How does this picture make you feel?

How does this picture make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

"I'm at home."

Bad, you shouldn't drink while pregnant

A beautiful couple.

Choose shit beer, choose shit bf

Natty Ice. The fuck people.

She needs to be burned due to potential contamination with whatever tropical disease she might've caught.

Almost as good as this one



I don`t give two shits about coalburners.

>grape soda

Doesn't bother me desu

Mixed families are cute :)

Impotent rage

Disgusted to be fair



>Tfw im mixed
>Can't fit in anywhere

What mix are you

Both of my parents are mixed with black and white so I'm kinda the breed of two mixed people. It fucking sucks because I can't just choose a race and be comfy and I have no heritage.

What's with all the cucks lately

Then choose American as your heritage, it's been around long enough and it is an objectively great country to hail from.

It makese feel like Unfaithful Hillary:

>I can't just choose a race and be comfy and I have no heritage.

and thats why mixing is promoted by the pope, mixed breed people will always sell out, because they have no tribe of their own

>it was a joke they said

I hear that's pretty common, for mixed race people to have some serious identity issues.

I can't even comprehend what it's like to have a mixed child. Like, imagine you're a white girl and you give birth to a mixed race baby. Like, it fundamentally _DOES_NOT_LOOK_LIKE_YOU_. I can't understand why anyone would want to have a baby that doesn't look like themselves. I don't want a half black baby or a half chinese baby or any of that, because it just wouldn't be as mine as if it were white.

She's a fucking whore who's going to get knocked up by this nigger, and then he'll vanish.

Sure I can choose American as my heritage but I've never really beg accepted by whites because im black and not by blacks because im white. It's fucking stupid

Being a secular Arab who feels no partiality towards any group but since I particularly hate you cumskins it makes me feel warm inside knowing you guys will be eclipsed by your former victims within your lifetimes ;)

natural ice is shit

Gotta swallow your daily dose of filth boys

Mad because nu/pol/ morons are still responding and bumping cuck threads and mods are doing nothing


Never understood it either. Especially when I go back and look at old family photos and they all look like me and my current family members. But then there is my cousin whose Mom is Chinese and he doesn't look like any of us at all or anything like our shared ancestors or anything like even his Dad. He looks like Jackie Chan.

I'm not sure how I feel anymore. The first thing I think is how it is so wrong Europe is importing all these foreign people. It isn't supposed to be a bad thing to have free movement of the people, right? Well.. I don't want to live amongst the blacks. Do I give off a vibe to them? As I don't feel this multiculturalistic togetherness. It feels like us and them. Perhaps I digree from the OP's question... It does my head in, I know it shouldn't... But it does... And I don't care much for the BMWF bullshit in advertising and media.. I believe strongly that this is being pushed as the norm. Maybe I've been on pol too long and have isolated myself from society too much and my worldview is warped. I don't fuckin know anymore..

>>His dick isn't even as big or thick as mine

I feel slightly better now.

Honestly OP, I couldn't give a fuck less.
She made her bed, now she can lie in it in 10 years when her man runs away on her with another woman and leaves here with 3 kids.

is this a /r/asianmasculinity raid?

>natty lite

It has zero effect on me.
Why are westerners so buthurt about negros?

>I can't understand why anyone would want to have a baby that doesn't look like themselves

Maybe because some people are not a narcissist with a mini-me complex.

Jihad much, bin al-qahari?

All coal burners will get killed by the animal eventually. I guess that is part of the fetish.

I feel nothing anymore.

Holy shit skate or die.
Damn those we're some good memories.

Today's joke is tomorrow's reality.

>implying that child will have a father in its life

Annoyed that Sup Forums refuses to post quality threads, day in, day out.

>I had a roommate who was the blackest of blacks
>He had a white girlfriend
>He acted like an angel (never did drugs, had a good education)
>Girlfriend moves in with him
>Both seem happy
>Dude was a little weird but overall a good roommate
>They end up getting engaged
>He forgets his phone one day and she ends up snooping in it
>It turns out the nicest black dude I've ever met was cheating on her with like 2 or 3 other girls

Fucking niggers