Why is dick cutting legal?

Why is dick cutting legal?

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This is one of the things you absolutely can blame the Jews for. And Kellog.

because of religion. Let's rise up against the dick cutters and cut their dicks if they like it so much

Hygeine & health
Religion, culture, & tradition

Pick whichever you want, all are good enough reasons to circumcize. You're welcome!


"Hygeine" and health has been a reason looong disproven as a good one. Religion is intergenerational cancer. Sex is better uncut for all parties.


Who else remembers the first time the smell of foreskin hit their nose? :#

this. unless you have phimosis there is no health concerns whatsoever, and phimosis is easily treated either through gradual stretching or a very minor surgical procedure. circumcision is mutilation.

Circumcision helps prevent the spread of HIV but sure, keep insisting it's just an ancient superstitious mutilation.

I'm not fucking people with hiv anyway

Also there is this thing called a condom


this is worse than the last one. apply yourself more.

You know what else helps prevent the spread of HIV that's much more in line with the religious ideals that birthed the concept of circumcision in the first place?

Abstinance. Your point is moot.

Also, see and .

-hygeine & health has long been proven to be a good reason. I won't bother proving it, the information's all readily available if you want it. UTIs, infections of all sorts, HIV, & cancer rates all go down with circumcision.

Religion, despite your overgrown teenage edge, serves an integral role in society. That's why EVERY culture ever has had religion.

Sex being "better" is wholly subjective. However cut men report similar subjective scores for pleasure from sex as uncut men.

And sex is demonstrably longer (on average) for cut men, which is why women report higher sexual satisfaction (on average) from cut dicks.

Well, that and the smell, I imagine

if the jews rule us and they do it to themselves
it must be a reason

it is Phimosis
most Europeans have it, kind did have it
in few words, skin is smaller than dick
so this lead to pain and kids will avoid erections
and somehow became more gay

Religion is the closest humanity has come to man-made spreadable cancer.

Every culture ever has had religion because no one knew anything about the world until the last couple hundred years. You're such a fucking idiot. How is it possible for people to be this fucking stupid still?

>Not being circumcised has no effect on health or pleasure at all!
>Except HIV & cancer of course, I don't care about those
>I just have to wear a condom every single time I dip my wick forever!

Are those goalposts heavy user?

we still need religion to the low IQ people, if without it they go mad or invent another religion within days


Because males are stronk and stronk male no feel pain.

Really? That's why religion existed? Tell me more about your amazing anthropological discoveries that have completely upended decades of established science

It's possible for people to be as stupid as they choose to be.

Like you're choosing to be right now


hygiene and health reasons have actually been disproven. If infections were caused by foreskin then please explain why you don't see massive infection rates in Europe, Asia, etc, where circumcision isn't prevalent?

Jews. They weren't happy enough with controlling the US government, banks, corporations etc they needed to ensure the children bore the mark of the juden too.

Worship of dawkins and weed doesn't satisfy the soul like a proper religion.

I worship Sagan. My soul feels great.

Same reason hair cuts are legal.

because soul does not exist
and your satisfaction is just some chemicals that ran when you fee part of a group

nice pseudoscience

what else?

>hygeine & health has long been proven to be a good reason

Yes, this is true, if you don't wash.

circumcizeing your kid, you aromatically accept that your child can walk around dirty and smell like shit.

>"Hygeine" and health has been a reason looong disproven as a good one.
There is compelling evidence that male circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men by approximately 60%. Three randomized controlled trials have shown that male circumcision provided by well trained health professionals in properly equipped settings is safe.
WHO | Male circumcision for HIV prevention
>Not that I think some Sup Forumstard won't claim to know better than the World Health Org

please describe the established science that shows why people believe in mythology

Black people was kangs once, Islam was born out of peaceful protest, and Rome never actually fell, it just went into hiding.

people love mythology because they can blame soething non-existent for their failures and laziness

You do, idiot. Much higher than in more circumcised populations.

Why is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spending millions and millions of dollars circumcising Africa? Why does the WHO agree it's one of the most important mass health initiative s on the continent?

I'll give you a hint - they're not Jews. And billionaires don't throw away money without cost-benefit analyses

Circumcision benefits:
A decreased risk of urinary tract infections.
A reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men.
Protection against penile cancer and a reduced risk of cervical cancer in female sex partners.
Prevention of balanitis (inflammation of the glans) and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans and foreskin).
Prevention of phimosis (the inability to retract the foreskin) and paraphimosis (the inability to return the foreskin to its original location).
>also, among women expressing a preference, it's a landslide victory for cut master race

so like atheists blame religion?

So what if it's just chemistry? Human society needs God to function, look at every dictator's attempt to remove religion and see how miserably it failed for proof.

Have you ever heard of anyone with those diseases?
Rare cases

>Human society needs God to function, look at every dictator's attempt to remove religion
And it's so true that human societies will necessarily be religious that in those that try to remove religion, the state and "dear leader" themselves become gods, which has proven to be the worst religion ever.

