ITT: People who will say anything to get elected
You first OP
Fuck this bait post
Trump doesn't even know WTF he is saying half of the time.
He just spouts shit he thinks is popular. He has no principles. Even the foreign policy speech someone wrote for him is full of contradictions.
But fact check him and he lashes out on Twatter like a petulant child.
Omg i hate Trump nao
If anything he'll say anything NOT to get elected. But people are voting anyway.
Watch out user. You are going to be swarmed by angry TIDF activists for attacking the "god emperor"
Trump just says random shit because he doesn't really have values other than getting himself elected. I can't believe that Sup Forums falls for this trash. He's so inconsistent and flip-flops on so many issues. He mostly just uses social media to tell people what he thinks they want to hear in order to get attention and increase popularity. He's basically like a 16yo girl except with more money and less tits. And Sup Forums is like a 13yo boy getting all excited when the girl pulls attention getting stunts coz she's so much older and more interesting and has tits and stuff.
Yep he's nothing but a populist with no vision. Completely unpresidential in how he handles himself too.
What can he do to change your mind? He presented the facts.
Dancer with Hitler dubs would be nice or a squire!
But does Kek will it for me?
Fuck yes
rollin for somethin fancy pantsy
>Fuck this bait post
>Posts pic that will spawn tons of replies, bumping the thread
Sage and roll
It's a woovement....
desu both Trump and Hillary would say anything to get elected
Yay baitroll
>any presidential candidate ever
Kunoichi get
I kind of agree. He's a bit too inconsistent and flip flops all over the place.
still it's better than Shillary that's for sure.
nearly every popular politician
its actually more likely that trump is genuine considering he doesnt need to be a politician to make money and he is self funded
"Self funded"
Was. And he's paying himself back for the loan from campaign contributions.
>picture of every single politician to ever exist.jpeg
these shills are much better than the bernie shills. their posting style mimics ours
i guess hillary has a bigger budget
Roll for knight, priest or lancer
>tfw your heart gets stolen by qt thief girl
That's every single politician. The first rule of politics is to get elected. The second rule of politics is to get re-elected. The interests of the electorate come in about number 49 on the list. The crucial thing is to get in office, and stay in office. To do that, you need money. To get that, you need donors. And then you must use the powers of your office to do whatever the donors want.
At least, that's how it works in Amerifatburgerland.