Is this movie Sup Forums approved ?
Is this movie Sup Forums approved ?
is WoD a good expansion?
Well i havent seen it yet.
How am i supposed to approve of a trailer... Do you approve of books by their cover?
uh... no
it's literal refugee propaganda
trailer says a lot about the movie
you can generally tell how good the movie is by watching the trailer
remove smelly dumb orc scum
Guess what I haven't seen it as well yet
But that's the reason why I am asking before I go into a shill thread my fellow cuck
Orcs are basically niggers
Garithos did nothing wrong
You can usually tell quality and get some idea of the story, but not more
Shill movie ofc
I don't like the CGI mixed with real humans. I didn't in cool world either, Roger rabbit was cool though.
The game went from 10 million subscribers to 5 million within a year.
Blizzard stopped publishing subscribtion numbers in November
>warcraft 1 movie
I approve
Except it says you can't trust them because all they know is war, followed by the refugees betraying the truce and attacking.
Based on a real Germany.
Only the whitened Orcs are based, the greenish nigger orcs aren't. Looks legit to me
>humans aka whites are evil they want to kill the niggers aka orcs
another racemixing propaganda
How many human girls do you think are going to get GREENED(tm)?
Which race is the most white
>"They are beasts, they must all be killed"
>"I dont think so!"
You'd be an idiot to think this is redpilled with a heavily retconned Lothar.
>"WoW he is such a badass and totally not rasis. I wish I was like him!"
>They're beasts
What did he mean by this?
>They get a young actor instead of an elderly gentleman to play lothar
Yeah, go ahead blizz. Just fuck my lore up please.
No. If you see it then you're not allowed on Sup Forums anymore.
Elves, obviously..
how can they even breed they arent even from the same planet !
Lorewise she kills Lothar, and later fucks Medivh.
I remember a time before video games were even thought of as being movie worthy.
The closest thing we had were movies about toys.
The etch-a sketch movie was fucked enough, with everyone trying to move two giant knobs. How is the modern audience of idiots going to coordinate moving a huge mouse around while making keyboard commands on a big keyboard? What about anyone in a wheelchair, how is that guy going to mash giant letter keys? Maybe he can hold down ctrl or alt?
I got a huge Boner when I read "the orcs" the scene where the orc/nyadd bastard jennesta rapes that poor soldier and smashed his head the right moment when he came into her
She kills King Llane, not Lothar. Lothar is killed by blackhand iirc.
Her fucking Medivh is another retcon, but an earlier one.
It would look ok if it was CGI only.
The actors look so weird and out of place
Janet Jackson is still looking pretty good at her age!
I have no idea, in the games Garona was half orc half Draenei. The orcs came from Draenor and the Draenei's cane from Argus
The Warcraft universe dosent make any sense
The only movie that is pol approved this year is the angry birds movie. Its main message is to never trust immigrants/refugees
Aha my mistake, it has been ages since last time I played or read anything warcraft related
not really, most trailers show you all the good stuff of the movie and usually that's about it.
you can tell if a movie is going to suck, and maybe whether or not the animations etc. are good, but nothing else
Humans = Whites
Orcs = Muslims
>half the Orcs asking whites for refugee and assistance to fight radical Orcs
>Humans are being racist towards Orcs.\
so no.
But in the end the orcs prove them right. They can't be trusted. And the horde and alliance are still at war 20 years later.
I will see it no matter what, since I pretty much grew up with WoW by my side.
But let's be honest here.. the movie will be bad. It will be like The Hobbit but with WoW lore.
That's assuming they stick true to the lore. Which i highly doubt considering it's incredibly complicated and is too in-depth to portray properly in a movie.
No, Sup Forums is against movies that glorify drugs.
I would like it more if they ignored all of the lore changes in Warcraft 3 and WoW.
Thats because the Orcs dindu nuffin. They're just poor victims of war who were forced into committing those atrocities because of the cruel cycle of their upbringing and being "tricked" by the Burning Legion. Do you even socioeconomics bro?
Now the evil racist human scum want to deny them - and even their children - a home in their lands.
It's literally a film about refugees.
would you?
>the hobbit
I'd pound that green arse with Hellscream's fury.
>It's literally a film about refugees
True + the Movie is also foreshadowing europe's future.
>barbarians from poor and dying planet invade civilized kingdoms of white people
Hell yeah it's Sup Forums approved!
And the humans ends up retreating to Lodaeron.
It promotes race-mixing so no
> race mixing propaganda
> mixxed girl turns out to be a traitor that fucks everything up.
Who are the Jews then
>We'll have to witness Orgrim Dinduhammer kill the Lion of Azeroth.
it was horrible sorry for your taste
It was terrible. I actually feel sorry for you if you think the movie was good.
The Goblins of Kezan
>That nose
The orc chick actually kills him after she falls in love with him.
You're joking right?
I bet you thought Star Wars 7 was good
Be honest, what exactly made the Hobbit a good movie?
>Posting the shit version
Cool world and roger rabbit were cell drawings, not computer generated
Smdh at all of the people missing the point of the movie.
(((The Burning Legion))) creates an unnecessary conflict between the Orcs and Humans, partially because of Gul'danowitz's lust for power.
This continues until Garrosh goes and undoes all of the corruption in Orcish society, modernizes Orgrimmar, returns the Orcs to tradition and takes Orcish living space.
What the actual fuck?
I've never played WoW before? Should I get into the mmo?
Yes goyim
Its past its prime and shit now
Maybe play it if blizzard decides to release legacy servers
Tough to say.
Its definitely worth a try. You might want to try it on a private server first so that you don't spend your money for nothing.
aw look a the little nerd roleplayer who actually believe his vidya games are real and that he's an explorer on a quest, sad!
No woman can resist the BOC
Very likely the most bluepilled movie of the year.
Yeah, orcfugees are cool as fuck.
I hope they make a multicultural lordaeron.
>people hating on based orcs
tbqh I'm looking forward to the Angry Birds movie. It's been a long time since I've been this excited over a kids movie.
There are no private servers anymore.
Blizztard shut them all down because Jews
Level 1-20 is free to play and the full game (except WOD) cost around 15$ now including 1 month gametime
>The orcs don't look like niggers
There's plenty m8.
are you implying that the goblins were the ones who actually created the unnecessary conflict?
One poster literally says "Two worlds, one home." Fuck no.
With blizzards shitty storytelling since wotlk, a twist like that wouldn't surprise me at all
> Literal race war.
If anything, it's stormfront tier.
Cough cough your gif Estonia?
the toothbrush gif is a meme forced by an attention whore fat girl, you shouldn't cater to her desu
even jackson has admitted that he rushed it and had to time to plan it out properly
>a basket with a baby in it
>floating away in the water
aaaaaand it's not white
I miss Blizzard making good games
i wish they would make a warcraft 4. when i was in hs and college i was a top 100 1v1 player and a top 100 4v4 random player on my server. probably could have paid my college tuition if i was a starcraft player during college if twitch was around then.
Kill yourself you fucking cancerous shitposter.
Sure thing bud..