Should we instate a mandatory physical test in the USA? If we can do the draft, which had a test, why can't we have this? Obese fucks cobtribute NOTHING and get away with it.
Fat people
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No, just deny them benefits or any other tax cover paid assistance if they refuse to follow an assigned treatment plan to lose weight.
Yes. Obesity is degeneracy
Is anyone else here fascinated by obese people? i cant not even comprehend becoming that fat and not fighting it every step of the way, but there are people out there who watch themselves getting bigger and bigger and totally dont think twice about it or are unwilling to change anything.
Well it's genetics, there is nothing they can do about it.
Fuck no, fat people suck but being forced to do anything sucks more. It should be if you want you fat disability benefit benefits you need to participate in a weight loss program
I for one welcome a fat tax.
>but muh freedoms
Man, this is why you spell check before you post
You should have to for health insurance. Pisses me off now I have to pay for these fat fucks when it is completely preventable.
I'm 6' 1" and got up to 220lbs a few years back, I had to get the next size up pants and finally said fuck it I need to change my eating habits instead. Now I'm 155lbs.
Maybe something like that. I can see no reason to give fat people food stamps, that's for sure.
If smokers pay higher premiums, so should obese people. They might not comprehend the health implications but by God they'll comprehend the financial ones.
Holy fuck that is disgusting.
Not with the current systems.
Pretending like half of you aren't basement dwelling hot pockets.
It's slow motion suicide.
Their day is coming. A lot of people are sick and tired of being sick and tired of this shit.
fat people are fucking cancer of earth lol
literally how does anyone get obese? i used to weigh 140, but after 2 years of eating more and lifting, i'm up to 180.
i am trying to bulk and i literally cannot get over 180, my body physically rejects the amount of calories required. it is not only a sickening amount of food but EXPENSIVE. i have fucking SHIT I HAVE TO PAY FOR THAT ISNT FOOD
how do obese people afford this? how do they find the time to eat it all? how do they not projectile vomit after eating 4k calories? i seriously have shit to do in my life. i need to study. i like to read and play games and socialize. i can't do that face down in a plate of hot wings. I ESPECIALLY CANT AFFORD THE FUCKING HOTWINGS EVERY NIGHT
just how, please explain to me someone, anyone
I think if you're one Medicaid/SNAP you should be subjected to mandatory diet control and exercise.
I'm 6'2" 285lbs, and I think I'm a fat sack of shit. But the shit these people do to themselves is just incomprehensible.
The only cure is .50cal asprin
Wouldn't it be easier if we just shrank the government and got rid of socialism and hold everyone accountable for their own boolshiet?
Fat people would have to pay for their own care and increased healthcare costs in a purely capitalist society which would basically end the issues of fat people because they'd all either lose weight or end up broke, homeless and die.
Obese people are just the result of letting the USA become a welfare state, we need to end this shit all across the western world and move back to smaller govt, it'll stop ALL degeneracy by simply allowing those smart and prosperous to not have to pay for all the degenerates.
They're fucking lazy. Plain and simple. They claim MUH GENETICS and MUH HEALTH ISSUES but it all boils down to laziness.
They don't want to adhere to a good diet and exercise plan. That's all it is. That's it.
> it is not only a sickening amount of food but EXPENSIVE
this is what i dont get, how can you waste so much in food
I would rather skip a meal than drive across town for some burgers or spend 10 minutes cooking something
Hard work and dedication.
It takes no effort to order a delivery pizza.
Why the fuck it's considered a disability to begin with?
The crazy shit is, you don't really even need an exercise plan if you walk more than 5 feet a day. Just eat less, and eat non shitty foods and you'll maintain a relatively reasonable weight
Because the food and medical industries have worked together to sell "treatments" to their own problem instead of cures.
Pepperoni pizza or ham and cheese?
>power beds
Based America, never change
Bacon egg and cheese master race
Pretty sure she's Mexican or South American.
>just using the features on the bed
They get so fat they literally can't move.
Morbidly obese people can't lose weight by exercising. The only thing they can do is diet, and their stomach is stretched so huge they feel like they're starving if they don't eat 10 pizzas every day.
This is true but this is why you just stop giving them food. Sure they'll be hungry but they'll get over it.
if your body is used to running on 4000+ calories a day, toning it down a shitton kills what little energy and motivation they had
Fuck you buddy. I live on the SECOND floor of my parents house.
Also thin not fat.
Then get lap band surgery or whatever. Don't just throw up your arms and say "Nothing we can do".
>but muh freeeeedumbs
they will get over it once their gravitational feild stops pulling in the neighbors pets
How the fuck do you even get like this? I remember when I was around 40 pounds overweight and my entire body was flabby and I was just grossed out so I worked it off.
>75,000 GBP
How do you even get so much in benefits?
