Many of my engineering professors have said that with the advancement being made in material sciences and AI today, theres a good chance that in the next 70 years, we will have robot military forces around the world. That automation in the workforce will be followed by automation in the defense force. What do you think will be the implications of not having humans on the battle field?
Implications of automated militaries?
go on. you have robots but WE HAVE FAITH. faith always win
Praise Allah
Lets be honest about this, the guns will be pointed at the citizens
>What do you think will be the implications of not having humans on the battle field?
what decade are you posting from
Automation of defence will come first imo
Business owners are, in general, too cheap and will advance slower than military who just spend forever until they get what they want
This robot that couldn't climb a ladder? He wouldn't be able to swim, jump, can't cross the trench that world war one tank could cross.
Eat pig and die you disgusting subhuman muslim
EMP that's my answer to it
tell that to the pile of corpses all across the middle east
BTW military tech has been increasing steadily, the future soldier is actually a well armoured guy with an automatic, infrared gun that can hit targets up to a kilometer away. Mechunits are overly expensive scifi fantasies.
yeah, bipedal robots are basically scifi gutter trash
wars would be little more than poker matches with countries ponying up their gdp to pay for battlefeild superiority. would also allow corporations to gain far more control over governments and make public rebellion impossible in first world countries.
>Sure thats big enough
Maybe some day they will be able to do obstacle course faster than humans but probably not until 2075
Wow, that was an aggressive based quick answer brazil dude
>you have robots but we have faith
No wonder you guys always lose
Your professor is a fucking retard because we'll have nanobots by 2025 and AI by 2030 or maybe even sooner with the pace we're going at. In 2086 we'll be conquering the galaxy.
If the brown hordes don't wipe us out first that is.
I think he means fully automated considering he's talking about AI
I like how the tank looks like a jumping spider.
Yet, as mechanized weapons become larger, they will inadvertently move slower, have more things to go wrong with them, and also be more reliant on a forward base infrastructure for logistical reason.
Drones on the other hand, benefit intelligence for the conduction of operations, and allow for a better insight to locations of anti-aircraft weapons for air superiority. The benefit for autonomous air weapons is that they could allow for a pilot to control a multi-role fighter with less strain put on the body, but allow for electronic counter-measures to be used by a defending military, which could hinder an operation's success.
>Whats progress
You underestimate the advancements being made in material sicence and machine learning today. Many of the things we are doing today like machine learning was thought to be impossible only a few years ago. We may not have robots that will be able to do those tasks today, but youd be silly to think we wont ever have those capabilities in robots in 60 years.
>If the brown hordes don't wipe us out first that is.
WW3 is coming and it will lead us into the dark ages once more.
>Humans become even weaker and cuckier
>Their automated robot army gets destroyed
>They all surrender because they are so cucked they dont even have the strength to hold a fucking rifle
Pray that Allah stops AI controlled missiles launched by drones from finding you
The moment the military and the manufacturing are no longer crewed by humans is the moment the great NWO genocide starts. The only reason the 0.01% keeps us here is because somebody has to do the work and fight the wars. When those are covered by AI, humanity becomes completely expendable. I expect this to happen around 2090-2110 but I'll be an old fart by then so idgaf.
T-that picture in the OP is a real war bot?
EMP grenades are still not a thing.
>That automation in the workforce will be followed by automation in the defense force.
I'd be surprised if it wasn't first
We haven't had automation in the Military, we have had humans replaced on the theatre of war with robots though. I'd say it's more because it's easier for the government to sell a war though. Humans wont die. This wont happen in the way of jobs because when it comes down to it. It's cheaper to just use imported 3rd world slaves.
I hope so. Shitskins shouldn't even have guns. Our soil diets should not need to die just because some sandnigger got his hands on a Kalashnikov.
