This is my friend playing guitar and being painted. Also never been posted before

This is my friend playing guitar and being painted. Also never been posted before.

Here are some people dancing to my music, covered in baked beans.

Here's some naked chick fucking with me in between songs.

Here's a band that played the same show as me.

Here's someone that sang one of my songs with me.

How is it that no one finds me interesting enough to give me $3.74?

Some drunk redneck was at my show and pulled out her tits.

just pirate the stupid game. it isn't worth spending money on

Here I am playing a show in an underground boiler room / squat house.

The next few pictures are people "eating" cake at my birthday party / show.

More cake

GG Allin's cake eating ghost.

Come on, guys. I got dubs twice in this topic. You guys still like dubs, right?


Dude, you need to get some professional help, not play video games.

Cant tell if cake or shit...oh well...
Keep tryin OP

Some more dicks.

I am getting professional help. These pictures are about ten years old. I've since been diagnosed with schizophrenia and take the highest possible dose of Latuda (120mg)

Here's some rando sucking my dick after a show.

Are you not entertained?