>The photos have pulled men of 22 – and yes, I could almost be their grandmother – up to 63. My timelines are packed with splendid males, creatures so beautiful that I gasp
HAHAHAHAH Sup Forums and /r9k/ BTFO!!!!!
>The photos have pulled men of 22 – and yes, I could almost be their grandmother – up to 63. My timelines are packed with splendid males, creatures so beautiful that I gasp
HAHAHAHAH Sup Forums and /r9k/ BTFO!!!!!
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Mate this might shock you but all old ladies are whores.
They'll suck your cock if you smile at them.
But never take their phone calls after, old bitches are crazy as fuck.
Every single time I see this image I fap
pay denbts btw
Yeah I already know that. This thread is targeted to the various pathetic virgins from /r9k/ that say that women over 30 lose their sexual value or something like that
I'm nice to old people all the time and I'm still KV
They're called cougars for a reason. If any young male isn't getting $$ or gifts before having sex with them then they're being taken advantage of. Only niggers will fuck them for free.
All women are whores.
What is your point faggot?
she has lost value just because im willing to ram my cock down her throat doesnt mean i would date her or even consider calling her after.
Bro they do lose their value, to successful men. The men she gets are broke 20 year olds with no jobs looking for a good time. But no successful male would marry her.
>This thread is targeted to the various pathetic virgins from /r9k/
You should post this to then you retarded Turkshit.
Not politics you fucking nigger
But Sup Forums is /r9k/ with flags nowdays
Wow, it really makes you think, doesnt it?
I guess i now #StandWithHer
>But no successful male would marry her
Why would a 60 year old woman want to get married? She is just looking for sex and there are plenty of attractive 20 year olds willing to fuck her
>im willing to ram my cock down her throat
The only thing you ram your cock down is your fleshlight you gross neckbeard
Still not /r9k/ you retarded faggot. No wonder your shithole is falling to pieces and your wog asses are coming here in droves
I think you misunderstood what this means.
It's about relationships.
It's not that she won't, she literally can't. She missed her 'sell by' date and now she's relegated to only getting young men with a milf fetish.
>sexual value
Post menopausal women can't get pregnant. They are just cum dumps.
If you honestly think the point of sex is to feel cummies or brag about it to your friends, then you should kill yourself because you are a raging faggot.
True. I live in an apt complex that's normally for older retired people. On my floor there are 5 older ladies who live alone. I've fucked 3 of them without even trying. The other two want my dick but they're really old and not even attractive at all.
Shit I was doing laundry and one of them asked me for help moving a table in her place. Said ok, moved the table, and she started hitting on me like a horny 16 year old. Kept saying "is there anyway I can pay you back" until I said fuck it, grabbed my dick and said "you could help me with this". Within 30 seconds she had her dentures out and was giving me the best blowjob of my life.
>. #
I would fuck Susan Sarandon to this day, why does this matter?
The entire article is no doubt legitimate and truthful, and totally not there to bait clicks
>she literally can't
How do you know that?
>now she's relegated to only getting young men with a milf fetish
Sounds like a good deal for her since she only wants sex. She is having sex with attractive 20 year olds whenever she wants
>yet another woman proud of tg fact that men use her as a compliment dumpster
Women really have no incentive to be classy anymore, do they.
Hint: being proud of being a shitty gatekeeper to sex is pretty trashy
Observe how the females are higher at first, then lower beneath the men with age. Older men, can marry younger women, as older men have what women want = money and experience, and women have what men want = younger bodies. It's the same deal she's probably always had. She couldn't find a decent man to make a family with so she looks for easy fun. Same as she always has. Garbage as a female.
>Sounds like a good deal for her since she only wants sex. She is having sex with attractive 20 year olds whenever she wants
She's trying to Fulfilling the emptiness inside of her with temporary sexual pleasure. It's all she has left. It's quite sad, really. I bet she's actually an insufferable cunt, which is why she's single at 63.
>that shitty autocorrect
Exactly this.
All women end up insufferable cunts, that's a given.
The fact that these cougars aren't married in their 50s or 60s just means that not only were they insufferable cunts, but they were incredibly hypergamous.
They've always been sluts. Age just gives them experience at it.
You can't make a ho a housewife, and in today's ease of hookups, you end up not wanting a wife anyways.
T-thanks, jews.
But she still has plenty of sexual value. She opened a tinder account and got deluged by messages from dozens of young attractive men wanting to have sex with her.
>emptiness inside of her with temporary sexual pleasure
She is doing much better that 30 year old permavirgin STEM sperglords whose only sexual release is cumming on their animu figurines.
It's hard to feel angry or anything, I mean think about it. Imagine if you were 63, you should have kids and grand kids running around; a big family to be proud of; but instead you have nothing but meaningless sex. I mean these woman must have all accepted they're going to die alone.
Women will always have sexual value on the marketplace because they're controlling the supply. Plus there are countless of men who would fuck anything that breathes, so it's not really hard for them to get a dick.
But sex doesn't fill the emptiness inside, user. Trust me I've tried.
Wow so she's reduced her existence to being a biological fleshlight. Good for her.
Sex isn't the only pleasure in life, heck, it's not even the most rewarding pleasure.
That's women tier logic, mainly because women are predisposed to seeing themselves as a hole that needs to be filled, wherein men view themselves as an object that seeks to fill a niche.
The world is full of niches for men to find a place in, least rewarding is the female vagina.
>She couldn't find a decent man to make a family
Pretty sure she could get some betacuck anytime she wanted. Or maybe she is divorced it's not clear. Again you haven't answered why a 60 year old women with a decent job would want to get married isntead of have fun with men half her age.
What's here to be mad about?
This is good newz,since I have a huge MILF/GILF fetish.
In my youth I use to hit up old folks homes. The ladies don't know what's going on, love the company, and you get free pills out of it.