What it feels like to murder someone?

what it feels like to murder someone?

it feels like nothing



absolute joy

try it

Well. The emptyness stops and the darkness fades away, you become real and you feel more alive than you could have ever imagened for a time everything feels great. Then eventually everything comes crashing down again and the bottomless hole becomes even deeper and you feel even more fucking empty.

a job like any other

Would drink and smoke with.

i sometimes wonder how it would affect me if i would force myself to smash the head of a really pretty, cute, innocent girl.

like that feeling when you're late for work and you can't find your keys

wtf is that?

typical low discipline Army fag, no gloves. Didn't have the balls to join the Marine Corps.

he's no poet of death

idk saved it from some thread were the dude was poking with needles and posting pics

Minister of death, praying for war. Also, checked.

Blood blister

I wouldn't, that kid lacks trigger discipline

quit being such a pedant

well, if Satan says so...

Like killing animals only more satisfying.

For someone normal it's drinking some insta ragrets

just more?

Warm apple pie Jim

Wake me up inside.