Ask me what I am currently soaking in

Ask me what I am currently soaking in.

is it tea?

Chicken broth?


it's.... it's gonna be your piss isn't it

The tears of the children youve ravaged?

he said ask him you fucking peacocks

No sir!

Nigger are you Toebro

okay , what is it?

No I got that good toe

is that your fucking jizz ya dickhead?

a tub?

I don't fucking care in what you are bathing. But for the love of god cut your toenails please.

5 of them

What a fucking waste of weed.

that soak into the skin and get you high?

chumps will buy anything with pot in it these days

How much did this bath cost you.

Why not just smoke a j and take a bath


Holy fuck what a waste

I have been in this bath just chillin listening to Rush feeling real good.

you some kinda fag?

Your big toe looks abnormally big.

Urine. Duh.

too bad. i assume you probably have weed, smoke a bowl and have a nice relaxing bath

Soaking in the butthole real nice. Got roids.

Fuck this I'm on BlogTV with my fucking hands up
I'm not starting my fucking self

You fucking stupid bitch
This stupid fucking justice, our fucking righteous fucking NIGGER, Alex, is doing this shit!

I swear to fucking god I'm gonna find out

Yo, everybody type in the chat "Alex is a stupid nigger".
Just type in the chat "alex is a stupid nigger".

Fuck him, fuck him.

Thanks got some nice herb also.

a weed bath?
oh lord.

do us all a favor and drown in that 6 inches of ass water

Are you retarded

I have been trying but dubs saved me.

watchu got?


Idk why everyone is shitting on this guy tried it once gives a way better high. Barely ever get high but bath and massage oils are for sure better for a full relaxation feeling

drink the water


you gona get in the bath with OP fag? gona get high together in each other's ass water?

Been spitting it out like a water fountain.
Taste like Bananas

you make us all sick gay boy

Fuck you Bro. get in her with me and I will woop that sissy fucking ass. Don't mess with my chill bro!

Too bad your big toe is also your longest toe


Technically my toe is royal

some neet feet If I ever saw em

oh okay. howbout ima come over there and infuse my farts into that ass water. 100% natural from the source.

Are you saying

Thanks user

Them farts. Are they dosed with something good?

We call you Boss Toe from now on

Could you all. I am trying to bathe.

I'm cool with being Boss Toe


At the start of this thread I thought you were a bit of a faggot OP.

Your entertaining porcelain doodle art has made me realize you're not that bad

This was Boss Toe reporting in again btw

man between this thread and the dude with the dead skin rolls Sup Forums is really feeling in it use to in the good ol days

Know what ya mean man. Its been fun