Who can stop the fucking patriots from winning their 5th?
Who can stop the fucking patriots from winning their 5th?
Stillers could possibly make it a game. Falcunts could also make it a game. Both should at least be worth watching. Probably nobody can do it tho.
>tfw rooting for Falcons
You can't.
>Cowshits win and have more than us
>Patriots win and have as many as us
>Steelers win and extend their lead
Chiefs/Falcons Bowl pls.
>tfw kaepershit ruined your illustrious and perfect 5-0 superbowl record and now stand at 5-1
kek last undefeated superbowl winning team died with what could have been the start of a dynasty
has he ever beat brady?
a few times
only time i remember was halloween 2011
>kek last undefeated superbowl winning team
u wot?
Jets, Ravens, Buccaneers, & Saints m8
Every team still in the playoffs could give them a good game.
Its the Jets, Dolphins, and Bills fucking fault for being complete failures for the past 17 years and not offering up one bit of competition.
Fucking shameful
Fucking literal cupcake division babbies
this is the packers' year
Rodgers is going to atomize that shitty Patriots defense.
The patriots defense is actually really good you dumbfuck
the packers defense sucks ass compared
pats D gives up 15ppg
>he fell for the points per game meme
Well if the 49ers won the Ravens wouldn't be. I think he probably means undefeated in multiple too.
Poor Pepe :(