How do women end up having daddy issues and how can I avoid that happening to my daughter?
How do women end up having daddy issues and how can I avoid that happening to my daughter?
Don't fuck her and don't abuse her mother.
Every woman has daddy issues, its invetitable.
Don't be a dick to your kid? Explain your values to her? Is it really that hard to be a decent person at least to your family?
Be a strong, stable male figure.
Single mothers = no strong father role
Start at a young age. Get her into an activity she enjoys. Go to her practices / recitals / competitions and cheer for her.
Also, she will look to you for protection, so be big and strong and don't be a fucking noodle armed NEET.
Bout it
Do not send her to public schools.
Where erryone gets a trophy, erryone is a winner.
And the teachers are the losers. The dregs of society.
spend reasonable time with her. i imagine doing things like camping or fishing together would be nice, but it also could produce a dyke.
Give her love and attention even if you have to work every day to put food on the table. I've met exactly one girl who didn't have a father and was stable out of all of them, but every girl that had a father who was a good man and talked to them raised a wonderful person.
Two parents, not one. Being a parent is more than bringing home money. If more dads realized that, they'd put in the extra effort. Even something as silly as taking the kids out to the park or for icecream is bonding.
OP here. I was raised by a single mother, although my father was very much so present. He knew the qualities of a decent father, and made some very drastic attempts to be the greatest one he could be, but he ultimately fell flat.
My daughter isn't here yet, but what can I do to become more masculine and less chained by the fact I was raised mostly by a lazy piece of shit mother? Right now I'm pretty feeble and thin-skinned.
Have a son.
Daughters are the result of pussy boy sperm nigga
love her
talk to her and about her concerns but realise she's a child and needs direction in life
protect her from physical harm but don't censor yourself or others, let her know that the world isn't a magical place and she needs to live in reality
if that doesn't work then someone else is actively working against you and you need to remove them or relocate
1. Don't let her hang out with bad children that might give her a bad influence
2. Keep her in check & teach her about the ways of society, if you try to let her stay away from real problems it will arouse curiosity
3. Educated her about degeneracies & how it affects her
These are European women, probably German. Europe has been left of America since WW2.
Anyway, feminism, like all ideologies, is ultimarely a resource-seeking strategy. Women see the potential to gain social, political, and economic power by ramming the juggernaut of feminism through the final gates of Western Civilization. It doesn't matter what long-term consequences it has or what arguments that you can make against it. All that matters is they get to fuck more and have something to blame for all their problems. Shit, feminism is even promising to PAY them by solving a so-called wage gap. For women, feminism is an entirely rational short-term strategy.
Do any of those even exist in the Philippines ? How would you know it without living in the west ?
Being emotional is fine. You're a human being before you're a man. What matters most is that you remember, while raising that girl, that she needs you. She doesn't have all the experience you have, and sometimes she'll do dumb things that hurt you and her. More than anything, make sure she knows you're available for good and bad, so she'll know better than to hide things from you when she's scared. Moms are usually the ones we go for when we have emotional needs, but fathers need to be there to solve problems and have fun with. Of course, there will be times when you'll have to play a stern role and that will hurt you a lot. But if you have been always present in her life, she'll most likely understand it when you say you're doing it for her sake.
Teach her how life isn't a competition and every trade requires dedication. That she has a world of opportunities and possibilities ahead of her, and that you'll be by her side regardless. Give her toys and activities that stimulate her mind, but don't stop her from pursuing her own interests. Most of all, make sure your little girl knows she's not alone in the world because her daddy will bail her out if her strength isn't enough, but that he trusts her to make good decisions.
You can do this, eaglebro.
Just don't be. Go to the gym and you will feel better and stronger (less thin skinned) but will also be less feeble and appear more donjon ant. Get those endorphins out
Pay attention to her, listen to her, treat her like she's precious, especially when she's very young. Teach her how to do everything you know how to do.
But always remain an unambiguous authority. Do not respond to tantrums, laugh at all unreasonable demands (or tell her she needs to do some proportionate amount of work before you'll fulfill them), and give her explicit approval only as a reward for personal achievements and milestones. Be firm in your "no" but tell her why you said no.
Patient and -proportional- punishment for bad behavior, rewards for good.
Be warm and loving with her when you spend time together. Return her affection to the same degree she gives it.
Females want love, support, approval, stability, and discipline from a man. Show her what that's supposed to look like. Don't break up with your wife because of your own selfish needs. You have kids? They now come first.
Finally, women are attracted to men like their fathers. You are the first male love of her life. Behave like the man you want her to marry.
This. Half of these dumpster fires you see all over the media are either trying to get daddy's attention, or piss him off. Whenever I've had a heart to heart with a psycho broad it always comes out they were abused in some way.
1.)Fat Acceptance-We don't really give a fuck. Even fat women here get boyfriends.
2.)Open display of faggotry-They are pretty niche and most people don't care that much. Our lesbians here do their best to look like boys, and faggots are at the most crossdressing and try to look like feminine and stuff. Remember, we are a mostly Catholic country. A lot of people disapprove of this shit, but we are just tolerant enough. No gay marriage though.
3.) Music glorifying crime and violence- NOPE. most of our songs here are about love and being nationalistic.
4.)Degradation of whites-DOES NOT APPLY TO PHILIPPINES
5.)Pothead Culture-Potheads are kinda rare here. Most young people here don't do pot. Meth though, is a huge problem in poorer areas.
6.)Radical feminism-Nope. Haven't seen angry woman here scream at a guy for being a fucking flip male that has privilege and oppressing her.
I read it as "trips is no permission"
also, checkem
dont be an abusive asshole and show love and concern? have a set of rules and bounders so she will learn to respect you and respect herself.
his hand is pointing to the wrong direction nigger. its supposed to point to the upper right corner.
1) Raise her in a good Christian house hold.
2) Guide her to some good hobbies.
3) Show an interest in what she does, you need to have more in common with her than just blood.
4) Teach her good virtues (see 1) but specifically the virtues of hard work and kindness. Every feminist faggot I've come across is both lazy as shit and a fucking asshole.
Give her the D. It's what all girls crave. Lack of daddy D messes em up.
They were part of our empire until ww2 when they told us to fuck off and we did. They are still pretty burger.
Be like heater, warm but tough.
>2) Guide her to some good hobbies.
Man, this is so important.
You're basically facilitating her to meet good friends rather than randomly get befriended by some knucklehead faggots, druggies and sluts.