what the fuck?
What the fuck?
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He's kind of right but also wrong at the same time. If you print money to pay China, you're in debt to the Fed
Breaking news: Presidential candidate is a Keynesian tool, willing to do most anything to avoid taking the US economy off it's economic equivalent of drug abuse.
He's accurately describing our economic policy for the past decade, don't see why this is news to anyone.
I love how they have a 20 minute interview with the guy and they only grab the end of 1 sentence for him to blow up.
Talking in interviews is like walking through minefields for Trump. All they want to do is blow him up.
I think he was just stating this as a fact, but not something that should be taken advantage of. It's like saying that if you chloroform a woman, you can rape her without resistance. It's a true fact. But that doesn't mean you're going to do it.
Americans have become so retarded lately that even the simplest things have to be explained to them like they are five.
The US will be his fifth bankruptcy.
And like his others, someone else will get screwed.
Liberals don't know what a denominator. They think solely in terms of numerators.
Guys if we print the money, that means we'll never have debt! That's how it works, right?
>lemme tell you why this billionaire businessman who graduated in economics at the best business school in the world is wrong
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing prints $541 million dollars a day.
What the fuck is the problem here?
>what is QE
never heard of the economic A-bomb?
>intentionally using bankruptcy laws to preserve earnings in an area where you have no control over losses is bad
Fuck off you know-nothing layabout. Go take a business 101 class
this is some pretty weak damage control
I wouldn't accept "print money until we're out of debt" as a good idea from yeb!, hillary or sanders, and I wont accept it from trump
>Exposing the central baking jew
He didn't state it as an idea, though. If you have to rely on strawmen, it suggests you don't have anything better. That's not good.
> Literally quoting Bernanke
While true, the motives behind the quote are disconcerting.
Can anyone explain to me the consequences of lowering int rate for treasury bonds/ a fluctuating int rate for "safe" gov investments like municipal holdings? The people holding massive US debt are rich are they not?
You are already tacitly accepting it from every viable candidate, and you have been tacitly accepting this type of keyensian policy for the past decade or so.
but that shit happens all the time. the federal reserve is a load of shit. do you think you know how this world works?
humans havent changed much in tens of thousands of years
That's true. That's literally how it works.
I hate retarded neolibs so fucking much
No a sovereign country can never "default on a debt" that's fucking retarded
t. a Greek
As the sole, sovereign issuer of a fiat, floating-rate, non-convertible currency, with all of its debts denominated in that same currency, the U.S. Federal Government can issue as many dollars as it wants, at any time, to anybody, for any reason. Solvency is a non-issue, as there is never a payment that a currency issuer cannot make in its own currency.
Anybody who applies the following expressions to the U.S. Federal government, including, but not limited to:
>"going to default",
>"running out of money",
>"where's the money going to come from", >"can't afford X",
>"dependent on taxpayers/Treasury investors", >etc. etc.
can be immediately dismissed and declared to have absolutely no concept of how U.S. fiscal policy and operations work.
they are an EU vassal state that can't print their own currency
inb4 muh Peter Schiff hyperinflation
They just put up and article about a majority of debt being from the US reserve. Look it up.
>muh Peter Schiff said there would be hyperinflation he's never wrong!!!
Makes obvious statement that says next to nothing.
Media "Trump planning to destroy US economy!!!"
....watch his poll numbers go up
Keynesian master race here.
Trump is right and the best option economically speaking
MMT is globalist bunk sponsored by socialists.
isn't that basically true? like if china came to us and said "you owe trillion dorrar, you pay now! you pay now!" we could just print up a trillion dollar bill and give it to them.
sure it would cause massive inflation and pretty much rekt the economy, but it's not like we would have to default, foreclose the country, and give the chinks the keys. is that what he's getting at?
Well technically he is right, ecen if it sounds a little bit retarded.
He's become exceedingly efficient at it
>average global growth: 3.2%
>lowest US quintile's growth: 15%
Huh, really makes you think.