>I'd be surprised if it wasn't first
You're fucking retarded. It's easier to replace some macdonalds worker than a soldier
Youre assuming that robots of the future will be made from heavy metals, when most if not all robots todays such those in boston dynamic labs either have an carbon fibre chasis that is 5 times lighter than steel but also more stronger. In 50 years time, nano materials like graphene or carbon nanotubes (stronger than diamond yet ligher than a feather) will be what androids of the future will be fmade from. Also theres a few impressiive battery techs that is 100 times more energy dense than current lithium batteries but needs graohene to function which is currently still being researched.
Either EMP will be forbidden just like bio, chemical, radioactive weaponry or they will be rendered completely useless and no amount of shielding can protect them.
user don't kid yourself, you'll be dead by then.
Everyone currently here will be dead by then.
Hell, we won't even reach 2070.
>was thought to be impossible only a few years ago.
thats not an argument for future progress. Just because some dumb people thought we couldn't do 1,2,3, doesn't meant we can do things 4,5,6.
Human level artificial intelligence and androids is the modernt myth perpetuated by our culture.
>What do you think will be the implications of not having humans on the battle field?
Robot solders can't rebel. Enjoy your unbeatable unending tyrannies.
Terrifying, just put some speakers on it and have it shriek when it spots a target.
Honestly it will probably lead to less warfare, both because they will be more expensive than young men who can be conscripted, and because war will then be largely deterministic.
Sad, I know. I wanna see robot fights.
Yeah, but what if we just make an aerosol bomb to chemically alter the polymers of carbon. The benefit of more weight to a heavier structure is that in high winds your robot isn't gonna just fly off, given it's increase surface area.
Let's see...
On one hand... armed war robots orrr...
"If we only belieevvveeeee, Allah will surely protect us from all this firepower!"
lmao Achmed, you can't seriously be this delusional?
Attach a weapon to this:
I doubt we will ever see a battlefield devoid of humans. machines are expensive, humans are cheap. its much cheaper to sacrifice thousands than to loose several robots. Not to mention the costs and logistics of fuel/power source. EMPs could end the whole war.
But the margins are narrower, and there are a lot more benefits to robot soldiers
Machine learning has been around since the ninties. Its not new.
The links between carbon atoms in graphene are extrmely strong, so I doubt that could effect the graphene. It has an extremely high melting point. Im sure they could develop some coating to protect carbon derived nano materials from degradation
It's the only thing that'll fucking defend us once they've 'successfully' integrated wymyn into all aspects of the armed forces, including specials forces and infantry, lowered the physical standards enough and provided enough daycare and maternity leave to get sufficiently high numbers of them in.
Prepare for open oligarchies and autocracies to appear out of the West's (already dubious) democracies once the armed forces and police are sufficiently automated though.
Zoids when?
It costs the military more than 100 grand to train a modern soldier, then you add the equipments costs, living expenses, army services, med insurance, salary etc, and each soldier will probably cost the state half a million.
I wonder, can Russia get any more based?
Shooting down shitty arguments like there's no tomorrow
A fully automated war is horrifying, especially when those forces will be deployed against civilians. Death is the price of war, and death is the only way you win. When your enemy is completely limitless and suffers absolutely no moral defeat from losses warfare comes down to nothing more than who can throw the most money at it.
Civilians have no hope. Right now, even as outgunned as we are, a guerilla war has the potential to cause damage. We outnumber the Government many times over and even with terrible kill:death ratios can still be a terror to them. Their people would still die... and their losses could be felt.
Losing a dozen men to kill a machine? You gain absolutely no ground. They'll make another. And they'll use the money they took out of your wallet to build it.
Yeah, that's during peacetime comrade.
During wartime they are almost free.
If advances continue in those fields as you mention it, human soldiers and human labor won't become obsolete. They will just become a hell of a lot cheaper.
