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These two.

Looks like a really shitty cumshop of Megan Kelly.

the trauma is real

She's so hot.


She's spelling it with a y now. You'll refer to her as Megyn, pronounced mee-gyn. thank you

>you are supposed to get a women when she is fertile and young, breed her turn her in to a milf, then you have a milf and passed on your genes = win (-the herpes you get from these sluts)
>fucking kids and their insta gratification lifehacks

Oke i am going to give it too you straight.
You are masturbating way to much, /b is flooded with porn.
Nothing but lonely losers ejaculating excessively, destroying their testosterone levels.
Our only weakness , porn.
After ejaculation you are calmed you are made docile and lose all motivation.
This needs to stop, this is the reason our birth rates dwindle.
This is the reason why /b turned weak , we are all contempt wankers, drained of our manly juices that makes us /b.
We let our guard down now tumbler ctr and reddit have grown in numbers ,they made us weak with this infection of porn.
It is time we put our sperm in nothing but jars or women, no more little swimmers waisted on webm`s.
No more ejaculation unless it is for the cause of /b.
It is time for discipline, It is time we make /b great again, It its time we stop masturbating with out a cause.
/b unite ,Abstain , Return to your natural form of frustration, hate, contempt and anger.

Your mission , no masturbation for 9 days too reach the maximum amount of testosterone in your system.
This will also flush the build up oestrogen out of your system and reduce your bitch tits.

Do not watch any porn.
Sexual stimulus causes the prostate to produce prostate fluid that over time becomes a carcinogen.
If you roll dubs or higher in this thread you get a 7/10 gf, trips gives you a 7,5/10 gf etc.
If you already have a gf you get a second one.

I don't care. Media people are scumfuck parasites. Still hot though.

wew lad