This is absolutely true although irresponsible to do in practice. You'd have to be a hypocrite to support the current government and then turn around and criticize Trump for this.
> All he has to do is get a haircut
>liberal shillary cucks are finally accepting he is going to be the president
About time you faggots came around.
He didn't say it as if it were a good thing. Don't fall for this media bullshit
too bad wages have stagnated while housing prices have gone up
kind of breaks your neolibshit narrative
They didn't even get the full sentence. Holy shit this is out of context.
>everything is great guys
>neoliberalism totally works
>pls more immigrants nao!!!
Trump is not saying this should be done. He is saying it could be done. He actually wants to do the opposite and reduce debt.
Trump needs to learn that you can't get on TV and say, we could do X, but I want to do Y, because that level of abstraction, of saying what you could do but you won't do, is too complex for the majority of Americans.
>reduce debt
government debt doesn't matter
only private debt matters
He's not wrong in real terms, to be fair. We all know that printing your currency into oblivion is a path to failure, but the US certainly isn't in danger of defaulting on its debts. You could pay all of your debts off today if you wanted by simply printing the relevant amounts, no problem. The issue is that immediately after, your currency becomes virtually worthless and fucks you over for generations, if not forever.
i was admitting i have only a basic grasp on economics and asking if my take on this was correct. i don't know what part of my post gave you the impression otherwise.
are you saying printing a trillion dollars in one day and then sending it off into the wild wouldn't cause inflation? i thought that was something everyone would agree with, but again i'm no expert.
Thank you based burgerbro. Neoliberalism is a cancer.
hyperinflation is caused by some outside factor, you don't "spark it off" by printing money.
After the wall street crash in 2008 the FED created $13 trillion and nothing happened.
ITT Americans do hel gud ekanumiks
That's 3.2%/yr compared with 15% total for the lowest US quintile
To add to this, Japan has been printing money for the past 25 years at roughly twice the rate the US has, has twice the national debt/GDP, and they have experienced deflation and the world's lowest interest rates for much of that timeframe.
If money printing on its own could cause hyperinflation, it would have happened in Japan long ago. Hyperinflation happens because of a natural disaster, losing a war, a civil war, a dictatorship getting toppled, foreign denominated debt (the US and Japan have none), etc. It has never happened because a country "accidentally printed too much money" and it never will, that's just a Schiff/Maloney sales pitch/fantasy.
>post-WWII economy
>"""Keynesianism did it"""
Explain how the US became as wealthy and successful as it did on a gold standard.
He better stay away from any grassy knolls or he will get his ass Kennedy'd
Give the article or whole interview
After the past week of MSM ripping his quote out of context, I can't trust anything.
It's fiat currency so who cares
That quote is ripped way out of context; I watched the whole interview. He never said we should do it; he just said it as an aside comment (which is true).
we had no aristocracy, we had free domestic trade, protectionism, and only let in white people.
But there were panics every ten years until we left the gold standard in 1933 (after the great depression started)
the gold standard is a hackneyed old meme and hyperinflation is a joke.
Well, most people will think the statement is retarded because they have no idea what is a central bank therefore "hurr durr printing money, what is he talking about, is he retarded?" But that's what the central bank fucking does whether you agree or disagree with the policy.
It's like that time I said light was electromagnetic radiation to a stupid person, which is 100% right but that person thought I was stupid because " hurr durr radiation, light is not radioactive! What a moron!"
>Austrian """""""""""economics"""""""""
How would Keynesianism stopped China opening its borderline slave labour factories to the world?
This is EXACTLY what the US government has been doing, though.
Only if you are a retard who didn't actually listen to the interview.
neolibs are the ones that push for outsourcing because "muh low wages so good"
same for mass immigration. They justify by saying "low wages=good"
Under rated post.
it was a part of an interview, avalible on youtube we had alot of threads about it - CNN rekt and so on.
