Any true stories of when you first got turned into a sissy by another man? I want to hear...

Any true stories of when you first got turned into a sissy by another man? I want to hear. I've always wanted my own sissy slut.

Other urls found in this thread:


>be 14
>live right outside of detroit
>family leaves me at home for two weeks for vacation
>post ad on craigslist for someone girl to party with
>some one awnsers saying they have a little coke i get excited and give adress
More coming dont want thread to get deleted feel free to bump

Finish wtf lol

>really nervous
>kinda chubby nerdy with dirty blonde hair blue eyes
>get text omw, i ask if "your a girl right"
>no responce
> lil while later really shitty car screeches into driveway
>really nervous now
>look out peephole
>very ghetto black man
>get really scare beung so close to detroit.
>pounds on door
>heart racing

Sorry for slow reply avout to switch to pc

Please tell me the rest

On pc now will go faster


For as many sissies as we got on here this threads pretty dead

>he keeps pounding very loud
>just keep staring at him through the peephole
>heart racing 1000mph
>Can tell he's starting to get aggravated
>he puts his face right up to peephole and says something along the lines of "I see you, id suggest you open the door.
>my dumb ass opens the door
>he finishes opening the door and walks in non challantly
>attitude changes a lot, could probably see how scared I was,
>now talking less treating but very firmly.
>" so you're all alone"
>awsner yes
>he proceeds to walk around house some leaving me in kitchen
>comes and sits next to where I'm standing at kitchen table