Swedish town would rather have The Hell's Angels as their neighbors instead of refugees.
Swedish town would rather have The Hell's Angels as their neighbors instead of refugees
memes aside i feel shame for the growing xenophobia in my country
it's just your cuck genes kicking in, don't worry.
Gee, i wonder what's causing it...
Tbh in this case i rather have refugees. Hells angels tend to get shot at here
God I fucking HATE bikers, its like the biker capital of Canada around here. Look at this shit.
>in my country
go back to africa you filthy invader
I live around them too
No problems
>unitonically being racist
>unironically being swedish
There, now you can call me xenophobic as well :3
I didn't read the wiki but how many of the people killed were innocent by standers?
Those kind of criminals usually only fucks with other criminals and people who fuck with them. They don't deal in petty theft and other lowlife criminal shit like snagging bags from old ladies and unprovoked assault. It isn't profitable and it draws unwanted attention.
Any sane person would pick hells angels over low iq inbred idiots with low impulse controls. At least they are predictable. And how many gang rapes have been tied to hells angels?
That's unfair. They live in elite area and most likely voted for more multiculti, they must pay for their crimes now.
I would even go so far as to say that having them as neighbors could be a good thing because they probably deal with low life criminals like people that rob elders and other gypsy shit swifter and more efficient then police does.
>bunch of bikers settling their shit somewhere in the middle of fields
>nobody knows until farmer accidentaly finds cars with bodies inside
fucking bikers
>mudslimes shooting at the club, killing over 80 people
>mudslimes going boom at airports or metro stations
that's completely normal according to you, leaf?
My fear is that rival bikers will plan attacks on their house aka close to your house making you a potential victim. It has happened in the Netherlands
Its the number one plague around here, they're all drug running scum.
It's not racism you fucking cuck, it's about safety, wait till those refugees start demanding rights and mosques get build in your country.
>Arab here
this picture is so fucking cool
>Cuck genes
>Coming from a country that isn't even white
Wew lad
>mosques get build in your country.
there's already mosques all over the country
It's funny that you can't spot the sarcasm in his posts. Then again, what can you expect from intellectually inferior sub-human trash?
sure muhammad. or was it abdul? you all look same with your black neckbeards and shit colored skin.
was just an example user shit could turn to this pretty quick youtu.be
>demanding rights
It's a free country everybody deserves the same rights.
So what? Let them have it
so we're just gonna pretend that Swedish "anti-racists" or whatever you wanna call them is browsing Sup Forums at 15.00
Or are we just trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls?
there ya go
Why won't you take Ecuadorian refugees?
Who wouldn't? Unless you are in trouble with then, they wont cause you any trouble. They actually might even reduce the amount of common crime in your area. Like the Yakuza
Do you Swedes live up to your stereotypes on this board, or do you actually believe what you're saying?
I don't know whose trolling who anymore.
Because syrians, afghanis and eritreans needs it more
Criminal bikers are laughable LARPERs but yet they would still make better neighbors than niggers and muslims.
Any day of the week.
If there is anyone that is trolling its the racist edgelords on this board.
You're trolling. Anyone with that type of mindset would flee from this site and never looked back
>feels bad for people being anti-foreigner
>doesnt feel bad for murders/assaults/rapes/death of standard of living they cause
Wow so you're going to blame your own people rather than the actions of some of the migrants/refugees?
Its okay to not be racist, Sven, but denying that a problem even EXISTS within the migrant community is just ignorant. You're not helping anyone by thinking that way, you're not helping yourself, your fellow Swedes, or the migrants who actually just want to live a better life in a new country.
There is a huge movement within the Muslim world for reformation, but even those people are called "racist" by SJW idiots like you.
So whats we going to do then?
Leave them to die in their homecountries?
Also source that refugees rape/steals and murder more than natives?
Hell's Angels should get into the neighbourhood watch business. In a few years people would pay them to put up shop in their neighbourhoods.
They tried the same here, forcing the building of one in a small town, this was the towns answer
Resist you damn cucks
Police would rather deal with bikers than rapefugees.
And if you guy weed from them they will consider you a customer and leave you alone.
Works with niggers.
>Also source that refugees rape/steals and murder more than natives?
You really need sources for that, HAHAHAHA, you must live in an area with few immigrants.
Africa-bro is trying to spread some insightful knowledge here, fellow whiteys. I suggest you listen.
The irony is all you racist SD voters live in white areas and you never meet any migrants
Swedish shitposting is fun to watch
Refugee "children" Fucking Sven falls for it... every time.
Good job!
Swedes burn down invader center at Ljunby
H.A. put on good biker shows and give toys to sick kids.
wtf I hate swedes now
Good job!
Härnösand Sweden --invader refugee home burns
Another good job.
Forshaga Sweden--- invader refugee home burns
Many more here...
This. They do a hella charity work here, they've raised millions for great causes.
Wasn't sweden an atheist country?
here you have atheism,dear sweden.
enjoys its fruits
80% non-white area here, voting SD, would vote SVP, SMR etc if they stood a chance at winning
all i see are gypsy beggars, ugly niggers and sand niggers yapping away in their durka languages, women in garbage bags dragging around 2-5 kids and if i'm lucky a few attempts at broken swedish
non-whites out, anti-racists can go with them to their tolerant new countries i'm sure they'll treat you well
Du är hjärntvättad om du tror att SD kan göra någon skillnad. De kommer ej sparka ut alla invandrare, bara sätt stopp för invandring. Skadan är redan gjord. De föder mer barn än oss. Kombinera det med rasblandning och det resulterar i att etniska svenskar blir utrotade (tillsammans med den svenska kulturen).
