How do you keep the feeling of complete despair away?
How do you keep the feeling of complete despair away?
Avoid all forms of stress that might bring it to the surface and accept the feeling of emptiness as a part of day to day life. Of course that also results in me being a completely non-functioning member of society that hasn't left the house in a few years, but it's probably better than not being alive anymore I guess.
Get laid. Find a religion. Discover a fulfilling job or hobby.
>hasn't left the house in a few years
Should probably do the opposite of what this guy says.
Stop being in despair.
A-user, I...
Drugs, lots'o drugs
listen to your dubs-brother fampie
Find a hobby, I just got into Manga and anime and never felt better
Stop lurking on 4chin.
Get out a bit more.
It just werks
Less than 10 times over 3 years.
You go back to
Dunno senpai. I keep dreaming about moving somewhere remote, giving up on trying to fix this situation.
After becoming somewhat reactionary I feel a bit of weight has been let off my shoulders though, because now I understand why society is so shitty.
i go for a walk in the evening twilight after the sun has gone down. the world looks different then. quieter.
i also walk fast to burn up any extra energy my body has.
yea I'll fly to the moon first it seems
>that hasn't left the house in a few years
Are you a NEET?
That's agoraphobia tier, m8. Even when I was a friendless NEET I still lifted and went out for groceries and errands even if I still spaghetti'd everywhere during social interaction
>not drowning yourself in escapism
Are you even modern?
If you are and it doesn't work, I suggest reading philosophy to understand your position and objectives in life better.
I tend to just drink way to much booze and play some video games every so often. I had a long term relationship and tried all the career shit. Got engaged and she still cheated on me and tried to take stuff I paid in full. She knew full well that she didn't want my $3,000 guitar and my $5,000 amp I used in my band as a hobby.
I don't. Simply accept that nothing will ever get better and plan accordingly.
The code is speaking to you.
You are aware of the change in this timeline.
Usually I don't. Sometimes Alcohol.
What a cunt.
you have several options here, friend:
>first and most obvious would be to completely ignore aevrything to the point of acheving sociopathy where you dont value your feelings or feelings of other people, this might tun bad
>the second option can be combined with the first for maximum effect. That would be: stop thinking ALL the time, but try not to force it eather. This thinking might give you some advantages, but generally it harms your well being and builds up frustration.
>There is also option of drugs. But that eventually will turn into "tax on happiness" lifestyle.
Is that what the despair code is or are you just shitposting again leafbro
By praying to God for sincerity and relationship.
I look at my son and my pregnant wife, and I think of how I've accomplished my goal on having a family. They bring hope into my life
I have done enough to try to warn you people.
With facts and science.
Each of my threads got derailed by jesus green pills.
You've been warned. You are not were you are supposed to be.
alcohol and gym help
One day at a time.
Also alcohol. And stay the fuck away from religion. People who tell themselves lies to be happy are the worst.
lifting weights beats back depression for me
It will fade away.
She didn't get it but I had to get a lawyer and shit. Just wanted to take away the stuff I had for my hobby.
Sometimes you just feel like that. You need to pace down a little bit and start to see every day as a new beginning. Try to empty your mind as much as possible, Do sports and get under people. Go to restaurants, art exhibitions, the planetarium or scientific readings, open airs or what ever you and your friends dig. Do it alone if you have to and speak with random people doing it, be fucking weird if you can't socialize otherwise, Just don't sit at home. Go discover stuff.
Associate the growth of the odds against you as a challenge only to make you bolder in your mind. Despair arises from people too distracted by the vastness of the forest to focus on cutting down the first tree.
I believe you leafbro.
I like to take long hot baths and contemplate the complexity of life
hanging's still more effective
Everything fades away.
My armor is contempt. My shield is disgust. My sword is hatred.
Works fine, if you dont say it openly to other people.
wow man....
ive started losing hair i think?
bleeding here and there
so i cant get out of despair
i come to Sup Forums for bantz
i fap a lot
I like this. Doesn't make much sense but I like it. Have an upvote.
This user. I don't have escapism but I do have cicero
Its a solid philosophy, Imperial truth works.
Anger helps. Also time
you go to /fit/ and start lifting
no homo ofc
With unending hate. :3
Lots to hate. Easy.
Booze and video games
>grab pistol
>go into town
>leave only whites alive