What did they mean by this?

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there's really no way out for jackson.

he peaked with the love of his life in lotr

he started believing his own bullshit and went big and flopped hard with kong

then he reigned it in and went small but it was still utter shit with lovely bones

he goes "fuck it", screws del toro e goes all in the hobbit but nobody cares.

13 years of shit. congrats.

i will admit the smaug scenes were amazing but that's it. what was he thinking ffs?


I hate how they took off their helmets (and armor in Thorin's case).

Think about how bad ass Theoden was with his helmet. Fuck.

is third one worth watching?

i don't entirely blame him desu. given the trainwreck the production was, i'm actually surprised some parts turned out decent. they were fucked from the start, but you can tell jackson was trying to save it at some points but overall it just fell.

Top tier scenes
>bilbo and gandalf in bag end
>"after all what are we? merchants, tinkers, toymakers. hardly the stuff of legend."
>misty mountains song
>handkerchief scene
>bilbo telling bofur they don't belong anywhere
>riddles in the dark
>"you don't have a home, but i will help you if i can"
>thorin and bilbo hug
>beorn's hut extended edition scene
>leaving laketown
>the door scene
>bilbo and the arkenstone drama
>mithril shirt scene
>thorin's death (not the actual fight)
>BOTFA final 15 minutes or so

bretty gud tier
>AUJ prologue (including the frodo scenes)
>thranduil and the gems
>gandalf giving sting to bilbo
>AUJ thorin vs azog
>AUJ ending
>thorin's speech in laketown
>wizard fight in dol guldor
>bilbo and bofur talking about leaving (extended edition)
>thorin, gandalf, bilbo, thranduil and bard showdown
>thorin's funeral

shit tier
>troll fight (the first instance in the trilogy where i realised that this movie might be shit)
>radagast and necromancer subplot
>legolas and tauriel
>shitty cgi throughout the entire battle in botfa (they could never have made it good with that many vfx no matter how it looked)
>entire ravenhill sequence
>thorin vs azog one on one (anticlimatic as fuck)
>bolg and his shitty subplot
>legolas and his dumb antics
>fili and kili deaths
>every scene from the extended edition of BOTFA for the battle sequences
>rushed conclusion (thorin's funeral has no speech. some fan had to edit it in from the behind the scenes to make the scene stand out)
>dramatic misuse of tone
>vidya tier fight battle scenes
>draggy and way too stretched out
>elf dwarf romance
>drastic lack of screentime for title character
>dumb use of humor

i see no harm in it. some stuff are good but lots of stuff fall flat. the entire battle is shit. the thorin and bilbo conflict was cool though, and the ending was nice.

it basically turns into budget version of RotK and shoehorns in some sjw themes. If you go in watching it expecting to hate it, you may like some of it

You mean this scene? Come on user, it's stupid as fuck but I did laugh pretty hard at it.

only good scene in the whole 3hr movie

How do you go from this:

To this:

nah i meant the whole confrontation scene with the arkenstone. that was dope. especially the extended edition. the actual fight was corny.

That might be the dumbest thing I ever saw

I don't even remember that. was it in the theatrical version or some special edition?

His reaction is priceless. Brilliant acting desu.

However, I have to say, I found the three of them incredibly comfy. They weren't 1:1 of the books, but I didn't expect t hem to be. I just love having the films on in the background.

I did like the fact that Kili got saved then ends up dying anyway.

I just love the elf armour design and the fight scene was neat.

It was, but who cares? If you got to that scene, you had already long worked out the film wasn't like the books anyway.

extended edition

It wasn't Jackson.
He didn't even want to make the damn movie.
Del Toro was going to do it, but the studio told him to tone down the weirdness and he quit rather than compromise.

Jackson was called in last minute to finish things up.
The production was rushed the whole time through. Scripts were written practically as they were filmed.

Look at the behind the scenes stuff.
It was pretty much a disaster all the way through.

shit tier
>all of them

To add to this. It was so rushed that the white orc, whatever his name was, didn't even have a set costume. Literally 2 weeks before release they rushed CGI effects over a costume. The CGI was rushed as well.

Had Jackson been given it from the get go, I'm pretty sure it would have been A LOT better.


>If you got to that scene

No, I bailed after the first Hobbit and don't regret a second of it.

>so pleb he doesn't watch every film available

This is why Sup Forums has gone to shit.

I-I liked Kong

The battle would have been better if they had used a modded Total War engine or something.

Be a bit silly desu lad.

>implying thats not metal as fuck

Have you played LotR: Battle for Middle Earth? The extended version is enjoyable as fuck if only for the battle (which has been butchered in the theater cut). The movie itself is not good and everything that wasn't in the book -so like 80% of it- rates from meh to terrible. Some good memes have spawned from the last 15 minutes if you think that's valuable Acorn scene deserves a mention desu.

also threadly reminder that this almost happened

The army fight was everything I wanted ever since I read (well, listened) to the book as a teenager.

>epic as fuck scene
>lose my shit everytime I come to the guy revving the fuck out of his horse at 6:05
Fuck you Sup Forums for making me notice

Why were there even trolls out in the daylight?
This shit makes no sense.

And while that scene was undoubtedly retarded, at least resolved Alfrid or whatever his name was.
The movie as it is just as him run away with gold.
You can't set him up as totally repulsive for like two movies and then not have anything come out of it

This reminds me, I still havent finished watching 3rd Hobbit. Took a break like one third way in and "forgot" to come back to it.

Its just too painful to watch man.

I've not seen the EE, I don't want to download it or particularly buy it... Is it worth it, in the fight scenes?

Daily reminder for anyone who thinks this is impossible, "your public school failed you."

It still looks fucking dumb.