SD är även jude-sympatisörer. Kontrollerad opposition precis som Trump i USA.
They're great neighbors really. Really friendly and helpful as long as you don't owe them money i guess. They helped our model airplane club by lending some heavy machinery when we did some construction work and fixed up a road. Also all minor crime in the areas hells angels operate in disappear really quickly.
So you don't have to worry about being burglarized if you're next door to them. They'll make damn sure the cops don't have a reason to be snooping around that close to their club house.
Pretty funny since Hell's Angles are pro-mudshits.
I would take an enlightened shitskin over a swedecuck any day of the week
Still better than not voting senpai, unless you're a false flag faggot (heaven knows, Sweden has enough psychos who would do that).
>I have an educated opinion, look at this meme image i made!
>So what if the text is so small that it is unreadable and without sources and most snippets taken from leftist propaganda newspapers? I'm still le mememaster hehhhehe now everyone can see that your stupid. *Adjusts tinfoil hat*
difference compared to before the election and the preceding years? absolutely
enough? no i don't think so
remains to be seen what the people decide to do and when enough is enough - we'll see if this land is worth defending in the end
Met a number of bikers in my time, one thing they seem to all have in common: They love kids and will fuck up and child sex offender.
Another bonus of them instead of 'helpless child refugees'.
Also i hope you realise that even if they won't get kicked out, enough opposition will result in them willingly moving out by themselves, has happened a ton already in countries like finland.
>Still better than not voting senpai
You don't understand, do you? It makes no difference. A revolution is needed. Nordfront knows this. Wake up.
Why the fuck are you retarded Swedes ALWAYS writing in Swedish? You're on an English speaking site, speak English.
Had to make the image smaller (resulting in the text being unintelligible) due to the size limit on Sup Forums. Not my fault.
What's the problem? Can't speak Swedish? Proxy-faggot or immigrant?
>Someone so retarded that he doesn't know there's this lovely thing called .jpg claims to be the smarter one.
Its so obvious you're a falseflag antifa it hurts.
Tried jpg you spastic fuck. You think jpg is some magic format from outer space that removes the size limit completely? It was still unintelligible even as jpg.
>wie geil
stay strong sven
You are the same fag that was shilling for nordfront the other day aren't you?
Upload the original to imgur, link it here, and i'll prove to you that you're retarded
Im in boyz, i've gained there trust now i just need to impregnate their women and sexually confuse their men
Sweden was destined to be like japan, the only saving grace was the goverment parachuting real Muslim cocks for all their meat starved oppressed women.
No Swede cuck will do for them.
I am pretty sure the opposite is true
You finally did it tunisia
No, that's not me.
Don't have it anymore.
i'm a biker too but i don't belong to any club or gang though i know few guys with some shady backgrounds. i just like to ride. i've even been on few parties/meetings organized by them and it was great. i remember when some poles arrived just to steal (usually wallets, phones and unsecured bikes). but they got cought red-handed and bouncers who belonged to the allied club of the organizers proceeded to beat the shit of them polaks. no cops, just settling it right on the place before anything could interfere.
This is for you! Check your eyesight.
Yes I know this is bait. Sweden tried their very hardest and gave these people everything they could possibly want, money, education, jobs, housing and an opportunity to be citizens of one of the greatest countries in the world.
These melanin enhanced people by a statistically relevant percentage shat, pissed, robbed and raped your people and country!
Fuck them! Oh and I used to be very pro immigration until I saw how fucking dumb and ungrateful some of these people are!
their* fuck
Whew antifa, you need to step up your false flag game.
On a serious note to why are antifa people so extremely unintelligent? I've met hardcore nazi rightwingers studying theoretical physics, but every single antifa supporter like you seem to be unemployed and incapable of individual thinking. Why are you like that?
>And how many gang rapes have been tied to hells angels?
biker gangs are actually pretty bad about this in my area.
In Sweden they made a gang bi-law that anyone caught for rape lost their patch! They're a very profitable business why garner heat.
This is you
It's funny that you're accusing me of shilling when you're shilling for the jews. What's the matter? Afraid because more scandinavians are waking up from jewish indoctrination and media manipulation? Nordfront is growing.
Also, you could just google the headlines in that infograph and you would get the full articles. Sub-human intelligence much?
>Burden of proof lies with you not me! I can make 200 statements and then you have to prove that they are false! Hehehehe now the fascists will never know lel!!!
I'm so glad you aren't an actual nordfront supporter, because they have done some really intelligent stuff recently, like the trash raid.
What burden of proof? I provided evidence. If you're interested in the legitimacy, then feel free to investigate further. You don't need my help for that.
Memes aside Sweden, get your shit together
>get your shit together
working on it user
>I'm applying for a green card
Just because some states need to get their shit together as well, doesn't make it less true for you.
Good luck bro
Waste of trips still checked
>Just because some states need to get their shit together as well, doesn't make it less true for you.
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.": Matthew 7:5
Also, funny how it's "states" when you're talking about the US, but the entire country when we're talking about Sweden.