>WHO/UNAIDS recommendations emphasize that male circumcision should be considered an efficacious intervention for HIV prevention in countries and regions with heterosexual epidemics, high HIV and low male circumcision prevalence.

This is a very different health argument than the one that was used to justify circumcision during its spread in the United States, and one that isn't as applicable since the US is NOT subject to these sorts of epidemics. Africa, as a shithole, is another story.

Mind you, if someone wants to get themselves circumcised in the first world, they're free to, but the choice should not be made for them before they can make an informed decision about it.

yes. name the one continent that's actually fucked because of lack of education - they believe raping virgins cures them of HIV. Where are the stats for Europe?


Have I ever heard of someone with a urinary tract infection or someone with an STD?

if most of the population have average IQ it works well 1950-2000) America
but if other countries with dumb people come and fuck things

So prevention of ailments that are less than a fraction of a percent and have medically valid cures that dont involve mutilation 'just in case' ?

Nice brain work


It's your choice to be ignorant. There's no virtue in it.

for what?

Haha you don't get to have choice as a child.

According to the CDC, "About 50.5 million current infections are in men while 59.5 million are in women, for a total of 110 million Americans with STDs at any given time."
>ailments that are less than a fraction of a percent

I wasn't sure about circumcization before this thread but I am now. I'm scheduling my son this week. He's 8


Social science is bullshit, and evolutionary theories about the origin of human society are no more science than myths. Being able to come up with a possible origin story is not the same as what science claims it does, which is to present claims that are falsifiable and verifiable.

The the child sees that it was the wrong decision,
just like turning gay is the wrong decision

all the problems of society, all wars, circumcision, etc


stay mad faggots

Don't forget to schedule your daughter for a clitoridectomy!

He'll be forever grateful, user. God speed.



Only if he is a veritable autist will he ever regret being cut.

I love how butthurt slimedicks make these threads every time a grill won't touch their stinksausage

And every time the slimedicks end up cringingly failing tobdefend themselves against basic facts and science



Most people will never be as enlightened as you, so removing religion would only spell their doom.

Outlier studies refute the scientific consensus, the post.

Kek, 3 percent. Told you uncut fags, nobody likes your gross cocks.

religions did the rgith thing for the wrong reason

like Trichinosis that is a illness that comes from Pork
So Moses just denied Pork because God

the same thing with Circumcision and Phimosis

but there are other aspects that now science know more

so both sides should just discuss and use logic


>Americlaps defending their dry and shriveled up dicks

It's called brainwashing
How many "Americans/Jews" did they ask it that paper?

Good point, homosexuality is another choice made in childhood.

It's doubtful you could be any stupider than associating a surgery that removes a little skin and that leaves the man not only fully capable of experiencing sexual satisfaction but more likely to acquire it because his dick isn't grotesque to women with the cutting off of the pleasure center for women, rendering them incapable of experiencing any sexual pleasure.
It is this kind of hysterical bullshit and abject idiocy that makes foreskin fetishists a fucking joke and incapable of taking seriously.

You're a monster.

yes, (((they))) created Christianity to control the romans, then now it worked well and they want to remove it
and they know that the vacuum caused by atheism atract muslims to destroy what boomers created.

so yes, it is best to have Jesus as a placeholder against lesser religions
not because it is true, just because is best

Enhancing a dick = ruining a vagina

"You know how you were gonna peel that banana? Don't forget to chop up an apple!"

Good logic

>Johns Hopkins
pick one

post before and after

On the plus side, the ones who want a smeglog are more likely to be willing to pull a train and engage in cuckplay.

>Why is dick cutting legal?

So the Jews can hide during the next pogrom. If only Jews cut their dicks, they'd be easy to identify and exterminate.

So they promoted some stupid cut-your-dick concept which is barbaric mutilation and the goyim bought it. Idiots.

Yuropoors watching arabs rape their sisters with uncut islamadongs

Is Trump cut? Asking for a friend


I don't see anything enchanted in a mutelatet, dried up penis


>doesn't know what outlier means

European girls (and guys) wouldn't be able to resist the urge to suck a manly American penis.

Most americans are, it wouldn't surprise me if trump was

Did I touch a sore spot?

Headline: Even in Israel, More and More Parents Choose Not to Circumcise Their Sons

>gets btfo
>n-no u
k fam

>20X6% of nitwits fall for propaganda

nigga, you gay

jew circumcision is bad, we know
its 2017 - consider The Nigger circumcision

It's like watching some African lip-plate tribe defending their weird body modding in here.

because christians tell them condoms will get them a one way ticket to hell



Again, it's your choice to remain ignorant.
You can keep moving the goalpost, that's on you. Be a willfully ignorant child or grow up and face uncomfortable cognitive dissonance sometimes.
