Can someone explain to me why the bunch of us come to this cesspool of a board?
Today I saw a thread some user made about how Sup Forums average IQ is FUCKING 128.
I scored 121 on that test (I would've scored 125 if I was paying more attention) yet I have to tell this to a bunch of shut-in NEETS who post Hitler memes on a Taiwanese Knitting Board.
Why is Sup Forums so popular among people with high IQ? Why aren't you all circlejerking on reddit? Do you like having discussions with autistic individuals?
WTF Sup Forums ???
Go outside cunt.
>I would've scored 125 if I was paying more attention
Not an argument.
i'm here for the happenings and the odd informative post... and shit-posting
>Not an argument
why not cleverly shitpost on reddit?
its more challenging and can be more rewarding to abuse
I got 135 on that exam and it means literally nothing. Have you ever had your IQ tested properly? It takes a long time and there is a fuckload more to it than recognizing patterns. One of the biggest facets of intelligence is short term memory, most IQ tests involve the examiner telling you a short story with an insane level of detail then asking you to repeat the story back to them including as much detail as possible.
The stupid ones obviously didn't post their results
It has to mean something because I'm certain some people score a lot lower than 100 on that test...
...and I'm magyar and you're a gypsy cunt
'The mountains, dressed in black
And the pine trees in mourning too.
And with heads bowed down, we remember that
That we had a home[land] ~ which we lost.
They ripped it from our hands and tore it into parts,
And we had done nothing, but waited for a miracle.
Watched how they gave Transylvania to Romanian hands,
And we had to accept ~ the Hungarian tragedy.
Now, too, we just stand with tears in our eyes,
With evaporating dreams, but with hope.
We hope that the map (original boundaries of Hungary) will come together again,
And Transylvania ~ will one day find its way home.
I know that Trianon (post WW1 treaty) pains you too,
And it is not easy to progress on the rugged road.
For it is not easy on Romanian soil to be Hungarian,
Treated like nothing ~ accepting this.
Just watched as they took our home[land]
And gave it to another.
But we won't tolerate that they think us as Romanian,
And we're unable to call ourselves ~ true Hungarians.
This land is Transylvania and no one else's,
But that of the toiling and biding Hungarians'.
For us, this land is sacred, all we have,
For this we fight ~ and struggle.
We will never cede - never! - our home[land]
To the rapacious Romanian.
Our home[land] will be no one's
For Transylvania is only ~ [greater] Hungary's.'
that's probably true
Only posters with the highest IQs post in Molythreads, it's UPB.
Pattern recognition is one part of intelligence. Albert Einstein would have performed horribly on an IQ test because his written and oral skills were terrible as a child.
ebin shitpostin' 'straya
I heard that he was just a late bloomer. Some intelligent people develop their mental capacities later than normal people.
>Why aren't you all circlejerking on reddit?
>he thinks reddit is for intelligent people
isn't it?
I have been there and people write a lot more intelligently than people on Sup Forums
the stupid ones may not even be curious as to what it is
I hope you aware that a proper IQ test requires a certified individual to carry it out and is very different to any IQ test you can take online.
If your IQ is 121 on an online IQ test it's probably closer to 100 - 110.
>Do you like having discussions with autistic individuals?
Do you have a problem with that?
I know its not a proper test, but the results definitely vary from an intelligent person and a less intelligent one. So it has some merit to it.
Its not that I have a problem with that, its just odd to me why smart people like to roll in the mud
Feigning intelligence using pseudo-intellectualism, and being intelligent are two different things. Reddit likes to circle jerk over how intelligent they perceive themselves to be, that's all.
Most of the top comments are all copy-pasted directly from, or they just slightly reword wikipedia articles or articles from other sources so they can collect upvotes and appear smart.
>pic related
But is feigning intelligence worse than shitposting?
Yes it does, I always score over 130 on every IQ test I take online but my real IQ is 118 which is probably even lower now since I have indulged lots of binge drinking since I took the test years ago.
I would not be surprised if I scored high 90 to 100 today.
That's because posts don't get deleted. Why waste 20 minutes on a well crafted rebuttal when it's going to disappear in an hour? It's easier to just call you a cuck.
Now back to plebbit, you cuck.
I'd rather talk to autists and shitposters here than "intelligent" faggots who censor unpopular opinions there.
you're the reason why reddit is popular
>Whoever I dislike has to have a mongoloid tier IQ,not master race 130 IQ !
Maybe you're just not that smart as the internet tells you ,tigane.
This baka desu senpai.
Well if your opinion is of the caliber of this guy Then I'm not surprised that you get censored
Stop projecting, cigane, I didn't say that
I think it's the freedom of speech
Not an argument
It is absolutely worse than shitposting, as it is shitposting in disguise. Think about how easy it is to recognize a shitposter here. On Reddit you have shitposters claiming to be Rhodes scholars, and the neckbeards who believes them, all entwined in a circlejerk up upvotes.
They shutdown any pro-white sub or anti-islam or anti-nigger-crime sub because of these brigading rules, but keep /r/srs sub open even though they openly admit to it.
Most of the userbase was completely fine with shutting down what little free speech was left too.
you think that's molyposting you're doing?
teach me master
you're going to the wrong subreddits
Those were the only ones worth a shit.
So you could say that they are better at "shitposting" than Sup Forums users, that's already a sign of higher intelligence.
This is why people make fun of you, Romania.
can someone post the link?
Well, maybe lower intelligence people dont care about politics at all, you can only talk about football and jewish tv series here with most people.
All those "online IQ tests" idiot keep spamming around here aren't valid IQ tests. Even if they were, you'd be a fool to trust the results that people report/post, even with screencaps.
Don't BS yourself. Most people with 90-100 don't have a clue about computers, let alone chans. You're obviously above that. I scored 142 on the compulsory tests that our schools use to give.
Had to attend gifted kid uni classes since std 8 at PUK.
See it like this. The slowest animals are captured by predators. I drink a lot in order for the slowest brain cells to be destroyed leaving the fastest/ strongest
Autisms have high IQ.
IQ tests are pretty shitty tool to measure intelligence, and I'm saying this as someone who scored over 140 in real tests.
It's a good approximation on some aspects, but it just doesn't go deep enough nor complex enough to really test true analytical skills.
Having time constraints on some of the question types is also not the best way to measure, in my opinion.
Online tests are pretty crap, though it's pretty uncommon, there were a few times I would find that two solutions fit a pattern recognition problem, I guess the people making these questions missed one of the patterns :/
I'd rather give some guy a subject to study and than leave him to advance and make his own conclusions, that could be in maths or in the humanities.
But for that to work in our connected world it would take isolation for a few days at the least.