Sup Forums help please. I need some serious opinions, my sister is 12 and she thinks she can do whatever she wants...

Sup Forums help please. I need some serious opinions, my sister is 12 and she thinks she can do whatever she wants, and it's pissing me off.

This all started when she got her own phone and started using snapchat and instagram etc. + puberty.

For example, whenever she wants to go out for a walk late at night or something like that and we say no, she ask why, and we tell her that it's because shes only 12, and she just goes "so?" again and again, and if we argue with her she will try to "run away from home" and say that we don't care about her or that we don't love her, and i'm like like are you serious, like you broke your phone you get a new one while im still using an iPhone 4, our family economy is shit and we always do things for her, i dont remember the last time my dad took us out for dinner. and she said we don't care/love her. bruh. She's crying in the bathroom now and being angry because we wouldn't give her money to go out and eat with her friends, its simply because we don't have the money for it.

So Sup Forums what do I do? imo she has bad friends and the internet is changing her.

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Rape her. Cum inside her. Make her your sex slave.

take her to the doctors, seriously.

confront her and tell her to stop being a little bitch. tiptoeing is just going to reinforce her behavior.

Me and my dad tried confronting her but every time she just gets like angry and saying we are annoying, at this point I just wanna block her phone from our wifi router just to get some attention from her.

Do it you pussy the username is admin & password is password. Do something before she comes home with Jamal.

It's a bluff.

Women learn to use emotional manipulation from young age because they know it's effective. Also, the only reason a kid would act out against their parents this way is because they're being overbearing and are probably controlling her too much, which isn't uncommon at all. If they don't learn how to step back and let her do her shit, it will only get exponentially worse.

My suggestion? Don't giving someone that age so much attention, and don't try to control their every move or they will turn on you because you are overstepping your role without realizing.

Talk to her, you are her big brother, you love her, tell her you worry about her and her future, even if she acts like she don't care, she does.

But don't punish her, but explain her that your family can not afford a higher type of life, and if she wants money she has to study and find a high paid job, but please user, she is in a difficult phase of her life, be kind but also firm, don't let her go out late, I bet you love her and she love you too. If you show her that you know how she feels, she will go in the right path.
I was the same awful teenager, I'm fine now, don't loose hope and protect her the best you can

Block's here Internet! Or give her only 1 - x hour's internet.

Can't go wrong with this plan

Break all her shit, hide your shit that she can break, and then just start going to town. You'll get chewed out by your parents, but thats about it.

Dude get her ass in line. She is literally a child. She does not get to make decisions. You need to tell your parents to get forceful and make her do what they say. Your parents are the only reason she has anything. If it were up to her to support herself, she would have nothing. Toughen the fuck up and stop letting her exploit you.

Take her fucking phone away and maker her build character by doing chores.

It worked for me when i was a kid!

Wow, yeah, just continue to spoil the ungrateful whore, that'll help. Girls and women today are completely fucking pathetic. Spoiled rotten, rude, no character, no discipline, no responsibility, no duty to the family or to others.

Disgusting. Women need to be abandoned in order to learn they are not special.

Yeah that's right, women are fucking whores, I bet your mom too, your aunts, sisters, and cousins. Fuck you stupid cunt. Women are not special, men are not special, you are a disguting pig behind a screen and as you are fat and gross no women want to approach you, keep your ve,om for you, OP do not need that kind of dull advice. I was a awful teenager, but my parents raised me well, I was just manipulated by someone, it took time but now I'm in the right path.

Don't be so salty user, because you are not special neither, you are nothing at all, like the rest of us, you come from a man and a woman, and you will need a woman to sprend your stupid descendants, don't be a fucking moron.

You really sound like a spoiled bitch.

The user was 100% right about what he said. Women are despicable pieces of shit who think they're the shit just because they have a fucking vagina.

You will say that to the next women you will see in the street, I hope you will get slap so hard that you will learn to be humble. Women are 50% of the world, deal with it, or I hope for you you are gay.

>my sister
Not your kid so why would you take on responsibility of raising her? Let her get raped, who cares

OP here, I'll talk to my dad about some key things you guys said, it's just its gonna be super hard since like she already kinda "built up" to the person she is now, she hangs out with the wrong people (imo) and it feels like it's a bit too late because shes gonna whine about how "we ruin her life".

