Yfw you first realized the jews where actually evil.
Yfw you first realized the jews where actually evil
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Why can't you leave us alone...
>mfw i realized that amerilard christians are actually a jewish fanclub keeping the beast well fed
Post again when you realise that the corrupt elite only uses race to divide the working/middle class.
Its only natural because they worship the same god.
When they started using the holocaust (with highly inflated data) to justify anything they want to do to fuck the world up. When they use globalism to fuck the world up while saying it's the ethical way (so don't ever think on arguing with them).
When they caused the economic crisis in 1929 to try to fuck Germany, because they were economically groing so fast by restricting their conspiracy.
When they've always played the victims when they were the first ones to declare war on Germany before th 2nd WW (therefore they were war prisoners, and not some poor people who didn't do anything) if you declare war, prepare or the consecuences (in this case the extermination of your race).
So, the proof is, they have been purged since always and everywhere for some reason, because they have always tried to conquer the world like rats, not showing their faces, but doing it through influences and bakground acting.
But at least we threw them away in 1492 (thanks to the catholic kings), and thanks to this USA globalism we have to deal with them again.
So thank you America for giving them the power.
pd: I really hope Trump does something about this, if he's not a very well disguised kike.
But well we spanish have a lot of fucking moors and latin american scum so fuck me r8?
The Jews get pretty BTFO in the New Testament, but televangelists seem to love Schlomo's cock.
da jooos
>le same god and the same religion meme
M8 Donald's daughter is a kike
>beautifull jewish baby
Well fuck... and I thought there was hope.
>beautifull jewish soap
Can't even spell were fucking retard
Why are Russians the MOST bluepilled faggots on this board?
Pay attention:
>The Jewish-Bolshevik Decimation of the Russian People
>Jewish financiers and the Russian Revolution
>Putin confirms, 85% Jews behind Bolshevism
>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>Mainstreaming white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation
Not a single people in history has made more for the jews than white american christians.
And how do merchants pay back the favour?
By promoting degeneracy, corrupting their youth mocking their religion in their movies and tv programs and ultimatley by flooding the country with foreigners who won't care about Israel at all.
Jews are their own worst enemies and they shoul be kept in check for their own safety.
>So thank you America for giving them the power.
Rothschilds didn't get their start in America, m8.
We initially got infested just before the Civil War, and it grew steadily until the 20th century. It wasn't until WWII that the Jews really took control here, before that they were based in Britain, France, and Germany. Unless you count the Soviet Union as a Jewish holding following the 1917 revolution.
They infect everything, so they're everyone's problem, m8.