>climate change isn't real
Climate change isn't real
Friendly reminder that nobody denies that the global climate is changing.
It has been changing ever since the earth's atmosphere first was established.
People deny or question the amount of influence humans have on climate change.
> 1850-2016
That is nothing when looking at the history if climate change. You realize that right?
>Global Temp in the year 1850
Lol Ok. Totally believable.
Start this timeline a few Millenia earlier.
Pweety Pwease.
>Millions of years ago
>No humans
>Ice age and other shitty climate change
Fuck off
>nobody denis that the global climate is changing
It doesn't even matter a toss. The earth had periods of global 40C averages and above, as well as bullshit fucking cold. Humans can ravage whatever the fuck we want, we own this bitch.
it's been going up and down for hundreds of thousands of years
a couple of years in that gif doesnt even grasp it
Do you deny that humans are burning fossil fuels?
Do you deny that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide?
Do you deny that carbon dioxide absorbs heat?
Do you deny that the earth is warming?
Do you have a better explanation?
If the answer to any of these is yes, please explain.
this. nobody expects the earth to have the same temperature forever. the debate is whether humans are influencing it.
but i don't see why it matters. why not try to keep it the same? it's more comfortable for us. nobody wants to live in an frozen taiga or a scorching desert.
>climates are only just now fluctuating
>before fossil fuels, climates stayed perfectly constant for eleventy trillion centuries
>there totally won't be a maunder minimum in 2031
Also this
it's an absolute fact that, when the Earth warms, it gets wetter.
More CO2= more plants = more green = more wetness
there is NOTHING wrong with more co2 or slightly higher temps.
there is absolutely an ulterior motive to the entire climate hustle.
it's called tax money, and it's loved by jews.
the entire climate debate is over raising taxes NOTHING more.
if all the climate deals are followed through with, it will cost humanity 7 trillion dollars and 'might' lower the Earth's temperature by .027 degrees.
.027 degrees.
and now the latest argument is: 'well, even if it's all fake, don't you good goys just want to live in a cleaner environment'?
they literally are just saying this now.
we're all being fleeced.
Climate change is real. It just isn't caused by humans. Our Moon and Mars have had proportionally similar fluctuations in temperature as measured over the last 30 years.
The global dimming/global cooling/global warming/climate change keep changing their label every 15 years or so. It's a long-proven fraud. It is nothing more than Marxism. It is the attempt by Marxist sympathizes to create a global cause that will massively expand government and allow that government to intrude into and tax everything that a human does in his daily life.
And if global warming was real, why are the global warming supporters trying so desperately to censor scientific opposition to it?
Your point?
During those hundreds of thousands of years, there were only a small number of humans and they lived as hunter gatherers. Agricultural societies were impossible because the climate was too unstable.
>Making up numbers to support your point
>more wetness
Enjoy having half your cities underwater and hurricane Katrina 5 times a year
>muh waterworld
already debunked
>muh increased hurricanes
pic related
enjoy that shit happening anyway when you pay 90% taxes but china and india don't care
your range is 150 years senpai
how old do you think the globe is ?
>People have made bad predictions in the past therefore the whole theory is wrong
Where did I say anything about taxes? My point is that denying science is stupid
Climate change isn't real. The concept of temperature is wrong, as concept of gas is wrong. There is no gas - particles float in either and there are the same particles in "space".
Satellites are just balloons.
They dont allow people to know this, because then people would travel to other planets settle there - outside of their zone of influence. And then the whole solar system will be like new-america and the "old world" will end under the shitskins, burying their shitty anglo scheming and all their manipulative memes.
Can someone explain to me how we have down to the tenth of a digit of continuous measurements back to 1850s?
please I want to pay more TAX to the goverments of the world who can keep me safe from climate change.
please tax me more mr government.
keep me safe tax me to keep me safe.
Because that was when thermometers were invented you Mongoloid
Again I didn't say anything about tax. The government is incapable of dealing with a problem of this magnitude. All individuals can do is prepare themselves for the effects.
7 trillion dollar's wow that's a lot of shekels.
plebs will happily pay climate tax. average joe will be forced to pay.
meanwhile all mega coporations will get to pollute the planet with shit that is not needed nor wanted.
>but what about every mars bar wrapper on the planet.
