Let's see how sane this board really is
Sup Forums Psychological test
Sanity is abstract. Anything not considered "normal" is insane to one. A normie is insane to robots and Sup Forums is insane to leftists.
>105 Questions
Not crazy enough to take this test, apparently.
105 questions, HAHAHA.
It's thorough and simple, takes a couple minutes despite it's daunting length, dont be discouraged so easily we all know you have nothing more productive to do
Not exactly although I see what you're saying, if you turn out to be a schizophrenic you will need medication. There is a level of stasis that is ideal
doing it atm
Alright, so how did your test go?
The results are fairly embarrassing, they said I had too many issues to give a fair assessment. I'm just happy this is an anonymous board
i don't know what I expected.
That actually doesnt look to bad other than schizoid, I'd be fine with those results.
Done but the fucking results chocked me.
Why is that?
Reported you to your local Kindness Enforcement Officer.
This thing is going to sum up my personality disorders based on the 5 things I agreed with. Cool.
Don't really know how I managed to get so high on the sadistic scale. Sure, sometimes it can be fun laugh at others misery but everyone do that. Derpends on the level of misery too.
Oh great
I guess this is why I'm in therapy.
Pretty accurate
Damn, yours might actually be worse than mine, poor guy
At least we're not Anthony Burch
Uh okay I guess I'm an edgelord.
I'm a diagnosed Schizoid.
The Freud test is also very good, it's half as long and the description at the end seemed incredibly accurate for me
It is relatively good result when considered that this test is meant to give only "bad" results.
Diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, which I suppose might make the results a bit weird.
You think the test was accurate or bullshit?
Heres the link, I'll take it again and see what it say
Ya'll need Jesus.
"Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: That you have a strong need for attention and affection, but contrary to what could be expected, you are not passive and receptive, waiting for others to notice you of their own accord. On the contrary, you are actively manipulating others to notice you in order to feed your flair for melodrama and nascent attention-seeking. To gain attention, you dramatize matters pertaining to yourself, ranging from clothing, appearance, manner of speaking, and sexuality. You try different tactics with new people to figure out what makes each person respond well to you, modifying yourself in an attempt to gain popularity and admiration. Your behavior is seductive, witty, charming, and gregarious, while at the same time seeming childish and immature. So long as you are with people who greatly enjoy your company, you are contented and the life of the party, yet when you are alone you are sometimes beset by brooding thoughts that you are really unworthy of love."
>100% attention whore
wew lad
Funny, since I've been diagnosed schizoid.
my print screen is borked.
85% narcissistic
85% antisocial
85% histrionic
28% dependent
100% sadistic
57% compulsive
71% negativistic
14% avoidant
28% depressive
0% masochistic
71% borderline
100% paranoid
71% schizoid
85% schizotypal
85% hypomaniac
Sanest person so far
I'm surprised the test has been this accurate so far
May as well add the description.
Your personality style is:
"Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: That your internal contrasting perceptions of self-worth cannot be resolved by your own thoughts on the matter, but must be taken out on your surroundings in order for you to gain a clearer perspective of your own self-worth. Internally troubled, you resolve your intra-psychic conflicts by acting abusively and explosively towards others. You are harshly punitive and abusive and always ready to impose pain on the people who question the justification and legitimacy of your self-serving behavior."
it's kind of accurate. though not entirely.
It clocked me as being sadistic, though I only have some trouble sympathizing with others.
Also narcissism and anti-social traits are symptoms of Schizoid personality.
My only problem with it is that I'm definitely not hypomanic. I'm usually very chill, I just speak fast.
most Sup Forumsacks should score high on narcissism, antisocial, and sadistic categories.
my scores are relatively low, probably because I'm a liberal and actually care about others :^)
My results said I answered "agreed" for too many questions for them to be able to give an accurate description, but that "It is quite possible that you have several personality styles that are all strongly expressed and which co-exist in you. "
I wouldn't say it's inaccurate, but it's over-simplified.
I thought my score was pretty bad but I feel better after seeing some of you fuckers.
what do your other personalities say?
You should run in fear from me.
Kek, got a meme answer from the Freudian test, it's all good fun though try it out as well
Its looking like a lot of Sup Forums is schizoid as well. Real shocker I know.
The freudian test...