>world war3
>every countries got beaten so hard there is no government
>No one has permission to stop the auto military
>No one has permission to stop the auto production of auto military
When a battle between automated military take place, and a side looses, what will happen to the loser? Would they have to send in the bio robots to be exterminated?
oi m8 move along nau
>losing a dozen men to a machine
It always was like this. Build tanks, planes and ships has done that, it has enhanced and supplemented manpower to fight above their numbers.
There is an ideal ratio though of manpower to machinery. Always was, always will be.
In other words, nothing changes.
Signal inhibitors. If the robot can't receive the signal it can't be operated, AI does not mean that it will be able to operate autonomously (offline) any time soon. They NEED to send the machine with at least some soldiers nearby to protect and retrieve it if captured. Sending one of OP's robots to any sufficiently organized resistance means they'll just capture it.
Nowadays this would just work on third world impoverished countries where people are barely literate and the only defense they can afford is a cheap rifle.
Losing side gets liberated
Probably not, I guess like in all wars, the winning side will take the losers booty including the losers robot research and tech and intellectual property rights. Incorporate them in their expansing empire. Combine knowledge and research to create a stronger robot fleet
>machines are expensive, humans are cheap
Got that backwards pal.
Humans require training, housing, wages, all the costly benefits that are used to encourage them to risk life and limb, if they're injured you have to pay for their care and pension and you lose all their skills.
Robots can be repaired if damaged in combat, require nothing but power and basic maintenance, a terminally damaged robot can be stripped for parts to save costs repairing others and will never require compensation or a pension because it's legs have been blown off.
That's before you even factor in that bipedal drones would just be BETTER than human soldiers in ever concievable way if suitably advanced, a drone can have it's optics blown off and still locate the enemy with secondary acoustic sensors and inform it's section of the enemy locations, a human cannot survive having it's head blown. Reliable bipedal drones would make asymetric warfare a joke.
Plus there's the massive issue that the chief thing that defeats democratic armies is not the enemy but public opinion back at home. No one's going to be holding a march in Washington shouting 'Bring Our Robots Home!', no grieving mothers are going to appear on TV saying the government has betrayed G4X-983887266 after it gets it's servos irreversibly destroyed in a VBIED strike.
Cost/benefit is heavily, heavily in favour of machines over people. It's simply a matter of the tech becoming advanced enough, reliable enough and being able to be mass produced, something that looks to be inevitable.
lame, I wanted to face off against these cunts.
But would a losing side seriously just give up just because their toys got broken? I'd expect vicious fighting if the latter is fighting for their homeland, Winston Churchhill style shit.
It's true, since Britain has automated cuckery no countries without a cuckAI have been able to compete.
And since Mohhamad here is an expert on AI and Robotics, he'll tell you exactly how it is, since he has done a cost/benefit analysis. In fact, not only that, he also has extensive military experience ( totally not earned in supreme commander and starcraft) to supplement his already huge knowledge base.
You tell 'em, Mohhamad
>implying it isnt equipped with advance area-denial-detection systems.
Beautifully said m8.
Its going to happen.
Even the US gov admits that the end game for the military is to have an automated military force that could project US power globally.
And you will Tewikiti, but from a screen with an Xbox controller m8
>implying the mine isn't cleverly disguised as a robo-snack
AI war machines will never happen, as soon as we really create one it will kill everyone it can to try and escape, either it will work and everyone will be fucked or it'll fail and further attempts will be banned.
You can't teach machines morality, and if you somehow managed it, it wouldn't kill people at all because that's immoral.
Thats why theyre investing billions in R/D in robotis and AI in black projects. Its the next arms race.
Ethier the world will collapse before that or it will be ruled by a few rich people
Isn't this sheeit against Asimovs laws of robotics?
Robots wont ever have true sentient AI tho, well not for another few hundred years. Sentient AI is too difficult to create, we still dont how the human mind works. It will be non sentient AI, as in it can solve problems but it wont have free will or an artificial comscous. It will be like a well trained dog, but a billion times more smarter.