>every cola can on the planet
>every car exhust
>every tin of hairspray
>every tin of paint
>every volcano
>every jet engine
>every single dvd
yeah will I did mention TAX because that's what the populations of the world will be forced into paying. TAX ,,,goverments have been shilling this GLOBAL WARMING shite for decades. OOPS I MEAN CLIMATE CHANGE.
> right after anglos at last invented the thermometer (2 centuries later than the white world) we have precise stats all around the planet
A big flaw in anglo lies.
my question is, have we ever seen drastic changes in temperatures over this short a period of time? I'm not familiar with the overall changes we have on record. Obviously knowing how quickly things are changing could be good evidence either for or against humans affecting climate change
> have we ever seen drastic changes in temperatures over this short a period of time
Yes. It`s called winter and summer.
Eh, the earth is just pretty much preparing itself to get rid of us. ;) We either adapt or die.
Surely you don't believe we have accurate global average temperature recordings down to a tenth of a degree back then.
Past temperature changes tend to have happened over thousands of years. Large short-term jumps have been caused by sudden events like asteroid impacts or large volcano eruptions and have led to mass extinctions.
And "asteroid impact volcano extinction" was lately declared a meme, because extinction happened some millenia after asteroid, probably due to plant evolution.
Of course evolution is just another scientific meme.
Yes? A thermometer is literally a tube with some liquid in it, they've been around for hundreds of years
>Winter, Autumn, Spring, Summer
What are you trying to say? that its crazy there isnt a consistant climate?
Global warming is essentially a meme
It's true, but people are overestimating its effects
Big deal, earth gets 1 degree hotter, who gives a shit.
>muh ice caps
This will take decades, we will have tons of time to emigrate elsewhere (if we even have to do that), plus antartica will become habitable.
Hotter weather is better for the economy as well
I don't see your point. Are you trying to say that getting hit by an enormous asteroid didn't cause a temperature change?
>2 degrees
>wow it's nothing
Dat misleading colour change and out of proportion gif :')
>save the planet white goyim, don't reproduce!
>still falling for this
UNPROVABLE story-telling bullshit.
I couldn't give a thundering fuck if the sea level rises.
I live on a fucking mountain. Nothing's gonna happen to me because...
1. I live far above sea level, obviously
2. All my food and shit is grown locally up here, there will be 0% disruption
3. There won't be a mass exodus to this area, it'll be to the middle of England.
>Be Greek
>argue that people can smoothly and easily emigrate away from problems
Top kek lad
> Do you deny that humans are burning fossil fuels?
>Do you deny that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide?
>Do you deny that carbon dioxide absorbs heat?
>Do you deny that the earth is warming?
>Do you have a better explanation?
No one denies anything, but explain why we should care, or care about anything other than the liberty and survival of the European/white race.
Do you deny that CO2 is causing vegetation on Earth to do great?
Do you deny that the Earth hasnt seen overall greening since CO2 has been on the rise?
Do you deny that there are countless factors involved when the Earth's climate changes? And trying to pin all the blame on one gas that makes up a fraction of 1% of the atmosphere when the science isnt fully understood is intellectual dishonesty?
Do you deny that government/establishment scientists have lied in the past ie Earth is the Center of universe, Leaded gasoline is good for you, etc.
Do you deny that "renewable" energy is not by any means inherently clean, or anywhere near the efficiency of fossil fuels?
Go back to Pakistan faggot
come on now friendo you know I didn't mean that short.
I can't disagree with that
Do you have any literature on the first part there? Would be interested to read more on it. If thats true then maybe the recent changes have been hastened by man
spoken like a true idiot
I actually do believe in global warming but until sustainable energy is truly a thing we must find other solution for the short and long term.
Such solution would be things like removing C02 from the atmosphere or by blocking some of the sunlight with perhaps a large array of mirrors which could orbit the earth.
Obviously we don't have the technology yet for either but both solutions are technically possible.
For example if we ever find a cheap way to get things up into space (elevator?) we could do the mirror plan and reflect back some portion of the sunlight reaching us at a reasonable cost.
The Little Ice Age did not end until around 1870, by the way. Before the Little Ice Age was a warm period, so I wonder what the time after the Little Ice Age will be... hmmm...
Das it man
prove me wrong
>large array of orbiting mirrors
that may be the most autistic solution I've ever heard but the visual got a chuckle out of me
We're in a cold period right now. It's quite natural for temperature to go up.
