A 14 year old CEO puts first aid kits in vending machines and now is the next Bill Gates.
Another translation is Jew learns to profit from human suffering at a young age.
A 14 year old CEO puts first aid kits in vending machines and now is the next Bill Gates.
Another translation is Jew learns to profit from human suffering at a young age.
Life is becoming more like a video game every day...We have health dispensers now... wow....fucking jews!
$6 bucks a bandaid.
holy shit, isnt it the "hell yeah motherfucker" kid all grown up?
Soon there will be fully automated health bots that can act as nurses. Deus ex anyone?
>6 dollar bucks a bandaid
>forcing people to pay up front for emergency care in a life or death situation
Even Satan would look at this and say, "That's fucked up."
Next Bill Gates with such a shitty and useless "idea"?
>2 harriet tubmans for an IV
>1 rosa parks for an asprin
>3 George Washington Carvers for a nutter butter protein bar
He turned down $30 million, I don't see the idea making that much for a long time. Should have taken the money.
Imagine the markup on a pill of oxycontin.
>soda pop
Hmm, I could sure go for some first aid kits right about now...
>Life is becoming more like a video game every day.
where do you think he got the idea from?
that's fucking stupid
i wish people weren't allowed to do these scams
This. I can understand charging 99ยข a bandaid or something but anything else should be free and the costs should be covered by the store owner.
I'm gonna park my S&M booth next to one of these things and make made mad bank off you suckers.
>the next Bill Gates
So he goes around the country buying up shitty garage shops for his rich daddy?
Now that i think about it, he would have taken the $30 million.
I think there never was a serious $30 million offer in the first place, it's meant to generate hype
>Oh shit, I hurt myself. Do you have a bandaid or something?
>It's $5 in the vending machine
>But I don't have cash
>Get the fuck out
>first aid kits
because calling 911 is too mainstream
5 dollars? I would rather bleed to death. Fuck me man, the white t-shirt i'm wearing i paid 3 euros for, i'll just use that instead
osha will have a field day with this
Want to save a life? Too bad, your balance doesn't allow it.
>15 year old turns down $30mil but can't talk about the deal
>huffpost article
sounds like total made up bullshit. You'd have to be a complete idiot to turn down $30 million as a teenager.
>6$ for a fucking bandaid
What the shit
What a fucking jew
>Rubber gloves
What the Jew fuck?
why is this shit not for free? Like free healthcare?
>turned down a "$30m offer"
And if he did actually turn down such an offer, he's going to get fucked over royally. A company making an offer that large will just engineer a different, non-patented solution to the same "problem" they thought it was worth throwing $30m at.
>first aid kits in vending machines
Other than MAYBE camp sites (which won't have power to operate these machines) where will these ever be useful?
When would you use this instead of:
>First aid in your camper backpack
>First aid in your car
>Going to walmart for first aid
>Going to see an RN
>individual supplies like Band-Aids, rubber gloves and gauze pads, ranging in price from $6 to $20.
smart kid, should of took the 30million however and invested it wisely
Maybe i'll make a business selling bicycle powered generators for these vending machines, so they can be used on camp sites.
>mfw teenagers are now outjewing the jews
holy fuck
I thought I was the only one that read it like this.
This kid turns down more money than you guys will make in your lifetimes.
I don't understand
What would be your sales plan/business strategy with this product?
When would you ever be in a situation where you would be willing fork over $6 to grab a bandaid that you wouldn't be able to get for free in any business because then it would be an actual emergency?
exactly, it's total crap, much like his idea
And what about this is so special? I don't understand
i can just imagine someone coats the touchscreen in their hepatitis infected blood, and the kid gets sued for 31 million dollars
that's clearly a card swipe on the machine
That's a great ad.
Is this legal?
>Jew comes up with sceme that will likely save hundreds if not thousands of lives
>all while making him rich
>pol spins it to be devious so how
What will you do today ?
What will you do ever?
>$6 bandaid despenser
>saving thousands of lives
Try again
I bet his father is a PR man.
The japs have used panties vending machines, tell me how is this a fucking invention. Problem are the fucking prices you dumb fucking asian burning leaf.
who needs a first aid kit on the go? did he do this in chicago?
if he was the next bill gates he would have a knife and sharp object vending machine next to it
>saving hundreds if not thousands of lives
probably not hundreds.
but dozens sure, as long as it came with a disinfectant.
Remember that high school Pajeet that claimed to have made $100+ million in the stock market?
>RecMed vending machines stock both prepackaged first-aid kits (which cost between $5.99 and $15.95) for ailments like sunburns, blisters, bee stings and cuts, and individual supplies like Band-Aids, rubber gloves and gauze pads, ranging in price from $6 to $20.
Yeah, it won't last.
Who doesn't have a first aid kit anyways?
Emploers are required to have first aid available for workers. How is this a novel idea? Get cuban over here to rip the kid apart
This is the dumbest shit ive seen in a long time.
Why would anyone buy this shit they there are overnight vending machines near most pharmacies that have first aid kits plus other shit people might need
placement, did you not listen to the kid's presentation?
the fact that he's already got over a hundred six flags orders.
lol a vending machine like that would be destroyed in 20 minutes in the US.
I was amazed in Germany and Japan when I saw beer in vending machines. That shit would never fly over here. Even the cig machines are gone now.
>buying a first aid kit from a vending machine
>next William Gates
>company branded bowling shirt
Yeah, this kid is never going to make it
Don't most workplaces have at least 1 member of staff with first aid training, every place I've worked at has a first aid kit stored somewhere. If you fuck yourself up on the street, it's easy for someone to call an ambulance or go into a nearby store and ask for assistance. I've done this before.
especially if you find a sucker willing to pay 30m for an idea with as little traction as this, it's not like the kid invented the fucking vending machine, there is nothing preventing a competitor from doing exactly the same thing except the fact it is a garbage idea.
the 30m deal smells liek complete bs
Gee i wonder who gave him the start up capitol
So when we say "first aid", are we talking like "oh shit someone needs help right now quick get to the vending machine oh fuck oh fuck I don't have any quarters" or are we talking like "Fuck sake, I nicked my arm again, I better go get a plaster from the vending machine"?
>Basic first aid now has a payment required
Oh for fucks sake.
What's next, coin operated fire extinquishers?
>Don't most workplaces have at least 1 member of staff with first aid training,
lol no
>itt Sup Forums buttblasted by a 14 year old who used his wits and saw an opportunity and took it
Stay mad. Stay jelly.
weak b8
This bad dude used his intellectual curiosity to provide a product or service to the general public, saw a need and now provides goods and is reaping in the benefits of his idea meanwhile you are frogposting on Sup Forums with your jelly ass NEET lifestyle getting nowhere.
Amusement parks already gouge the fuck out of their customers, but even they are going to realize that trying to sell first aid items at this kind of markup is a PR nightmare
This is done by his parents to game the Ivy League admissions system. He didn't actually do jack shit. My half sister had "started" a charity that taught black kids to swim. Really she sat on her ass at home while her Momy hired people to do the work. She is at Harvard now being the lazy degenerate she always was.
Stop killing tourists.
That's not as impressive as the next Walter White.
>Teen Drug Dealer Makes $20k A Month
Even Ana Kasparian was impressed.
This idea isn't new.
At the factory I run, we put optional health and first aid items in our snack machines for instances that happen outside of work. Everything else is covered by our nurses
he was destined to success from the beginning
that's because of laws you dumb fuck. it's illegal to sell cigarettes and beer in vending machines now. Unless you're talking about on military bases, they kinda get a pass on this shit because you have to be at least 18 to be in the military.
>implying you are smarter