My liver is failing, ask me anything

my liver is failing, ask me anything

Was it the booze?

i dont drink, it was to much fructose

Does it hurt

How much do you weigh?

120kg at 176 cm height

How's your liver?

100% fatty liver, stoped working due to fat overload

Fructose, or high fructose corn syrup?

What's your prognosis?

Did you get your ascites drained? What method was used? Cathether + small inscision with a collecting bag?

ffs user, long walks and vegetables, its not rocketsience

I was 179cm and 13 stone (80kg) 30% bf, my friends called me a fat cunt, my parents told me i looked disgusting and unmanly. At any point in your life has anyone told you what a grotesque beast you are? Why haven't you done something about it?

dont have ascites or other fluid retention yet but i take take thiazide

How in the fuck can you be 179 and 80 kilos / 30% body fat? I'm the same height and 10 kilos heavier, without the gut. I do lift, but still, what? How?

Becasue I was a skinny fat cunt yet now i'm 160lbs and i shoulder press 160lbs, bench 230lbs and average a 7 min mile over 16 miles so you're probably a low key fat cunt who thinks he's a big man

Let's see. I overhead press 187 lb (proper, fuck push pressing), bench 275, squat 330 (should do more, it's legit weak compared to other lifts), deadlift 430 lb. Am pudgy and vascularity is mostly on forearms, so yeah, low key fat cunt.

Where's your response, dyel-mayne? Your stats are shameful for a lifter. Just give out the running time and "I also lift x times a week", so the shameful dyel stats don't get out. No squats?

yeah my shoulder press and bench i do like 8-10x8. My squat is absolute shit, 220lbs and my dead lift is 480lbs. I trained from 15-19 then took 2 years off and turned into a fat beer bellied cunt, now i dont even try to improve my lifts, my workout goal is a breaking a 7 minute mile. But good for you nigger your lifts are better than mine, im not a h8r

they are the same thing at the end of the day you retarded nigger

No faggot i'm not a lifting bro i prefer cardio, i run, i play tennis and i box. The lifting brah lifestyle is such a beta retard meme life.

I really hope it's from cocaine and not booze because booze is a waste of a liver imo

That sucks; thats like none o the fn, but all of the consequences.

You gotta be more than 120 kgs! I'm exactly as tall as you, 114 kg, and no where near that preggo build you got going. Does your failing liver bloat you, or something?

prognosis? any chance to reduce this?

You don't seem to have icterus. How far are the transaminases?