Just during a time, she will be thankful when she will be an adult, a great adult thanks to your parents and you. Great job OP

You're just proving how irrational and spoiled women really are, even if you're a "guy". Learn how to take criticism, pal, or it could be you on the receiving end of those slaps you just mentioned.

Get help, mate.

op, its called puberty and completely normal

I'm not the one irrational my friends, read yourself, you are treating woman like shit who deserved to be, I don't even know, "educated" differently, becaus ethey have a vagina they are obviously wrong, rude, spiled rotten, without character, discipline and responsibility, I don't know where you live, but that must be a shitty country where the dogme of the religionn is way to important. Where I live, women are exactly as disgusting as men, and have the same duty and responsibilty, the one that are spoiled rotten are not responsible of that condition, their parents are. So please, you are like the pot calling the kettle black. You are the one that should get help

Eh, not really normal. When kids act up this way they're probably responding to overprotective parents.

Yeah, agreed, nun to be done by it, its a phaze is all

>women become emotionally manipulative early
This is very true. You just have to remind them of your authority with a show of force, such as blocking her from ur router as another user said. Get ur family to help u if u can't do that/need other ideas.

its not the parents, its the dynamic between men and women. its because of the way men act towards women and how they get taught to do it. men behave like desperate, pathetic, submissive bitches or like pedatory rapists towards women, they'd do anything to be allowed to see one breast. of course this makes women entitled but also afraid of men.

You are right on this point, it's easier to be a woman on a romantical/sexual point of view, but I'm afraid to hold on that fact that it's just a phaze, and that women are not manipulative monster, with no duty, responsability, honor or problems.

just let her do what she wants, with her behavior she is likely to get abducted and molested and murdered by some homeless pedophile.

Having a vagina isn't the reason they're wrong, rude, spoiled, immoral, lazy, and irresponsible, they all are those things because they know they can get away with being despicable human beings BECAUSE they know they have a vagina. It's not the vagina in and on itself that makes them horrible people, it's them knowing they have one.

Women have absolutely no obligation to be decent human beings, they only need to look good. Why else do you think so many ugly women out there are absolutely miserable? They're absolutely worthless without their appearance.

Confront her with your family.
Take her phone and piss on her face

This, give her the talk OP. She's 12, high time for her to give her the talk and make her grow up

why do you hate women so much? are you jealous because you wanna be lazy too? theres hormone replacement treatment, you can become a woman very easily nowadays.

Women are indeed shitty beings.

Are you serious ?

Like someone said earlier, it's just because men act like " desperate, pathetic, submissive bitches or like pedatory rapists towards women", and I repeat what i said earlier but, if you only know women like that, you are not looking at the right ones. And it's a bit hypocritic to say taht when you are only looking at the most beautiful ones, or the plastic ones, you are just wanting them for their body not their brain, and I think it's easier for them to live this way. You are maybe the problem here. You want a body, they give you a body. Put your expectations higher that a big butt and a round breast with a cute little face and you will be surprised user.

Beat her. A lot. It worked well for me.
I'm getting my degree next year and have never fucked a nigger. Daddy's proud.

Not the user. So basically we should fuck the ugly whales? Like you?


I resent that, not all of us are homeless, I own a trailer and minivan.

she's saying if you are an ugly whale u cant expect the pretty girls to react nicely to your autistic attempts to talk to them.

No, you fuck whoever you want, beautiful bitch, beautiful smart girl, ugly gross girl, ugly smart girl, have fun user, but, don't make your experiences the truth, because it's not.
Men are not all putrid rapid, or depressive shit, or wonderful athlete, as woman are not all stupid, lazy, manipulative, or beautiful housewife. Explore the world, you will see it differently.

Dubs checked. Also first post best post.

Can I fuck you?

I bet I'm not beautiful enough for you user, or enough stupid, or enough smart

i bet you're super cute

I can't object. Do this.

I smiled, thanks user

fake story
and ur gay

Its stupid to say that all men or all women do this or that... Thats just stupid... I know girls and womans wich are beautifull and they act normal, like normal human people... Its not easy to find them, but its possible.

Either you're underage b&, or you should be out of your parents house and not involved in the day-to-day parenting of your 12 year old sister. Get a job if you don't have one and be a positive role model for your sister so that she can learn to appreciate responsibility.

What makes you think I hate women?