He stated it as a response to a question from the host, i dident get the impression that he in any way was arguing for massive printing, but merley stating it as a fact - that if you print your own money, then you can never default on loans.
Go back to predicting hyperinflation, Peter
>the 70s are under "We All Grew"
What? That decade was horrible economically. I love stagflation.
>OPEC raised oil prices because muh Israel
>world economy crashes
>hurr Keynesianism so flawed
Go back to counting your gold coins.
It's not. Neoliberals are the biggest proponents for mass immigration. Labor cost lowers and that is good for them.
>the gold standard is a hackneyed old meme and hyperinflation is a joke.
You mean like how everyone with some economic insight keeps liquidizing their assets and dumping it in gold and silver, when shit goes haywire because Government planned economies and monetary systems fail?
Or, how the stock market literally follows the money supply from QEs, done to combat a stagnant economy? Pic related, just disregard the boxes and zoomed in shit, that was for another thread.
The Fed can't fight deflation forever. It will happen sooner or later, and their answer is either to let it happen, or hyperinflation.
He's calling out the kikes
oh wait, donald's just acting like an ignorant faggot as usual.
He was being sarcastic
There was high inflation and it was annoying, but wages kept up and Jimmy Carter was actually the ultimate Jobs President. Only FDR, Harding/Coolidge, and LBJ had higher average annual job increases.
I've had to explain this before. He gets into trouble because he still thinks he's a media personality having on air conversations with other media personalities, instead of the reality that he is now a hated far right extremist being interrogated. Compared to other politicians who are focus grouped and opinion polled then polished to perfection before they go on air, Trump is highly nuanced. But, that also opens him up to gotcha questioning.
Thank you
No disrespect for Trump, but I sincerely don't believe he has the guts to take let the US economy entering a deflationary phase.
You can make any two lines with a positive slope look like they track one another perfectly if you pick the right fudge factor.
Did not say anything for or against keynesianism. I'm just saying both approaches are useless if you have open trade with countries with whom it is just impossible to compete with.
If he's able to enact his national economic strategy, we're going to hit a hard reboot in our economy that will last about two years. But it will be worth it in the long run.
I never said anything about Keynesianism or neolib. I'm just saying the 70s were shit economically compared to the 50s and 60s.
>wages kept up
Uh no they didn't. That's when the whole mess started.
You're not even showing the same elements, dipshit. Also, factors don't matter in correlation.
Neolibs are always saying the sky is falling over hyperinflation not deflation. Are you reading the wrong script
> I'm just saying the 70s were shit economically
real wages still went up despite the oil crisis (caused by God's chosen people in Israel)
real wages didn't begin to decline until mass immigration and outsourcing really took hold.
Reminder to hide and sage shill threads.
Taken out of context. He said it's not a good thing.
Shut up, Krugman.
It's actually true, but we wouldnt be able to buy anything anymore. Lickily, the US is capable of self sufficiency. No one wasn't this to hapoen, the point is we can.
>Neolibs are always saying the sky is falling over hyperinflation not deflation. Are you reading the wrong script
No, you just don't understand how the Federal Reserve operates.
You dont take it literally you fucking putz. Hes saying our manufacturing has the potential to practically print money
>posting a video by a gold salesman
>muh gold
>FED is deflationary
kek that's the opposite of what every neolib has been saying for decades
No. He's saying we can actually print the money. If China decides to call in our debt, we can answer with, "How do you want that, Fed notes or Treasuries?"
You people are retarded. This is something every country does, and it's not being stated like it's a good idea.
What he predicted ever since getting into Economics:
2008 Real Estate crash
Russian Oil crisis in the early 10's
What Keynesian economists like Krugman or Yellen has predicted so far:
The Federal Reserve is NOT deflationary, jesus christ dude. They FIGHT deflation and money supply contraction (from mass defaults) by printing currency.
Trump is fucking nuts if you care about the future
but to fuck shit up for the lulz ?
>They FIGHT deflation
wrong again
currently they exist to save Wall Street's ass