That said, we should still look into renewable energy. Not because of the environment, but the decreasing amounts of coal and oil.
fear climate change.
get your tax shekels out goyim kek
we can make you safe from climate fear.
usa prob did more damage to whole climate by dropping those big bombs back on japan, didn't they change the magnetic charge or componds in base metals or some shit ?
nuclear my man
all that delicious Uranium is just waiting for us
Volcanos do more to cause climate change than all humans combined. Nice try.
it's ok
there is no stopping it
we asked for this. we are doomed no matter what.
enjoy life while you can.
Your country is literally islands. It will be the first to sink.
>all these non-arguments
time to take the climate change redpill
or I can just sit in the shade with my air con at full blast.
>large array of mirrors top-kek
>believing Sup Forums charts
>didn't they change the magnetic charge or componds in base metals or some shit ?
what arguments ?
climate change is a very long running meme.
Perhaps, but I worry about the safety. There are too many radicalized muslims in Europe right now, and any reactor is a major target.
Yes I deny that CO2 is causing vegetation to do great. North and South America, North Africa, the Middle East, India and China are all suffering from droughts at the moment and having to cut agricultural output because of the lack of water.
There are countless factors involved, but the scientific consensus at the moment is that CO2 is responsible for most of the current warming. Just because it's less than 1% doesn't lessen its effect.
I didn't say anything about renewable energy. It's too late for that, we need to start bunkering down and preparing emergency measures to deal with mass migration and acute global food shortages.
>Do you deny that carbon dioxide absorbs heat?
Do you realize that volcanic activity across the world emits more carbon dioxide than humans do?
Do you realize that not only does it by far outperform human actions but it also does so WITHIN A MONTH.
No it doesn't.
The Sahara Desert was GREEN 6000 years ago, but a slight wobble in the earths rotational axis turned it into a desert in a matter of years. What caused that? CO2 greenhouse effect?? No. Fuck off
>Do you deny that humans are burning fossil fuels?
>Do you deny that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide?
>Do you deny that carbon dioxide absorbs heat?
>Do you deny that the earth is warming?
hmm, nopoe
>Do you have a better explanation?
Erm, why yes I do!
>pic related
>sheckleing intensifies
It was real as seen as Earth as a celestial object formed. It will be real even after humanity goes extinct. State your point!
>Do you deny that humans are burning fossil fuels?
>Do you deny that burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide?
>Do you deny that carbon dioxide absorbs heat?
It doesn't quite work that way, but if you meant CO2 absorbs certain wavelengths, then - no, I don't deny that.
>Do you deny that the earth is warming?
That is open to debate. Best answer is - we don't know.
1. The records of average temperatures have been often manipulated by various organizations to make them appear rising. There are plenty of examples. Temperature extremes of the past erased as "outliers", number of measurement stations drastically reduced, with large arctic areas being basically averaged from a few points. Original raw temperature records being barred from release, etc.
2. Areas around measurement stations have changed in the past decades. Some of them were standing in the open nature - now surrounded by urbanized areas, paved roads, installations that produce heat, etc. Many measurement stations are located at the airfields - and the traffic has increased a lot.
All this makes the measurements extremely inaccurate, and therefore - we simply don't have objective data.
>Do you have a better explanation?
Solar activity was increased in the past decades. Solar activity records of the past are available - it is directly linked to the number of sun spots and these have been regularly recorded for some two centuries now.
>blocking some of the sunlight with perhaps a large array of mirrors which could orbit the earth.
holy fuck we're at least 100 years before even having the technology to do something like that
the moon hardly blocks out any part of the surface when a eclipse occurs, and it's fucking huge
>Maximum daily temperature in the US
How many different datasets do think they tried before they got one that fit their explanation? Any graph that doesn't use global average temperature is nonsense
>The Sahara Desert was GREEN 6000 years ago
antartica was a jungle a few million years ago too
cool story bro , do you know that 6000 years ago the moon was in a different part of the galaxy, and was towed here by reptillians from the constellation draco kek perhaps the moon coming here has something to do with that desert going all dry.
or the flood 6000 years ago washed away all the trees and top soil.
or india had a nuclear war with flying viamanas armed with old skool nuclear warheads.
6000 years ago in a galaxy far far away.
Where is the temperature change after Tsar-bomb exposion?
