What does Sup Forums wear?

What does Sup Forums wear?


Underwear, a tank top, sweatpants, depending how I feel, might wear a shirt over tank, and a hoodie. Wear socks pretty often.

>white t-shirt
>levis 513
>5 panel hat

hey i have a corncob pipe too

You could at least upload a template nigger.

I also have long hair like a hippy faggot.


Does that outfit come complete with weak jaw and hipster mustache?

I'll tell you what I'm wearing rn
-white tee with Zodiac logo on it
-black pants
-b&w converse all-stars

Schoolshoting inspo?

I was gonna say that.


No, I surprisingly made it through high school without shooting anyone.


Are your parents okay with you pursuing a career in marijuana sales?

polo shirt
light brown or blue shorts
ray bans
brown leather watch
brown leather belt

This isn't a joke

Funny you mention it I did used to sell weed and other various drugs

Unintentionally cosplay of Jacket

I have my reasons

State these reasons

Well me and my, girlfriend, were huge fans of hotline Miami, she recently died, before she died I ordered the jacket, she was so damn excited to see me in it, thought I could pull him off perfectly, she never got to, so I wear it because I enjoy the game and, that. Again this isn't some made up bullshitery of the top of my head.

What made you quit the business?


cargo shorts, t shirt, bed head and vans

>plain suit for work
>Exactly the same everyday

It's like you don't even greyman


I didn't like to see "customers" addicted to the shit. Tugged at my heart. So I stopped before someone got hurt.

You should go put her favorite mask on her gravesite user. I bet she would love that.
