Why do Muslims hate dogs?
Why do Muslims hate dogs?
They're jealous of the Dog's monopoly on nonconsensual leg humping and superior hygiene.
>Men's best friend
>Sons of Abraham are the of the devil
>Muslims and Jews are sons of Abraham
>Muslims hate dogs
Dogs can detect evil.
fuck you for this webm
because the dogs are far more superior than muslims
Dogs distrust people of color since they were domesticated by white people.
Muslims hate dogs because the dogs hate muslims.
> Be me.
> Walking a dog without a leash at night.
> A full blown muzzie is laying on the ground in the park (assumption being that he is praying or laying a bomb).
> The dog runs up next to him.
> The muzzie runs out from the park screaming incoherently flailing his hands.
> The dog is confused, but feels he may be a hero.
> From my perspective I see the dog running into the park, and the muzzie gets smoked out of the park screaming.
We need more dogs on the ground in heavily infested areas.
because they're stereotypical cartoon villains come to life.
>Tfw my own dog died recently
Because dogs are beautiful, godly, masculine creatures and muslims are not.
hate this webm
I've been here for many years and I'm a well-adjusted adult and mostly unphased by gore and the like
but I've come full circle
this is sad and makes me want revenge for the pupper
day of the rope when
why do muslim blow up so well?
Revenge for what? It was a accident
>Implying muslims don't hate everything
Because it makes the job of breaking into your house, raping your wife, and beheading you a LOT harder.
>posting this webm
I always knew you were a degenerate Denmark
Dogs, especially black ones, are seen as demons
Angels don't come to houses with dogs
dogs are superior to muslims in every way and muslims no it
>dog protects border, muslim hates borders
>dog saves lost girl, muslim rapes lost girl
>dog helps build civilization, muslim destroys civilization
>dog sniffs out bomb, muslim plants bomb
>dog finds cancer, muslim is cancer
>dog protects sheep, muslim fucks sheep
>dog works for food, muslim begs for more food and money
>dog is man's best friend, muslim is man's worst enemy
They put a small explosive in some meat they used as bait. They absolutely don't want to touch dog-- they will go to great lengths, enact any cruelty, to avoid getting dog's blood on themselves. There was that video a while ago of them injecting battery acid into dogs, with them screaming in pain, all because they want to kill them while touching the dogs as little as possible.
because dogs are the natural mating competitor for them.
H-he's gonna be ok right?
I'm sorry about that bro, your pupper is at peace now
Dogs detect evil and muslims are all rvil and follow an evil religion startee by an evil pedophile with schizophrenia
Dogs have done more for man than muslims ever have
So the sounds of them freaking out and being upset was edited in the original vid? They didn't seem to happy about it
Why do Americans hate Europeans?
That was an accident
how did it taste to you?
He's talking shit. It was a accident
Because dogs respect your religious freedom.
They should all be hanged for fuck's sake.
People who domesticated animals developed empathy towards them via natural selection. Europeans domesticated the dog as a companion to a very large degree, but Middle Eastern people did not.