Sup Forums how do i rise my child so it doesnt become some degenerate SJW or feminist??

Sup Forums how do i rise my child so it doesnt become some degenerate SJW or feminist??

Take him weekly to the church and tell it is bad

Remind them its all a form of brainwashing to create a society of cucks

Teach them the value of honor, integrity, responsibility and hard work.

Hahaha in mosque kek

Take him out daily once he's around 13 to beat shitskins.

You know your self that there are Croats and Serbs also in this shithole

They're a very small minority.


Aaa, фoшиcты!

You know literally nothing of the Balkans other than "le based kebab remover Serbia" retarded American.

No they are not,Croats make up 16% and Serbs about 38%
Guess which am i

Don't make them hate you. Keep in mind, most libshits have mommy and/or daddy issues.

Ur da real Ante Pabelić lover/follower

Lead by example.

What role does Hitler have in my childs education? Should i say he was guud ghayy

Nope,i am Serb-Croatian mix up,so i combined Za dom i Kraljevstvo spremni,i think i will get killed because of this

Hahaha not if you live in Banja Luka just keep saying ZA DOM SPREMNI!!! And u good


Yea ofcourse,no one will kill me

Nooo m8

Excellent meme my friend, haven't heard that one before.

molest them

No way would someone kill me in Banja Luka if i yell out Za Dom Spremni,it is imposible

Thank you.

teach him to suck dick and pretend on Sup Forums how you are different than sweden.

Ikr ;)

But we are going offtopic,just take him to the church weekly,at the age of 14 introduce him to politics and make him a right-winger,and disciplin him,if he gets a bad grade no going out for a week,and dont let him to use the computer too much nor watch the TV a lot those things make kids dumb,and let him listen to old school stuff,like Guns 'n Roses

Don't allow them access to the internet or television.

Oh yea m8 gnr worked for me danced with mr brownstone climbed to stairway to heaven became rocker n all that good stuff gnr, Led zepp and ex yu bands can offer kek

You can't. It's a crap shoot.

Todays music will make him an untermensch,i would prefer this,ofc there is WW2 and Yugo wars music

Ex yu music well entire rock n roll in general rulles

Yea true that,i like both including metal and punk

T H I S!
