that and it seemed like a chore really. Primary school and secondary school was also full of provisions for me socially and academically, so I feel grateful and all
>Intentionally trying to cause a housing bubble burst and recession by removing negative gearing
Are you trying to make the Sup Forums stereotypes correct?
Knew this post was coming, yeah it's in pretty poor taste. i used to browse r9k actually
I consider myself 'Australian' and most my mates are white. I just said that in my original post to specify. Also a lot of this board would disagree with me identifying as Australian so I dunno what else i coulda put in my original thread post
They're actually very cheap relative to other fruits, too sugary for my taste though
>wanted me to 'discover' my African roots a lot. Never really cared about that
Makes sense. There's nothing to discover about spear chucking niggers stuck in the stone age until whites got there.
I dont agree with the fact you guys want me gone. from either expulsion or execution, I pay my taxes with my wagecuckery and literally dindu nothing
Shorten and the labour administrators aren't idiots, an economic transition of this magnitude would entail a transitional period where previous proprietors still have negative gearing in to some effect
Can you tell your niglet kids to stop stealing cars and breaking into people's houses and shit? I know your are African but you should teach your children that acting like niggers and making gangs is just fucked.
>Primary school and secondary school was also full of provisions for me
In what way m8?
Dont have kids and im kinda repelled by the idea of a black wife let alone procreating with a black woman. Only know one other ethnic African and hes an insufferable international student from SA
Since I went to 'catholic' higher socioeconomic prep and senior primary and secondary schools the teachers there all felt sorry for me. although there was nothing super palpable, a lot of awards and marks I got I could easily tell were scaled up simply because they thought 'wow this guys black and literate'. initially i was pretty pissed about it but then i realised why the fuck should i be pissed about it
heaps of people particularly girls are also much more socially receptive towards me than guys, and everyone is annoyingly careful when talking to me as to not tread on saying anything offensive considering im both black and an orphan, except some of my good mates
You do realize that pic related is in that list too.
Tell em to fuck off and treat you like a normal human being. Do you honestly enjoy this sort of special treatment?
well tell other black people to tell them that. if I say anything I get told I'm being racist.
Yes m8 we had a downs syndrome kid at our school and he was treated similar to what you describe.
Middle-class whites are very compassionate to the afflicted.
I'm ethnically 'oromo' search that up if youd like
although ethiopia is a pretty common destination for adopting kids adopted ethiopians is still a pretty fringe demographic i suppose
Fuck off, we have always been and ever shall be FULL.
I'm convinced your trolling now, Labor made it very clear they would do it the night it got passed if elected
I hate you cunts. Neck yourself or castrate yourself, either would be good.
Must be pretty lonely OP
Oh well you're better off than most in this world get back to work
Ive actually done that a lot lol, they never seem to get the message. telling them seems to achieve nothing
if i ever get a friendship with an ethnic african which i find unlikely considering my personality probably wont click then yeah sure
some of the constituencies of your fullness flew a few thousand miles to take me back here and make the fullness a bit more full
Do you think Australia is pretty racist - or just a couple of fuckwits once in a while ruin people's day?
AMA threads are fucking cancer. I used to see ones where someone had a genuinely unusual nationality or profession. Now you get any old retard using them to attentionwhore. Why the fuck are you so interesting you deserve a thread to yourself simply for being a coon? Go fuck your ape cunt of a mother, OP.
>a lot of this board would disagree with me identifying as Australian
If you love Australia, you're Australian. It's pretty simple mate.
What does the aussie-nigger accent sound like?
Fuck off you cuckold whore. You are new. You never should have come here.
They wont get it passed through the houses on the 'night' they get elected, and its economically common sense for there to be a transitional phase for a policy like this
good night to you as well mate
i worked at a local cafe as a barista for a while
>Be aboriginal
>Hate Australia
>Not Australian?
Got to leave room for reasonable dissent and critique.
You're a boring cunt with nothing interesting to say.
>waaa look at me I'm special for being black
from what ive experienced australia is super accomodating towards everyone already here, although a lot of people can be chilly towards the refugee shit in papua new guinea. the latter i suppose
never met my biological mom shes defs a corpse by now
yeah righto
Since ive almost never talked to other africans and grew up completely talking to caucasians and watching caucasian tv my accent is pretty much standard, kinda deep and hoarse
im just bored and if you havent observed for yourself some people actually asked me shit lol
whats troubling you
Just because Tyrone is receiving blowjobs from the chainsaw of your girlfriend's mouth doesn't mean you have to get absolutely triggered. Just because Sup Forums is your only source of friendship it doesn't mean it's your own personal safe space.
That's implying they were ever Australians in the first place.
I see. Why don't you stay on Reddit?
Australian """""""Aboriginals"""""""" are fauna, not humans.
Well I'd have to be there once in the first place in order to stay, since you know the demographic so well; maybe it's you that should go back.
C'mon boys - they might fuck themselves over, rely to heavily on welfare, abuse drugs, steal funding etc. but to say they aren't Aussie is retarded.
What do you think of the Newton-Rhapson method of solving a set of non-linear equations?
Wow Israel, so edgy. Retard.
Mate,my cattle has done more for this nation than the bush burners
Why do niggers always call themselves African (insert country here)?
How disappointed were you when you left the squalor of Africa only to move to Noble Park?
ba dum tss xD tiier
for ease of identifiication, dont take it so personally senpai. ive no probs with australia or whites the only concern ive got is you guys wanting to deport/kill me
go learn some finance idiot. you think they can just tear away negative gearing with consequences? what happens if housing prices go down? not to mention the banks are already fucked with all the money invested in the mines now that commodities prices are going to shit. the idea is to let it all go to shit when everyone else bubbles are going to shit. I'd say it will start with either the EU or united states before it goes to shit here. learn some economics and wake up m8 instead of listening to shithead politicians
This smells like a shitpost to me
Are you ever discriminated against in Australia?
He said to ask anything. Seeing as there's a guy who asks about speedsolving cross on left every time a thread like this pops up I thought I might as well join in. Also I think you'll find that knowing about N-R does not make one a retard.
>only concern ive got is you guys wanting to deport/kill me
>Browse Sup Forums
>Doesnt whine like a little bitch
>culturally Anglo
nah I dont think anyone but the extreme stormfags would deport you.
dandenong reporting in
the tab has been really quiet of late, haven't seen a black cunt in there in ages
Do you consider Abbos to be subhuman and beneath you?
can white men really compete?