Why do white people keep dying from heroin overdoses?

Why do white people keep dying from heroin overdoses?

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they are stuck in their life and it is shit compared to the needle

life sucks

especially in southern states where these people keep dying

OP corpse thread? they're some of my favorite they always die funny

they dont want to live in a country that keeps importing non whites and telling the whites they have to like it

because if they were any other color no one would notice

coz they want to be more like niggers

they are weak, we niggas can take like 500 grams per second

Because they took heroin

She let out a fat load

Post More Plz

Cause they can afford more heroin than blacks.

Why do nignogs keep dying from
-prison fights
-other niggers

Because they're only humaan , afterall!
They're only human , afterall!
Don't put the blame on theem

no need to race bait

Mickael Jackson was a black guy, he died of drugs overdose.

not until he was white

Kek, actually true

FL here, it really is that bad. The poor people are stupid, the rich people are smug, and any people worth spending time with have already found a way to get the fuck out of the south.

Because they do too much heroin

Coping mechanisim to deal with all the niggers we encounter daily


He was literally given a lethal injection by his "caregiver", who unsurprisingly was hired by the entertainment company AEG ran by none other than a jew who was literally considered the greediest corporate executive in america.

MJ named the jew. So the kikes off'd him.

Because the (((pharma companies))) are manipulating doctors to prescribe opiates, which little brainlets are getting addicted to. The worst of the brainlets turn to H.

>heroin overdoses?
because it's not heroin


I believe it's mainly because of Oxy and perc dependancy, and once the supply runs out dealers push heroin. Then us genius whiteys keep chasing the feeling of being right in the pocket.

"Right in the pocket bud"
-Jim Lahey, Sunnyvale trailer park supevisor

How recent is this picture?

>get injury
>given copious amounts of opiates by doctor
>doctor cuts you off
>pain management turns to addiction
>H is cheaper than street pills

Its a really bad cycle, living in a small town you see it happen in real time.
Yeah some people just like getting fucked up and create their own addiction, but a lot of times its just an innocent injury or other affliction that got the pills in their hands in the first place.

Why do niggers keep dying from lead overdoses

Does it matter?

>Why do white people keep dying from heroin overdoses?
Because niggers can't afford it.

Niggers aren't human

Because Niggers

The pressure of oppressing minorities is too much for some whites. They cope by abusing narcotics.

Good riddance. Why do we revive them?

She doesn't look dead to me, considering her coloring and airway.

>inb4 she shit herself
Heroin causes severe constipation, and when it leaves the system it causes severe bowel movements. Watch Trainspotting.

The dealers are cutting it with fentanyl and rat poison

agreed she doesnt look dead. also why is there a belt around her arm and the usual place to inject is covered by her shirt.

staged. at least maybe the shit is real though.

I can vouch for you there. My old man's a firefighter and he said Manatee county has the worst heroin overdoses right now.

>any people worth spending time with have already found a way to get the fuck out of the south.

we agree on this part. Can't wait until Miami is underwater lol.

Jim "I am the liquor" Lahey

Well for one thing, it's fucking easy. One huff of narcan can send comotose heroin OD patients right back on their feet, sometimes literally.
It's readily availible to the public now too, so addicts will actually shoot up to the point of overdosing, get their their "partners" to revive them and then shoot up some more.

We can at least take solace in the fact that niggers kill each other to get it to us

She's not dead, lips are still red.

>I've seen ODs first hand

>I believe it's mainly because of Oxy and perc dependancy, and once the supply runs out dealers push heroin.

That isn't how it works. Dealers aren't 1 unit, and usually specialize. So I start out taking some percs for my wisdom teeth. feels fun. different. awesome.

I'm 21.

>realize I like pills. They are fun
>when I come across them, I take them. maybe even buy a few at parties
>hang out with people who do lots of "soft" drugs. maybe a line of coke sometimes. We all make decent money after college. Mostly smoke weed, drink on weekends, take pills when they show up.
>Get good connection - start taking pills pretty often. end up using more than I'd planned

(if you know someone who took pills medically and got addicted, this is where their story starts )

>Start to realize I sort of need to have them. Try to quit, but keep rationalizing it. Get some from doctor, but eventually am cut off that route.

