If you listen to David Duke's radio show it is obvious he visits Sup Forums...

If you listen to David Duke's radio show it is obvious he visits Sup Forums. He frequently and unironically uses the word "cuck" and talks about "what young people are saying."

I doubt he only lurks. He has to post right? Which poster do you think he is??

I imagine every time someone says "le based black man meme, all niggers are trash" that is Duke.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's probably the FBI informant one...

Hello, David here. I am glad you enjoy my radio program.

he uses pepe memes on his twitter

He's the eternal anglo kraut

Why is his beard white but his hair is not?

Hi david!

He's the awoo poster in Trump General threads.

He seems like Trump's brother from another mother.

>Which poster do you think he is??

The one called Anonymous.

>Anyone who thinks niggers are ugly and stupid is David Duke
Fuck off, Reddit.

My beard is red but my hair is dark brown

David Duke lives in Switzerland I believe.

David Duke isn't even in the KKK. He doesn't even fucking hate black people. He thinks they've been fucked by the liberals and wants to help them. He believes in non violent protest.

Worse still this man understands the Jew. He realizes that the ultimate leaders of our world are jewish and they want to destroy us.

The idea that he's racist is bullshit.

why havent u killed yourself yet?

I think i was talking to bruce willis once on reddit. Last week I was listening to the radio, a phone in and "bob from newcastle" was was clearly Bear Grylls. There must be loads of famous people here. hi duke.hi mel gibson, hello .. putin?

I bet he is that guy that pushes the "Justin Bieber is the savior of the white race" meme.

Old white racists always have wierd gay boipussy fetishes or anime pillows.

Or maybe he just doesnt like jews for good reason, idk


>He has to post right?

aren't you him? I figure all the threads started with his photo are by him just like Alex Jones,

I've spotted him in a few threads before by things he mentioned about himself

he's mostly talking about jews and oligarchs less so rampant anti black stuff which is probably mostly jews SJW crowd and blacks themselves

he's be more likely to talk about the scientific aspects of racial differences

Mel Gibson totally gets drunk and rants on Sup Forums about the jews from his iphone

We are all once conciousness but the jews aim to destroy that

>He seems like Trump's brother from another mother.

he looks like all my relatives

Unlike all of you cucks who spam Sup Forums with happy merchant pics David Duke actually has the balls to the Jew.

It would be hilarious if putin posts the mummy threads

>Worse still this man understands the Jew. He realizes that the ultimate leaders of our world are jewish and they want to destroy us.

they're more than that, they're not 100% jewish but definitely 100% asshole and mostly homosexual

This. Seems very likely. He uses multiple proxies. He probably think he's changing US politics by shitposting memes on Sup Forums.

The best thing about Sup Forums is people who actually take this shit seriously. They are so fucking hilarious!


Found David Duke. He's here, anons!

speaking of mummy. either they have a stand-in for her, or she has some really bad days.

Did the kike media tell you that?

Definitely posts in Redpill threads.

My white privilege won't allow me to

Because she's really not that cute. She wears make-up and knows how to do her hair so she's attractive.

I bet in real life she's average as fuck.

Which threads does Taylor Swift post in? I just read today about the psycho stalker who was arrested outside her place in Tribeca (the stalker is also most likely a Sup Forums poster). It's tough being a celeb -- you can't go out without being hassled or photographed. I have a feeling a lot of celebs browse Sup Forums because it's a way of being connected with people when you're feeling lonely.

Sup Forums is probably a mix of autists, shut-ins, permavirgins, world leaders, and hot, sexy celebs.

It's pretty funny to think about some old guy sitting on Sup Forums and seeing all the porn, nigger dicks, and other shock imagery.

>Which poster do you think he is??


>Which threads does Taylor Swift post in?

I'd guess none. She wouldn't risk her career that way.

The two top left aren't her. The other three are her and she still looks cute. What's your point?

Most likely this. I'm sure he's an animefag. Probably goes on /s4s/ too.

>The two top left aren't her.

yes they are. or the originals were presented in the media as being her.

He looks so dopey

He looks like Moot.

I'm actually surprised Sup Forums doesn't really care about him when he's actually much closer to Sup Forums's ideology.

Instead people spam daily Milo/Molyneux/Shapiro threads while at the same time bitching about how they are not 100% purist Sup Forumslack

>The two top left aren't her.

she looks more "normal" in these shots.

sorry about the bearded fuck.

eleventy billion times this

>has the balls to the jew
What did he mean by this?

hahaha it's really true

How buttblasted you think mummyposter and the rest of his fag brigade are gonna feel about that?

It means his balls are circumcised but his penis isn't

he has the balls to call out the jew publicly, not anonymously

Controlled opposition.

>How buttblasted you think mummyposter and the rest of his fag brigade are gonna feel about that?

it's bizarre, but he's the one who first posted those awful pics in , mixed in with the nice ones.

if that's really her, and i think it is, makeup is fucking scary. imagine going to bed with the cute one and waking up with the one who looks like her mom.

controlled opposition that reveals the truth about jewish supremecism?

What if moot is David Duke, and moot got his hands on time travel, but being a 4chin sperg retard all he could think to do was complain about Jews instead of saving the future from racial apocalypse.

When he "endorses" Trump out of nowhere and the media makes a big shitheap that means he is.

to NAME the Jew


Muh jewish conspiracy

Can't tell if you're young or what.