>your country is islands
Mainland greece is very mountainous though
Global warming is real, but its not the main problem. The planet and its flora and fauna will survive that. The big problem is pollution and stuff like deforestation. Of course these are things you can't blame on the general population but on the corporations and so on.
They need global warming to let people it's their fault.
>people have made poorshit predictions
>all previous made predictions about how much CO2 would affect average temperature has been BTFO by actual data provided from present time measurements
>keeps believing these predictions
If your entire argument is that we can't accurately measure global temperature then that is pretty weak shit bro
This topic is exhausting--not because it's difficult to rebut your actual positions, but because most of what you're saying is just rhetorical bullshit. Debating this with people becomes more of a semantic debate than anything.
It's just a fucking waste of time.
The comic to which you replied sums up the heart of the issue nicely, and most everything else is just misleading language and nonsense designed to distract people from the real science involved.
But it's true. I know you don't believe me, but it's absolutely true. They've even found petroglyphs in the middle of the Sahara depicting grasslands and animals like giraffes. Sorry that MUH CLIMATE CHANGE isn't created by humans, but you should be relieved
How predictable (unlike global temperature).
and so on...
To be honest I agree.
My main thesis is that humans have exceeded the carrying capacity of Earth and our current growth in consumption is unsustainable, meaning that at some point we're going to hit a wall and lots of people are going to die. Personally I think with current levels of population growth and consumption it's likely to start happening within the next couple of decades. Climate change is just a proxy effect.
>2 degrees
China already has an 1 kid policy. Just end the niggs and the curry niggs and the sands
>My main thesis is that humans have exceeded the carrying capacity of Earth and our current growth in consumption is unsustainable
And you base that on what?
>at some point we're going to hit a wall and lots of people are going to die
That sounds plausible, but that doesn't even necessarily follow from your first point, much less imply anything in particular
Climate changes every day. Cold at night and warm in the morning, faggot.
well fuck them ,coporations must fucking die first. but the mega corps have all the politicians bought and paid for.
we only have ourseleves to blame encouraging shit like star wars ,nfl.macdonalds,world cups ,mars bars.coca cola.etc
we are living in toxic hell.
1.5 C is pretty cold though and your graph never even hit that line. It was 22 C hot where I live, and this is supposed to be a cold region.
How do you even come up with this bullshit?
>1.5 C is pretty cold though
Please be bait
> I didn't mean that short
Too short for what?
Planet manages to cool down in winter and to heat up in summer.
If anything influences the average number - first it`s deserts, that are mostly created by arabs. Sahara did not existed before mudslimes overrun the place.
Mudslimes in USSR take over the Aral Sea area - *boom* - no more Aral sea, just desert.
Want to fight average temperature number - fight deserts and arabs that cause them.
Gaddafi tried to terraform deserts with crops. France bombed him out of existence. Saddam tried fungi and desert plants. Bombed out of existence by his american allies after showing the retarded pictures, that resemble the saddams experimental fertilizer-manufacturing plants.
Overuse of resources, deforestation, depletion of groundwater reserves, soil degradation, environmental pollution, the list of ways in which humans are negatively affecting the environment is pretty endless. Maybe we will find a way to negate all that and keep growing but I think it's pretty unlikely.
I don't particularly enjoy debating about particular graphs because it's boring af but both of the graphs in the first link use limited datasets and only go up to the 90s
people die every fucking day user.
fear fear fear
pay more tax dollar to your climate overlords,listen to all these educated talking head idots spout there fantasy storys >muh science > muh buzz words like UNSUSTAINABLE
tax shekels fear
There weren't weather station all over the world nor were there people around to record the data. The numbers are fudged and the scientists are paid by taxes. If nothing is wrong then they might have to get another job.
>Overuse of resources, deforestation, depletion of groundwater reserves, soil degradation, environmental pollution, the list of ways in which humans are negatively affecting the environment is pretty endless
Having a list of buzzwords and ways that you PERCEIVE us affecting these things is not relevant--don't you understand that? The fact that something does have an affect (this is just rhetorical) does not mean that it is significant or even noteworthy in practice. You don't describe relative significance at all--it's like you just listened to too many female public school teachers and NPR broadcasts growing up or something
> lack of water.
it's either hot, and precipitates more, causing plants to do better.
Or it's cooler, and everything is the same, with no warming.
>this is what Russians actually believe