>Need to keep taking them at this point. perhaps the person you know has chronic pain, an accident, whatever. I was massively depressed, and it was the only thing that ever made me feel better.

>addicted at this point but don't realize it. just know I feel good when I have them, bad when I don't

>Maybe I make a dealer connection , maybe I lose it. Maybe I'm a Dad who doesn't have "dealer" connects

>someday, someone tells you they don't have pills, but they have opium you can smoke. wtfnot.jpg

>or maybe some morphine, or whatever...

>you realize oh hey this is what I needed. AND it is cheaper, easier to get. game on.

That is how you become a heroin addict. It is just a different flavor of opiate addict.

they probably just got her breathing again

you could be right, she might still be alive, but it's deff a police photo, they might of staged it alittle bit for propaganda purposes but she was a real ODer.

she look passed out drunk and they put a belt around her arm

why she shooting up half naked?

there are more pictures of her online, they fucked around with her body after she passed out

dont question druggies.

Sure, police could've arrived before EMS.
The one concerning thing is the amount of time that it would take for the bowel relaxing to occur. As far as I know, it's not generally something that occurs immediately before or during an overdose, and heroin ODs will take breathing right out of the equation. They might need to find one of her few good veins to deliver that Narcan.

thanks. that makes way more fucking sense.

Potency issues. Inconsistent strength of supply. Who really gives a fuck.

increasing tolerance > OD level = l8rm8

We wuz kangs

Not enough dick to suck

because, your niggis dont know how to cut the shit, and they sell them whitis niggas shit so pure, and they got overdoses, and your niggi nigga lost a fuckin client,

Ya know, you say this. And although I do agree whitey needs to be thinned out a bit (in the US at least), White people have resources and I've seen a spike in OD's, but less OD/H/Fent related deaths around me. Plus all the EMTs in my town just started complaining about how they now HAVE to carry narcan, and it makes what would be slow nights tedious because they have to resuscitate junkies.

White people write petitions and contribute to their community through paying taxes/donating shit. Nigs can't even spell, let alone pronounce 'Heroin' correctly. What do you expect? All the hardcore or +5 years on the needle dopers I know are black. And most if not ALL the dudes I see that are hardcore on it have knows 10+ people apiece that have died from ODs.

>Your meme is so right it's wrong
>keep shootin' whitey, you'll get there

the same reason niggers keep using crack

You're avoiding refuting the point. This is a white reflex, to immediately turn attention to blacks and use racial slurs.

Which jew?

I mean, I did. I mentioned blacks, but gave it with a white perspective. What do you have to say about that?

So you fell into an opiate addiction?

Have you recovered or are you still using

im brown you retarded nigger

Why do white people keep dying from bullets smh

why do white people keep dying smh

>mfw I'm the best heroine user
>mfw I'm so fucking good girls can become my slaves if I want
>mfw I'm constipated
>mfw I dont care about women now
>mfw I realize I'm alone even though I'm surrounded by people
>mfw I realize I realized to late

thats what you get for being a fucking normie

Because it feels fucking good to shoot up opiates

In the grand scheme of things, no. But I'm not sure if I know who that is, so if OP happened to have an approximation age of the pic, that would confirm our deny my suspicion.

>mfw you get eaten by your cat after dying alone of AIDS

>Why do white people keep dying from heroin overdoses?

because they can

that's a pretty good shit for a heroin addict

>Movantik, ask your doctor

cause they keep shootin dope

I watched my ex wife's father deteriorate from heroin usage. He was in and out of jail. And always went straight back to that shit.
They ended up finding his body buried in a snowbank. Fucking heroin is bad.

Why do blacks keep shooting eachother?

Niggers are going to nig, its genetic. Heroin can be stopped by removing it from society.


for this kind of shit: youtu.be/1eCtOsbblBc

Seems like we could remove whites from society.

White boi can't compete

He might have been born a black guy, but by the time he died he had become a white woman.



Shlomo Propofolski

facts lips go blue fast when someone's OD'd

using too much heroin probably.

Because niggers keep cutting heroion with poison.

To balance out against the black people dying from crack.

Crack was made and distributed to cull the worst of the blacks, and now heroin is being distributed to cull the worst of the whites.

Because white people are degenerate???