I wasn't saying she's ugly. Even the top left two are fuckable and dateable.

But from the standpoint of "why are you calling this bitch mummy and worshipping her basic ass" Yeah she's no Christina Hendricks.

I'm David Duke, and you guys are hurting my fee fees. Delete this thread, if you want to have another celebrity reader and poster.

hi mr. duke.

pls leave and take wayne lambright with you.

can't blame him for marketing his brand, and there are plenty of people who are on the trumptrain because duke said he supports him

are you a concern troll?

as if anything as trivial as an endorsement from duke could derail the train

He's not specifically anti-black. He's anti race mixing. Black people can have their own culture, they can just have it somewhere else other than in white communities.

Come back when you get 1488, fuckboy.

KEK confirms

This sounds realistic.


>can't blame him for marketing his brand

Yes you can.

Opening his mouth at such a critical point of Trumps campaign damns him into either being a self-serving sociopath or a shill.

in the long term, is it more important to expose the jew, or to protect trump from publicity?

the msm was always going to call him hitler, and trump knows how to handle it

wouldn't be surprised if duke discussed it with the campaign first, or at least warned them

>in the long term, is it more important to expose the jew, or to protect trump from publicity?
Good point.

thank you

have a white genocide pic

He's an irrelevant old fart whose "best days" are long behind him. Of course he lurks here with the edgy children so he doesn't have to face what a ultimate failure he is.

Also interesting how he cozys up to Andrew "I think the white race should be bred out" Anglin.

>Which poster do you think he is??

The one that posts quality but tl;dr posts that no one reads.

Link related, sadly. Our own government is working against white people living peaceably in white towns. Why, for God's sake?

He posts on Stormfront.

Here, knock yourself out: stormfront.org/forum/search.php?searchid=18814060

>He's an irrelevant old fart
irrelevant old fart that has over a billion youtube views? and gets featured in virtually every mainstream kike media when he endorses a candidate?

It's hard to say. Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't. I'd say everyone in the alt-right at least knows about Sup Forums, but that doesn't necessarily mean they personally browse/post here. There are tons of other alt-right forums and such too, with heavy crossover with Sup Forums. Maybe he's more of a TRS guy, for example.

It's pretty amazing how much of an influence we're having though. Shit, I can almost guarantee that even Donald Trump at least knows about Sup Forums.

He looks like mark hamill

>Our own government is working against white people living peaceably in white towns. Why, for God's sake?
it's not YOUR government, it's controlled by kike money, and kike media

and the kikes hate us

Hi I'm Aidan Gillen. AMA.

Pretty sure I've seen a video of the middle one jerking off and cumming.

>a billion hits

I doubt that. The Milky Bar kid insists on saying that every chance he gets but if you count up the views I don't he even scratches fifty million views total Tbh.

Which is okay but still ultimately irrelevant.

If he's so successful he doesn't he do his own podcast or something instead of relying on that gay radio network which runs ads constantly. He's basically a down and out bum at this point latching onto people like Little Anglin trying to crawl out of the abyss.

Oh and endorsing Trump was a stupid and selfish thing to do.

>I doubt that.
compelling argument, tell me moar

you'd have point if it was still just becoming a thing and he took to adopting it in his speech when no one really had not

thing is, it's bigger than Sup Forums now and edgy kids have taken this lingo to the outside, so Duke would be 100% likely to encounter this speech with people he talks to and the people who seek him out to discuss shit, which is from where it'd seep into his speech because it is apt

You kids get off my lawn!

David Duke would look completely at home in a wax museum.

He probably stops by from time to time, but probably leaves once he sees the LGBT/POL/ threads.

Okay stormcuck. Do the math yourself when you take 30 seconds from living in the past.

Duke is a con artist who hangs around with a racemixing manlet who said whites should be destroyed. This is what has become of "white nationalism".

So does everyone else. Pepe is normiecore as fuck

>Do the math
uk flag

oh god, it's retarded

you were supposed to be telling me how you doubting something was supposed to be a compelling argument

What if it's Sup Forums that talks like him and not him who talks like Sup Forums?

fuck off, Duke's one of the few who's been dauntless, transparent and uncompromising in arguing the white people's case for long as he has, go shit somewhere else

who is the race mixing manlet you're talking about?

back to le reddit, faggot

Andrew "Little" Anglin.

David Duke is an intellectual heavyweight.

He shit on Alex Jones and exposed him as either a shill, or an idiot that is complete denial that it's almost all Jews at the top of the globalist agenda.

The media does nothing buy lie about Duke, he speaks truth and logic. All the media has to do is say "anti semite, muh six million, he hates joooooosss".

Kinda makes you think

Whats it like to fuck niggers but then say ur against mixed races. BTFO!!!!!

I really enjoyed your book "My Awakening"

Lambright loves David Duke.

The guy is an American Hero. I should try to get in touch with him.

>Andrew "Little" Anglin

Why because he fucks Asians?

Can't blame him. And personally, I have no problem with Asians in general. They are smart, hard working, and want to preserve their culture. They are very similar to most of us in many ways.

Asian women are also hot as fuck, they aren't feminists and take care of their man. Most western women are fat pigs who are feminazis

Asians are not a threat to the white race like the rest of the invaders trying to destroy us.

Hello, David also here. Glad you enjoyed my radio program.

>88 dubs

nice one, leaf

he lives in a museum made of wax?