ITT: shitty albums that RYM tricked you into listening
ITT: shitty albums that RYM tricked you into listening
Brazilian classic
kys, tastelet
77 Live
>it's a "classic" so it must be good
kys conformist scum
caetano aint got SHIT on chico buarque
no, it's a classic because it sounds like a classic
>it sounds like a classic
what did he mean by this
it's high quality, you dense fuck.
If reddit had a house band it would either be Pink Floyd or King Crimson.
>it's high quality
that's a bit vague. could you please provide me with a detailed analysis of what you meant by that?
The quality of the songs are very strong.
powerful analysis...
He was always my least favorite MPB,if you're actually brazilian you would know about how pretentious that guy is but nobody hates him because he speaks funny.
Kind of like a Tommy Wiseau but with talent.
You first OP
try his debut album
woah... so this is the power of rym critics...
this but unironically
The problem is you're focusing on the things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I had hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they ...are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you could use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have given you now. Good luck.
run-o-the-mill bossa
His golden period is 1968 - 1970
Not to say Transa isn't godly, because it is. OP's just being a contrarian faget
>the album that pioneered an entire musical movement
>run-o-the-mill bossa
come on now
How did Domingo pioneer shit? Are you undr the impression that Caetano Veloso I was his first album?
I meant his debut solo album, sorry about that
>Transa isn't godly
most of its songs consist of 3-4 chords repeated ad infinitum
listening to it right after Construcao was really disappointing...
check 'em
I did my time on reddit. Their house bands are Queen, The Beatles or Roger Waters' Pink Floyd. Everyone seems to enjoy ITCOTCK
What does it mean?
ive never seen king crimson posted or talked about on reddit ever
get the fuck out of my face dude, Transa is dope. such a beautiful and fun mixture of older Brazilian styles, psych, and krautrock. Triste Bahia is one of my favorite tracks ever
holy shit
this guy knows what's up
holy shit indeed
holy SHIT
>most of its songs consist of 3-4 chords repeated ad infinitum
>this is obviously a bad thing BECAUSE
Triste Bahia is outright capoeira music though
how is that a bad thing
Where did I say it was
you implied it was
I didn't. You chose to see it that way.
OK Computer. Best album of all time? No thanks.
it makes for a boring listen and is basic as fuck
esp. when compared to Chico's more complex chord progressions
If a non-living thing like website "tricked" you into doing something, that says a LOT more about you than the album, dude. How embarassing.
you objectively did and denying it will only make you look retarded
Not everything has to be complex chord progressions and minimalist and repetitive music can be good.
Stop trying to pass off your wanky opinions as legitimate music critique
>you objectively did
Point out where I did and explain how
What about Gorillaz?
ITCOTCK and OK Computer are redditcore, not rymcore
Sure thing.
>Point out where I did and explain how
>Triste Bahia is outright capoeira music though
You typed this in response to someone saying Triste Bahia is good. Since the word "though" indicates restriction, your post clearly states that the song being "capoeira music" is a bad thing.
You objectively did and you're retarded for denying it.
>You typed this in response to someone saying Triste Bahia is good.
No. I pointed it out because you listed a very specific set of influences and found it odd that you chose your favourite song as the only one in the album not showcasing any of those influenced. It felt like a non-sequitur to me, so I pointed out what that song's influence was. You're being insecure and thin-skinned.
>Since the word "though" indicates restriction
Maybe in your strange world where words mean whatever you want then to mean
>your post clearly states that the song being "capoeira music" is a bad thing.
Again, there's no trace of critique towards capoeira music in any of my post, so "clearly" is beyond a stretch
>You objectively did
You've been proven wrong twice now
>and you're retarded for denying it.
You're embarrassing.
suck my dick you fucking retard
oh wow I didn't even notice the guy mentioned genres. I'm retarded
>Maybe in your strange world where words mean whatever you want then to mean
the word "though" indicates restriction and denying that just for the sake of telling me I'm wrong is retarded
tasteless loser
>the word "though" indicates restriction and denying that just for the sake of telling me I'm wrong is retarded
My point is that "restriction" was used wrong in that post that implied that me using "though" meant "therefore it's shit", somehow.
holy sheet indeed
has there been a better commercial involving a rapper?
op I am brazilian and you are actually right
this is one the weakest caetano albums
listen to caetano veloso - 1969
I seriously do not understand the appeal, much less how anyone could consider it a "life-affirming" classic like people do on RYM. Is it because they're Japanese?
fucking nice
same. all their other work is just plain boring or bad. Long Season is okay but it's nothing special really. RYM pushes the hell out of it to seem diverse.
>Is it because they're Japanese?