Any medfags on Sup Forums tonight?

Any medfags on Sup Forums tonight?
I have tight foreskin and a sensitive ass penis head. My head is so sensitive that I wince due to the pain that results from my dick touching anything.
I just want some answers or suggestions on how to fix this. Recently I've been letting my foreskin glide about halfway down my head when I masturbate instead of masturbating through my foreskin. Thanks guys.
Pic unrelated by the way.

lemme suck it my nig

You have an ass penis?


that shit makes my dick ache

It's called phimosis...and it fuckin sucks

I know that, I'm in the process of fixing the tight foreskin part. It's just the sensitivity that makes me want to die

Death would be merciful compared to the pain of intercourse

I just wanna know how to fix this shit

you're essentially asking for a) enough nerve damage to work properly or b) making your nervous system handle the signal differently
Desensitization is a thing, but yu'd have to be a man for that.