Loveless relationship?

Loveless relationship?
3 year anniversary was earlier this month and we've had sex once. She never initiates sex or anything remotely arousing because she's "too nervous". Sick of only getting laid once a month and still having all the negatives that come with a gf.

[pic is certainly not related, could never get her to put out like this]

Any pics at all? Gotta know what we're working with here

Can you explain why you've stayed in the relationship for so long user?

Closest thing I've ever gotten to a nude.


being with my girl for 3 years now almost, first year sex was awesome and much.
After that we only fuck every now and then.
By now, we have sex once a month IF even.
I love her but this is killing me.
On top of that, im working and paying the bills while she just sits on her lazy ass doing nothing but playing games.

So yes OP, i kinda relate and it sucks.
Nothing you can do except breaking it and going on or cheating/sidehoe to get your needs fullfilled or put up with this until whenever.

I also tryed talking of course but whenever i start talking about it she gets sad and moody, almost angry. As if she would try to make on fault here.

However... try marriage counceling or something first perhaps.
If she disagrees, do it anyway. Do not play the role of the victim, be a man and do the shit you need to do to be happy.

same here, it is fucking exhausting to have a boring relationship. but also i dont want to break up with her, because certainly i would kill myself in the next 2 years.

I don't know man, I love her, probably sounds fag as fuck but she helped me through a lot with my family and she's not exactly stable herself.

Been in the same situation for 5 years. Then we broke up. Thought it's gonna be awesome, but i still miss her, it's been two months and I can't get her outta my head. If you're unhappy with the 25% of your relationship, don't throwaway the 75%. You will regret it as much as I do.

Too bad nobody has ever figured out how to end a relationship they don't like being in. I guess you're totally fucked for the next 60 or so years.