Cynical, demanding, and easily frustrated with others, you are proud, acerbic, and independent to a fault. Delivering verbal stings and disparaging analyses of others wherever you go, your outer image is one of cold and unapproachable aloofness. Little do others know, though, that while you are outwardly cold and derisive, you secretly wish that someone would come into your life and pamper you. Metaphorically, your personality style may be described as a neglected infant who was denied the essential nurture and care that you needed. Deprived of comfort and security from the earliest age onward, you learned that the world was a cynical place where independence and tough-mindedness were needed in order to thrive. Embittered with your parents' failure to provide you with basic love and security in childhood, you developed a facility for 'biting' remarks. One reason that you are so verbally aggressive is that you are frustrated with others, feeling that no one really understands you. In trying to repair the lack of parental care and security that marked your childhood, you may be attracted to cold partners who cannot meet your emotional needs in adulthood.
Not telling me anything I don't already know. :(
Paranoid representation is sizable. Because da joos really are out to get us
bring me souls.
Your personality style is:
Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: That your internal contrasting perceptions of self-worth cannot be resolved by your own thoughts on the matter, but must be taken out on your surroundings in order for you to gain a clearer perspective of your own self-worth. Internally troubled, you resolve your intra-psychic conflicts by acting abusively and explosively towards others. You are harshly punitive and abusive and always ready to impose pain on the people who question the justification and legitimacy of your self-serving behavior.
>psssh...nothin personnel...kids
Seriously though, I am fully fucking aware of this amazing epiphany. My court mandated therapy has been pretty clear on it.
The same? It's kind of hard to disagree with the results.
Seems about right.
What does this even mean lmao
Here you go user
Is this good?
Looks about right. There's a reason I'm here after all.
Oh fug forgot pic
I didn't think it was that bad
I guess this is the personality of a lurker...
I just realized I'm literally the only person who posted their results who weren't depressive.... Guys cheer up a bit.
ayy comparing to m8s here i'm the sanest
fairly similar buddy
What the fuck does this mean ?
What ?
Is this good or bad?
My multiple personality brother
Meh, that's the first time I got the narcissistic component so high.
This test is shit
Yo. How did I do.
I think I clicked yes on too many things
What's the difference between avoidant and antisocial?
avoidant = lazy I guess
avoidant, anti-social, sadistic.
I belong here.
Your test scores suggest that your personality style entails: A defect in your ability to form social relationships and an under-responsiveness to all sorts of stimuli. You exhibit an intrinsic emotional "flatness" where the highs don't get too high and the lows don't get too low. Emotions like joy, anger, and sadness do not move you as much as they move other people. Your natural state appears to be one where you have "retired" a bit into yourself, which is one source of the calmness that characterizes your normal state. Unlike what might be expected, your passivity and lack of vitality is not a form of self-protection, but simply seems to be your natural state.
Avoidant means you avoif contact purposely, antisocial just means that you're bad at it, I think.
Anti-social= issues with feeling empathy, morals, etc.
Avoidant = afraid of being mistreated by people, anxious
I got 100% on Retentive Hysteric...
This is pretty fucking brutal desu
70% compulsive and 28% antisocial. How does that compare to others?
Daily reminder that Psychology is not a science.
Fuck sake user, it ripped you a new one.
>0% Antisocial
Wot. I guess Schizoid already covers it.
Forgot pic
Normal means that you can be a functional part of society, so things like openly murdering children is off the table.
But yes, your point (as I interpreted it) that sanity is relative is valid.
fuck, i am a god. i broke this piece of shit.
>tfw their explanation is that i clicked agree too leniently
i hardly ever clicked agree
test isnt very accurate.
im a shit human being but you guys already knew that
damn dude.
Not bad.
says the narcissistic schizoid
Forgot pic
Narcissistic, Sadistic, Negativistic.
What a shitty fucking test. Waste of time.
>one question on page instead of a big list
>instead of checking 30 questions and pressing ''next'' you check one question and press ''next''
>just randomly clicking trough the test takes 5 minutes
Fuck that
And then when you're done
>60% narcistic, 59 histrionic, 29 biporal
Meaningless nonsense. What a waste of time.
If anyone wants to try and actual personality test, cognitivedynamics.blogspot.com
>tfw you're the most charming one on Sup Forums