How much is gas in your cunt? Americans, convert gallons to liters; non-Americans...

How much is gas in your cunt? Americans, convert gallons to liters; non-Americans, convert your meme currency to Dollars.

Where I am, gas is $2.89/gallon or $0.76/liter

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1,52$ / liter

I dont know. But the bus pass costs $1,80.

141.772 rupees / gallon

Wow, that's almost like in Japan.

I think it was about $1.02/L last time I filled.

I don't really keep track of the prices, it doesn't cost me enough to worry about.

$1,08/liter gas

$0,88/liter ethanol

$0,81/liter diesel




why don't you just make cars that run on soda? that's only $.5/liter so it'd be cheaper

>owning a car

cool story redneck.

Jokes on you hans I don't even have a license

in Germany you spend more money on a license than on a car, good for you senpai.

you legit did the opposite of both instructions. You could not be less useful if you tried.

you can move to brazil, same language cheaper gas.

$1.1 a litre

2.30 now but I remember being as low as 1.80 not too long ago.

west texas btw

btw this is in gallons, not litres or whatever the yuropoor metric system equivalent is

$ 0.90 / liter
now it's high but it usually just lows 10 cents or so

1.44e per liter last time i filled her up

i'd rather not get kidnapped for money once they noticed my accent, thank you very much

$2 per gallon, 50c per liter

1.5$ per liter. in Seoul it's 1.6$ per liter.

Why bother? It'd only take 15 minutes to drive across his entire country. That'll save on gas alone.

can you fake some of their accents?

so do i win anything?

a bit yes, but they would notice. european portuguese sounds quite different

$1.08 CAD/$.81 USD/litre