You probably wouldn't assume I "hate men" if I said they're vain, obnoxious, loud, insecure, cowards, abusive, and stupid instead, would you?

That's what they were saying "Girls and women today are completely fucking pathetic. Spoiled rotten, rude, no character, no discipline, no responsibility, no duty", I'm just trying to defend my point, because that's harsh and stupid to but all the women in the same box.

And no it's pretty easy to find them, I know plenty of them.


Well then I guess you are girl. When you are a man, you go to electrotechnic highschool and university, its hard to met normal girls (If dont want to meet the bitches from clubs/parties wich are false as smile of prostitute... I know lot of normal guys who would take care about they girl as if she were princess. But they dont have one. And than i see girls with biggest bastardst... So its work both ways.

Is everyone ignoring the fact that OP has no room to criticize his sister for being "spoiled" when his parents are providing a roof over his head? He needs to contribute to household finances (i.e. paying rent), move out and get a place of his own, or get off this site for being under 18. Those are the only reasonable options unless he has a legitimate disability and cannot provide for himself.

You're right I'm a girl and I study foreign languages, in high-school I was stufying engineering, I was a shit in math, but all my guy friends, and some girls, are now in school where the population of women is really law, and that's a shame, I think we should encourage the woman to go in this kind of school, I remembered my parents saying taht i shoudn't study engineering because I wwas a girl, and that's a man field so I would be alone. We were 4 girls in my class, but that wad the best 3 years of my life.

I hope you and your friends will find cute and smart girl soon, you deserve it !

Well if he is in the school (He can be) so there is actually no point for moving out... Like if he is doing university or something like that. And yes he has room for critisizing that. If she is spoiled, then you must do something with it.

you said women are despicable, horrible and not decent human beings. clearly you were comparing them to men, or are you saying there are no decent human beings whatsoever? so dont try to defend your hatred for women with "oh i just hate all humans" because you clearly have a deep rooted hatred for women, either because you feel like women dont give you a chance because you're a pathetic loser, or because you wish you were one.

Whatever makes you sleep at night, user.

If he's 18 and still in high school, then he must have been held back a year considering it's summer right now and school already ended for the year. If he's in college, he should be out of the house and working a job too. Split the cost of rent with a roommate or 2 or 3 and it's easily doable even with a minimum wage job.

If he's at a 4 year University, he better have a scholarship. No point in going straight to a 4 year right out of high school otherwise, it's just a waste of money. Community college for 2 years at a feeder school for a university, then transfer.

I allready have a girl of my dreams :) But i was lucky af... Yeah you see. When you are in engenering class is hard to meet some girls.

Its nice to see that some girls are not afraid go to study engineering. Its a stupid to say to somean that he/she shouldnt do that, becaouse she/he is girl/boy and the thing is for other gender.

If we look to facts, first programators where womens. I wonder, what happend that now its so rare.

you know im right

I would say patriarchy but I'm afraid to be called a feminazi so, let's say it's a mystery

Well, thats interesting. Patriarchy is a myth. If we look at statistcs and around us, you will se, that womans have better and safer life than mans...

Truth is that is a mystery.

I thought the point of the patriarchy argument is that women had a 'safer' life at the cost of their freedom and opportunity compared to men.

I'm 18 right now and I study in what we call a "gymnasiet" in Sweden, gymnasium in English perhaps. What you're saying is that I can't criticize my sis because I'm still living at home with my parents? lol? There is almost no time for me to get a full time job and study 8 hours a day, to pay rent, water and food, especially when it's expensive as fuck in Sweden. For example you guys have 1-dollar-meals in McDonalds when in sweden is roughly 9 dollars per meal for fast food man. Are you willing to pay 9 dollars for a fast food meal lmfao. What you're saying is so fucking stupid, like my sis is crying about how her friends can go out to eat while she has to stay home. She talks to people that we don't know. We only know what she's doing if she have friends at home, if she goes out we don't know what shes doing, but nooooo im not allowed to judge because "i dont pay for rent" or because my parents are providing a roof over my head.

Because men have more physical job, and often they are more dangerous, they are doing the physical things at home because the women where thought weak. But in the recent studies, it's shown that this difference is lowering these years, and that's a great news

As always, FPBP

Well 'safer' it truly is. Man do most of the dangerous and disgusting jobs. Also army is made by man. War Graveards are full of ashes of fallen.

