Hey Sup Forums, my buddy found me these pins, and since I don't read what appears to be slavic...

Hey Sup Forums, my buddy found me these pins, and since I don't read what appears to be slavic, could you guys help me out? Google translate and Russian brought no results

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Fucking idiot

those could be soviet union pins maybe?? the first one looks like hindu a little bit not sure though ill give you a bump

Bump. Kinda interested.

what are they though



Those are from India, you pathetic waste of life

Second one is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novodevichy_Convent

The middle text is new-"something" monastery

Cannot be soviet because they hate religion

Second one says: those that eat from the anus of child; receive much gil

Are you ok? India? Seriously? Do you want to try again?

OP here, second one is totally convent pin, first one looks like kremlin, can approve of these. Thanks Sup Forums, knew I could count on you guys

Fine. I meant Monkey Island

are you gonna sell them or keep em

If they're from monkey island where are the bananas?

I can roughly translate the second one, it says "The Moscow ministry of architecture" and some monastery

Oh, you foolish, foolish child. There are no bananas on Monkey Island

Depends on what they're worth

The first one reads: MOSCOW KREMLIN;
the second: top - Moscow Architecture, bottom - Smolensk Mother of God's Cathedral, center - Novodevichy Monastery (built) 16th century.

They're probably souvenirs, mementos from those places. As to their time of minting I'd wager around 1980's-1990's

well why the fuck not?

Thanks... so it's probably some tourist pin or something?

Not sure on the second one, but the first one says: "Shlong Rape"

did your buddy find them while working as an election official back in November?

Probably a little older, the pins are handmade wire to hold them on

Up the guy who made the idiotic claim's bumhole?

Blacks, why else!?!?!

are you retarded?

>handmade wire
Care to share a photo, since I'm not sure what you're talking about

It's Greek.

Well, I am black, so...

No it ain't, it's Tambonian

It's 100% russian stylized to look like ancient greek-like font, since it is greeks who brought first alphabet to slavic culture

From the bowls and anus of a God come you big orange

The clasps are hand made wire it seems


Holocaust loot!!!!

Those were actually widely used for manufacturing pins like those up to very 90ies

It's not hand made. That's how they used to make those pins back in the USSR.

No. You're lying. They're 982 years old. You're lying

India, you mean


First: Kremlin, Moscow.
Second: The Moscow architecture, The New-Girl (Novo-devichiy) monastery, 14 century, The cathedral of the Smolensk's Mother of God.

>пepeвoдить имeнa coбcтвeнныe

16th century 6paT

Oh sorry я бyхaл вчepa, нeдaвнo пpocнyлcя.