That's an order or two higher than average wage in the UK is it not?
>I don't like freedom
>I don't like something
>daddy government please just ban it.
Why are you so anti freedom you faggot just do or create a fat tax.
This is America, you can be obese if you want.
>fat guts
>fat women
>fat heads
>fat cars
>fat burgers
>fat nigger
>fat rich
>fat cat politicians
>fat wall street...
without fat, the u.s. is nothing
Fat people are the result of fat acceptance.
People don't tell people that they need to lose weight.
this clips shows us what real americans are like.
Come on, even your birds are fat.
check you food privilege, millions of africans stave to death everyday.
we should just kill em
No difference between fatasses and skeletons. If you dont work out you are just another
At a bare minimum some exercises should be mandatory for the citizens.
The growing lack of knowledge of the masses added to a poor health lead to apathy, the disease which will ultimately destroy our civilization.
this is awful to look at, but it's funny to me that some people are triggered badly by this. have fun with your mental illness. LOL
>there is nothing they can do about it.
I was fat my entire life, then in high school, I decided to lose weight. Went from 280 to about 190 in about ten months. I stopped drinking soda which peeled off a substantial amount of weight pretty quickly. That's when the light went off and I realized it was the sugar that was fucking my shit up.
Stay away from the goddamned sugar. When you see obese people and you look at what they eat, it's full of either sugar, carbs, or both. That shit is addictive as fuck and they don't even realize they have an addiction to it.
You never see them with bags of carrot sticks or apples, no, it's always processed sugar and carbs.
So yeah, after I got the weight off, I started eating as much as I wanted since in my core, I'm a fatty who loves to eat, so I had to find a way to mitigate that craving without getting fat again, so I fill up on brown rice and beans in the morning and that holds me until the afternoon where I eat pretty much anything I want.
It's been almost 10 years and I'm a little over 200 now, but my metabolism is slowing down since I'm almost 30, so I have to do a little re-jiggering to my routine to keep the weight down, but I've managed to get this far because I've stayed away from fucking carbs and sugar.
The fucked up thing is, I've met people who eat nothing but processed sugar and carbs and they're thin as fuck. I lived with one. I saw how much of this bullshit she ate EVERY DAY and lived off of fucking High-C juice. Bitch was 110 soaking wet. So yeah, there are some anomalies, the human body is a funny thing, but for most of us, STAY AWAY FROM CARBS AND SUGAR.
i avoid sugar altogether. it's basically poison for you. so is salt but i love salt to death and won't give it up until the day i die.
i figure my health balances out since i never smoke or drink, and i lift regularly so maybe i can eat fuckloads of salty foods and maybe get away with eating a lot of salty foods at least until i'm in my 40s and scientists invent some crazy substitute or we all die in some horrific skynet attack and it doesnt matter anyway
Neither are poison and are both actually necessary for the body to work, especially salt. But like anything too much is a bad thing.
>mfw slave away for $25,000/yr here working shit jobs
>mfw some landwhale contributing literally negative amounts to society lives 3x more comfy than me
This is why its all coming to an end. Ordinary people that just want to contribute some and get some while being left alone are being replaced with people that just want to taketaketake.
I think the point being made is,
>sure be fat
>but not on my dime
When I was growing up, it was sort of shameful to be on benefits. Something you only admitted to friends while making certain to say something like "But I have an interview next week!" etc immediately after.
the poison is in the dose, to quote an old saying
but no, refined sugars are literally poison. they are not figuratively poison, they are actually poison. it's a very mild poison, but it still is poison. there's a reason why diabetes is an epidemic.
salt is necessary for your nervous system to function though, but again, too much of a good thing, etc
good on ya.
>refined sugars are literally poison. they are not figuratively poison, they are actually poison.
And this is why I never take armchair nutritionists seriously. I get it. Sugar is BAD. but you are delusional.
why are crack, meth, cocaine, marijuana ... illegal? Because they are bad for your health? so is being >18% body fat. Criminalizing obesity would be no different than criminalizing cigarettes, and alcohol for minors.
Fat asses should find their doughey asses in state prison with their fellow addicts.
Wtf is going on here?
We should just give obese people cocaine. Replace one addiction with another that can at least be more aesthetic.
it is a literal fact you are healthier the less refined sugars you consume i.e. milk is okay but candy bars are not
this is basic medicine 101, but it's not that much of a tax to your body to deal with candy, soda, etc. you just age yourself a few years and put on a few pounds and increase the chances of diabetes and maybe cancer.
i think you don't understand how efficient our bodies are at processing toxins and poisons. alcohol is a neurotoxin and and poison but you can still drink it. you can consume small amounts of heavy metals etc.
poison doesn't only mean hemlock
all of what i've written is true and is easily discovered with 2 seconds into google "refined sugar health effects"
I'll have to remember the rice thing.