I dont know nothing about your "patriarchy" never seen it. But I saw other things.
Where dont have women freedom or what make you thnk that? And where they have less opportunity?

Beat her. Why is this so complicated. You know what my mom did besides play "the nearest object"? I hatee sitting still, so she made me get on my knees on a wall and keep my arms on them for 15 minutes. Jesus christ it can only be rivalled by how suicidal i am now.

I am an afRIC AnMERIC highley trained personnel

i can access those locked doors in the vehicle markets that are forbinden to most child and locking material ireal merium ireum

Programming is not, what i consider as "physical job"... And women are weaker than man. In physic way. Thats jist fact. (They have 30-50% more muscle mass than women, thats why.) Well, there is almost no differnec at all, where I live...

As someone who works at a community youth center and a school the best way is to be hard and honest with them. Tell her why she can not go out with her friends. Say that if she runs away she can forget about a new phone and follow trough. If she starts crying about "You do not love me exe" it is a completely normal reaction for a 12 year old girl.

Thats probably best option what I heard here. Dont be soft. Do it....

Then don't eat fast food. I made it by eating primarily beans and rice until I got a better paying job, and I was taking 16 college units that I had to pay for out-of-pocket (12 units is considered full time) and working 32 hours/week for $8/hr. Beans and rice are cheap. $10 can last you for like 3 weeks. Add a little extra money for some occasional variety to break up the monotony when you're able. And don't give me shit like "its more expensive here in Sweden" when that's offset by the fact that you aren't paying for your education.

I had to split the cost of a two bedroom apartment with 3 other people to make it affordable. You need to experience hard times financially to appreciate the responsibility of it. If you occasionally need help from your parents, that's ok, you just need to at least TRY. Build some fucking character and stop making excuses. Your little sister is subconsciously learning how to grow up primarily from you, and if you fuck this up, it's not only yourself that you're affecting.

Yes, my parents helped me out here and there when I was a little short on rent, but I paid them back as soon as I could. I'm not saying you need to abandon your family and that's it's not ok to ask for help if your parents are able to help. I'm not saying it's easy. Im saying that right now you obviously don't appreciate what your parents do for you, and then you turn around and criticize your sister for doing the exact same thing.

You dont have simblings dont you? This is not how it works...

I have 4 siblings.

As a woman, and not to be a whiny bitch okay? But for a summer job they asked me if I would be able to do it, because I am a woman they asked me if I would be able to clean cellars and trashcan, and I know they asked me that because of my sex, because on of my friend was not asked this question.

When i go buy some IT thing, the salesman is always leading my choice, even if I know exactly what i want, he will explain everything is stupid languages.

When I walk on the street I can be beeped.
Most of the old men of my university don't take me seriously if I come in their office with heels and skirt.
My IT teacher stares at my cleavage, a lot, too much to be decent.
To be honest, it do not seem like it matter, or it's important, but the accumulation of that is awful, I feel like I'm treated like a child, I'm afraid to come home late alone because of the person who could harass me, and it happens, often.

We have the same right in theory, but we still call our female politician "hysteric" because they defend abortion or that they do not defend a know abuser. that's where the difference is made.

I heard
That my niece 13 y taught the tits in facebbok
Show him a video of a recorded girl showing
And I stop doing it

this. people who hate on feminism have no fucking clue what its like to be a woman

Congrats that you made it through that life, but that isn't really how it works here, usually people live with their parents until university then we take loans and live of it and pay when as we grow up, and that's like 1 more year for me. Just because different countries have different life standards doesn't mean I'm "spoiled".

And in what way does my sister learn from me? because what I do is play video games, study and hang out with friends/girl friends, I don't see how is she subconsciously learning how to grow up from me. This has nothing to do with this argument we are having now but like she uses her phone when we eat dinner together, when me and my little bro ask her to put down the phone, she says no and call us annoying, if we ask again she takes her food to another place to eat. She in no way she learn that from me, all she did was just screenshotting other people's snaps and posting them back on her story, which btw she blocked me on her account because she doesn't want me to see what she does.

Maybe they try to be gentelmans? Its true that woman are presenting as weaker sex. This doesent have to be "patriarchy" this can be just a man who thinks you can do better things.

