What's an easy way to get fat girls to fuck you?

What's an easy way to get fat girls to fuck you?

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Just keep posting porn. I'm sure it will work out.

Just fuck her. She is desperate

Give them the food.

Dubs is always right

Being hot, successful, and well adjusted dose the trick everytime.

Dubs is always right

Be black and say "I want to be your baby's daddy"

actually like fat girls

Try being nice to them.

Show interest, that's literally all it takes with fatties.


Fat girls fuck great.

Sex with fat girls is fucking great though

why would you wanna fuck a fat girl?

They (usually) smell bad and are (usually) terrible at sex

Nigga, I like the titty okay? Don't judge me

Be friendly, ask lots of questions about them but have meaningful replies and elaborate yourself a bit. Be assertive/dominant and don't get sexual fast or send dick pics, wait for green light to ask more sexual stuff like when questions start getting deeper or bringing up relationships/dating.

I've fucked plenty of fat chicks and haven't once had a gross smelling one. As for your second point, it's clear you've never fucked a fat chick because they try a fuck of a lot harder than skinny broads. Best blow jobs you'll ever get and the pussy is great too.

I'm saying tho


I've fucked a few fat chicks (when I get drunk I lower my standards a lot) and what usually ends up happening is they just kinda lay there on their backs and I have to do all the work. They being on top is uncomfortable and I guess doggy is sometimes ok bc all you need to look at is their ass but sometimes theres just too much flesh for it to work

You must have one bad experience. LoL. I've been fucking fat girls for decades. Worst fat fuck I ever had was my cousin. God, she was a terrible lay. (100% Serious).

Well, that just goes to show that not all women know how to fuck.

be fit as fuck

This, seriously, just ask them

Fried chicken