I'm a sophomore in college. I gained about 20 lbs over the course of last year and that put me up to 280. It was a huge wake up call.
I havnt cut out dessert all together, but I have cut down as in a serving once a week and I've cut out pop fully. Anything else I should avoid? Juice, white bread and the like?
>if your body is used to running on 4000+ calories a day
NO. It does not RUN on 4000 calories a day. It takes in 4000 a day. and burns maybe 1800.
People who think they can use psychic power as a weapon in martial arts.
>le drug addicts are talented meme
Pic related.
Here's the problem
‘Fat Activist’ Speaks at Public Health School, Denounces ‘Thin Privilege’.
>implying many people that use drugs aren't
pic related
Avoid empty carbs like white bread, white rice, and pasta unless you know for sure you'll be working off those calories. If you still feel empty after having a meal you can always eat tons of your favorite vegetable, that's how I fought hunger pangs when I was fat.
>diet coke with pizza
Just how stupid are these fucking people, god
pick one.
>800 lb man lost 20 lbs In 80 days
He wasn't even trying to lose weight.
My opinion on obesity is everyone has a vice. Whether it's drugs, alcohol, cigarettes or food.
If you're fat, know it, but maintain a job and can walk a mile without difficulty and can live unassisted, I'm not going to begrudge you for liking a good meal at the end of the day.
But fat people who literally can't live without help should lose weight. The pic I linked this post to just makes me sad.
>Juice, white bread and the like?
I have to admit, I was lucky the only addiction I had was soda and fast food. I never liked candy, cakes, or sweets or fruit juice and I hate condiments and shit like Ranch dressing. All these things that sneak in the extra calories? I never liked any of that shit, I have no taste for sweets and have a pretty bland palette.
A typical day is a giant bowl of brown rice with black beans an avocado and an egg all mixed up, that holds me most of the day, then I'll eat something like ground turkey meat with another giant bowl of roasted vegetables.
That's it. It's bland and boring and most people won't like it, but I try to switch it up a bit, like I'll eat oatmeal with berries in the morning instead of rice and beans, but still this isn't gonna satisfy your average fatass needing to lose weight.
I'm lucky I have a bland palette and no taste for sweets or condiments and all that shit that packs in the calories.
Also, exercise is absolute fucking bullshit for weight loss. The amount of work you'd have to do to "burn" off one combo meal from McDonalds is fucking insane and COMPLETELY disproportionate. All exercise does at the beginning stage is make you even hungrier and more pissy.
Wait until you get the weight off through changing your diet and then start walking around the block or the track or something, just a little something to get your heart rate up, once a day. That's what I do and the doctor said all my vitals and blood work came back perfect.
So yeah, seems to be working for me.
Ok then.
They usually blame genetics anyways
>cola light
every time
Also, you might like this:
They often lie to themselves too.
Amy Winehouse's drug of choice was alcohol and Courtney Love's was heroin. Bowie did cocaine and Erdos did amphetamine. Some drugs allow you to be more functional than others.
Mmmmmm... Iron Bru.
God bless the Scots.
>talking to someone who uses drugs
>mention that you think drugs are bad
>They start namedropping rock stars, artists, Steve jobs, and Obama as proof that drugs are beneficial
>Saying that a few people succeeded while taking drugs is proof drugs are safe to drugtards
>The druggies are constantly poor, miserable , sick, and stupid but that never comes up in their views on drugs
>guy with drugtard parents
When you're the fat you burn that many cals just existing
There is a reason fatties have a size they tend to reach and not exceed, and that's them hitting the weight where they are no longer eating excess but eating maitnence cals.
>In August 2007, Winehouse cancelled a number of shows in the UK and Europe, citing exhaustion and ill health. She was hospitalised during this period for what was reported as an overdose of heroin, ecstasy, cocaine, ketamine and alcohol.
Ok, friend.
Tackle obesity similarly to how we tackle drunks: cut them off.
Make it illegal for fast food and supermarkets to sell crap to fatties.
It's a harsh but promising solution.
>Need to have bland pallet
I'm not a picky eater, but I. Not a shovel. I do like to enjoy all the taste of my food.
I guess I can do the rice and beans but add a bit of spice to it.
Do you use a rice cooker or microwave?
That looks like something you have to kill in quake
It's odd seeing people who genuinely believe that while injecting their cocks with cocaine to get a better orgasm while they masturbate.
Anyways, fat pics in the spirit of the thread.
You stop caring
I used to be a good 50 pounds overweight and as soon as I started counting calories I went down to healthy with zero issue. Losing weight is pretty fucking easy desu
You haven't even seen my final form.
I can't find this story anywhere
Egorapter really let himself go.