When I was helping in IT shop, salesman hepls everyone. Its their job. But you may be right that they care of you more. Its simple. Most woman dont have fukn clue about technologie and IT things. So its easier to help woman and tell her everithing as to casual, then wandering "Is she good with technology? Or not? How the fk i am suppose to know?"

Also, when you walk on the street, ore anywhere, people are more gentle to you (Hold the door or somehing.) Be glad, that its this way.

Most of the old men at universties are stuck 30 years ago when woman cannot wear skirts. You are right at this one. Old people are different, but you cannot look only at them.

Starring to cleavage... Well, breast are second genitals so to force men to look there. If its to much then he is an asshole, but as i said before... Not all man...

If you are afraid go home alone, then protect yourself. Everyone can be harased as man as women.
Once when i came out of party i was assaluted by a gypsy. Becouse he hated white people. (He called me White scum) and what? YOu can be harrased, others can be assaluted this is not only thing wich happand only to woman. (On the other hand this happand to me only once. But who would try to assalut someone with chains, black coat and knife?)

Protect yourself, takce fkin responsiblity for yourself.

You are right we have same rights in theory. But what about child custody, When there is court over a child, woman wins 90% becouse what? Matriarchy? Even if man is more suiteble for taking care of child (has better job, more of free time) than woman wins it.
Or what about that womens are more accepted at gender neutral works?

Do you see my point? Its not patriarchy. Its world is not fair...

I'm not saying she's learning the mannerisms from you, she's learning how to think about personal responsibility. She's learning what growing up and being an adult means. You don't magically suddenly know how to provide for yourself instantly, it takes practice.

Also, you take loans to move out? That sounds like a terrible idea. I get that it's a different country, but you're hurting yourself with this naïve view you have of the world. Stop thinking about what people 'usually' do, and start thinking about how to do anything on your own. It will help you immensely and believe me, you'd thank me later for this advice.

>like you broke your phone you get a new one while im still using an iPhone 4
You spoiled her, she is a lost cause.
Now enjoy your awful daughter.

Well feminism... What do you mean by feminism? Cringy feminist who want kill menst to 20% and then keep them in zoo like pets? Or that feminist who inteupt and demostrayted against male right movment? Where they discused male suicide rate?

Dou you mean this kind of SJW and feminist?

(First scene is enough.)

Step 1. Type this in your address bar ""
Step 2. Login (usually admin/admin, but if it's not that just google your router model "default login information")
Step 3. Fuck around with the settings until you find the WiFi password setting.
Step 4. Click Done or Apply

It worked on you?
Wow, you were such a pussy.

In setings find her MAC address and just block her. Or block wifi at some time. Or just forbide some pages.

This thread is shit.
Obviously you need to lock her in a basement with only 2 gallons of hard water and a piss bucket for 2 weeks.
Then see if she bitches ever again.

Spank her.

He can't in america, the little girl will claim she was abused and can fine them and request to be tutored, if she googles it or asks in forums or in chats.
The law is fucking retarded.

says the pedophile who wants to fondle little girls without them complaining.

What the hell are you talking about? is a parent a pedophile for spanking his kids when they behave wrong like the stupid spoiled brat that OP's sister is?
Kill yourself.

>Own a trailer and a minivan
But when will you be adding a basement to the trailer so that your "guests" can stay for a few days ?

Every kid does that at that age. Especially girls. Nothing can be done. Let her Learn

wwhat the fuck fag this is Sup Forums not complain about my little sister board

wtf fuck off to tumblr with this shit fag

no i mean people who want equal rights and treatment for men and women you fucktard piece of shit retard. you are only looking at and reading things that support your dumb opinion that feminism is evil and woman are entitled and mean. how about you try to read and comprehend the arguments that i and other people have made in this thread about how idiotic you are being.

How old are you where a spanking is acceptable punishment for any kid much less a 12yo? Stop denying your pedophilic fetish fantasies of spanking a young girl you fucking pervert.

See? Now we are at offensive line? Why? Why always feminist does that? Interesting question indeed.

I know about women issues, but its not that horibble as lot of feminist says.

So tell me. What would you do to make equal rights for man and woman?

And yes, a read it all. Its interesting discusion... But as i see, common feminist can do a dabate without insults, so...
Am i really "fucktard" or you are just mean being? ;)

I really wish I was fucking dead and you were just trolling.