Saudi Arabia is more progressive than Donald Trump

>Donald Trump, who operates in the realm of pure fantasy, was free to spin whatever pretty picture he liked.

>“We’re going to get those miners back to work,” said Trump, who campaigned wearing a miner’s helmet. “The miners of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, which was so great to me last week, Ohio and all over are going to start to work again, believe me. They are going to be proud again to be miners.”

Other urls found in this thread:

> steinberg

too easy

this post is all over the place

what are you trying to say OP



oy vey

next you'll tell me ill get repeating digits



Kek'd. We are getting too good at "Spot the jew".
Give us more of a challenge OP!

Yes blood money for mutliating children and goat fucking is so progressive goyim

>hang the fag
>stone the woman
>cut the thief hand

progress is on its way

Don't the saudis hold their foreigners as quasi-slaves?


I wonder...

wow. haven't laughed at a thread title in a long time.

his pic is about the new change in saudi arabias plan for the future. some one must have threatened to nuke their asses or something they just fired their old oil minister (hes been there for decades)

they are reliant on oil and now need some plan to keep their economy from collapsing

his comment posted would probably be about coal mining. since i dont think there is any copper that far north in america and everything else has been mined up (trace amounts of gold exist but no veins any more in america)




> stein
Combined together to make the most jewish name possible


“We bar entry [into Saudi Arabia] only to those with Israeli citizenship. Other than that, we are open to most nationalities and religions,”

maybe these saudis are on to something

>pay blood money after you rape and torture to death your own daughter
truly a progressive state


So progressive. Wow


Sup Forums understands and is never wrong.
Saudi Arabia should be turned into glass by the fire of nuclear Armageddon.

>Saudi Arabia

It's amazing how insane this world is when people can say shit like this with a straight face

>the left says he's too far to the right

>the right says he's too far to the left

Why can't people realize they're being manipulated. How can you live like that?

>When they started giving lessons on how to properly beat your wife.

Every... Fucking... Time...


Merely a coincidence.

So, when is the next election in the PROGRESSIVE Saudi Arabia?



look how close that was




also this is getting ridiculous. do the target audience of this article not know what saudi arabia is?

Is it a bad idea to let them know that we know?

Progressive simply means 'progressing to the left'.
Saudi Arabia teaching people how to properly beat their wife is moving further to the left while Trump bringing back the miners is basically Hitler.

Probably means war with all surrounding nations.


They know that we know. They also know that we know that they know that we know, you know.

Knowing is half the battle.


they know

When is the next shitting in the street?

when your jungles stop burning.

Too easy m8 I r8 1/8


Ebin :DDD

>Be gay
>Get executed.

>women can't even legally drive a car
It's easy to make progress when you're the most reactionary state on the globe.

Just for all the jewish anons on Sup Forums

this is why everyone hates you, this is blatant lying just to shame the US. Everyone knows what a shithole Saudi Arabia is, everyone knows that they spread radical Islam, and yet jews STILL defend them.








I agree with the author except for one thing
pick one.






They're running out of oil HAHAHA watch as Saudi Arabia turns into Pakistan in the next 10 years LMAO.


Progressive, still beats wives and chops heads off.

>Come to think of it, that's quite progressive, they remove cucks and feminists from this world

What do you mean turning into Pakistan? In what sense?

I love how nations evolve on Sup Forums. Pajeet leveled up thanks to endless poo in loo and realized that he might be from India, but at least it's not Canada. Things can always be worse, but at least he's not a fucking leaf. weed lmao


I assume they mean it will become poor and irrelevant

just like the old Kuwaiti PM said

>"My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel,[


In that Pakistan is a shithole

Exactly, just look what happened in Venezuela as soon as the US stopped buying their oil. Same thing is happening in Saudi Arabia right now, the US found out how to frack gas out of their own non conventional deposits... so they no longer need to buy that stuff overseas.

I knew that sentence. What will we do without oil? Middle East is going back to fuck goats, but what about us?
I fear that Saudi Arabia will keep having its army and powerful weapons. That will be a pain on the ass, their regime won't end any soon.


Checked for quads

AHAHAH ahh man I love Sup Forums so much

I remember a conservative journalist write that he wished he'd rather get the Jewish press (of the Weimar Republic) back than keep this lying press.

Reading through all your articles from the US, I choose to believe they don't have to be mutually exclusive...

Of course, Saudi Arabia doesn't need to worry about what workers think of their decisions because it's fucking Saudi Arabia.
He makes this point himself in his last paragraph:
>Yes, Saudi Arabia is a kingdom, and thus has to go in the direction the king points. But aren’t we, a modern democracy, supposed to be able to act upon the future that is staring us directly in the face? We’re more interested in flattering voters than doing what is necessary. Politics makes cowards of us all.

Holy fuck.

also more people drive than ever before

what country refines the most oil into car food

You will probably frack your own soil with the help of Chevron in the future like we did. Also, we kicked several native families from their living spaces to achieve this, they set up a bunch of cops on fire, it was glorious.

Oh noes, le evil jew

>checks flag
nothing to see here


Learn your history you fucking piece of shit retard.

Defend your masters.

Isn't fracking dangerous?

Hence the picture, I just wanted to point out that Steinberg is a regular german name.
But that won't fit in your stormfag agenda.

tl:dr stay mad

Well, some people say it may contaminate water deposits or something.

But I'm not sure it's 100% real.


>I just wanted to point out that Steinberg is a regular german name.
Of course. But when people with names like that in Murica are Jews 99% of the time.

>Grteates empire ruined literally by jews

Yeah, who cares if your water gets polluted, you can always buy it from nestle, right?

Water? You mean like, in the toilet?

>>Oh noes, le evil jew
>Hence the picture, I just wanted to point out that Steinberg is a regular german name.
>But that won't fit in your stormfag agenda.

oyyy veyyyyyyy

Don't worry, you can add the electrolytes to it afterwards