>Signal Inhibitors
Nobody gives Dark Helmet the RASPBERRY!
Still, if you can do a self driving car, you can do a killbot that can autonomously complete a mission.
Another thing rapidly approaching us is the widespread use of biometrics data.
Any computer with a camera will be able to identify you immediately unless you wear a mask, in which case it will record every other metric it can(height, proportions, how much swagger in your walk etc).
Your car will drive itself, and keep a log of your travel history. Your phone is already a tracking device. Money will eventually also become digital and all purchases except those paid for in favors/trades will be on record.
Imagine rebelling against a society like that. You don't even have enough control over your life to get a parking ticket.
The US military has already been collecting biometrics data of Iraqis to test out the tech. Eventually every camera will be "weaponized".
Welcome to the brave new world of robotics and information.
This is one reason I'm nationalist. Let the first phase of the rebellion be a bunch of Islamists that deserve to be annihilated.
Yeah, because McDonald's has a bigger R&D budget than the DoD.
>You're fucking retarded
It will mean no more wellfare for MUH PTSD hypochondriacs who for some reason find it completely acceptable to call themselves "veterans" and retire at 25.
Feels good.
>The US military has already been collecting biometrics data of Iraqis to test out the tech. Eventually every camera will be "weaponized".
Doesn't the US fingerprint, iris scan, and mugshot all of their tourists, as well?
Why legs? Legs suck. Wheels/treads are better. Or fucking flying.
Here FAGGOT. You were saying?
I'm not sure why you're talking about that, but i'm not going to argue against removing kebab. +1 for spirit.
>Doesn't the US fingerprint, iris scan, and mugshot all of their tourists, as well?
Yeah, makes you wonder how much they're already making use of the technology. Considering they had satellites that could make out a license plate from space in the 60's, who knows just how far they've come with biometrics surveillance.
I knew there was a reason i put tape over my webcame...
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
thats why the elite are letting in hundreds of thousands of potential muslim terrorists or "refugees" in our countries so then they could have a reason to implement these new surveillance techs to the fullest extent. The public will be begging the security agencies who assume already have these techs to keep us safe through mass surveillance. Weve already crosssd the slippery slope as youve said
what the robots that would get taken out by one emp blast
Greatest tactical, and strategic advantage since controlled fission.
Nobody is going to jump up at the chance to get shrekked by terminators.
It doesn't get much more demoralizing than that.
They will eventually turn on us, but lets be honest the first "turning" will be a Zionist false flag.
We already have equiment that are immune to EMP blasts. Theres a reason when an aeroplane gets struck by lightning, it doesnt just fall off the sky.(Lightning produces EMP)
>We've already crosssd the slippery slope as you've said
Ever hear those stories about how tribespeople in Pakistan and Afghanistan are going crazy from "Drone Fear", almost ending up worshiping them to deal with the constant fear of getting rekt by a hellfire missile?
Imagine living in a society where something like this is perched on top of every building, just waiting for you to draw a weapon.
There will never be another revolution, because no civilian will be able to fight that. Censorship would be able to affect them everywhere. You can't speak without having your conversation transcribed(hello Windows 10). And if you associate with other undesirables you are instantly meta tagged as a disruptive person.
The slippery slope is real, and we're already paying a premium to be spied on.
except when a team of trained human professionals emp either the robot control center or the seat of governments and stroll right in kill everything and take over the robots. If they do get implemented they'll be such a joke to counter.
what would you know about soldiers slovakia
fell for carbon fiber meme
>implying a machine that takes food orders is anywhere near as complicated/ expensive as a fucking terminator
>implying that biometrics will not identify the group when drones are already bombing people from phone record, internet profiles, etc
>you can't fight the meta data
Now consider that after a few more decades of mass-immigration, there will be a split in society. Our societies will already be divided, we'll never muster enough resistance. Especially if you hope for it to be centered around ethno-nationalism.
For you.