How is she doing so well? I don't understand... nobody likes her. Where does she get so many votes from?
How is she doing so well? I don't understand... nobody likes her. Where does she get so many votes from?
There are a lot of idiots who don't pay attention but vote anyway.
>muh first woman president
>muh Bill Clinton
>muh "qualified" candidate
They don't know anything about her.
The only other choice in the dem primary is a fucking commie jew. What do you want people to do?
People are terrified of a Trump presidency.
A thin sknned loose cannon with a big mouth is a stupid choice for a president.
Women, and their cucked husbands
In the same way some politicians say "9/11" in response to queries about policies, she defects with "muh vagina".
>Instant SJW jizzsplosion
A criminal is, too
Switch parties. That's what I did.
Rather have a dedicated Jew, than an indecisive witch
She represents the silent majority
More like the deaf and dumb majority
Saw just today how the Russians are thinking of releasing 20,000 hacked emails from the cunts server. In others news some of her biggest donors are mentioned in the Panama papers. Just another day in her forty year scandal.
blacks and boomers
Did your binky fall out of your anus? Leave the internet for a while and reintegrate into human society you autistic cumstain
>A thin sknned loose cannon with a big mouth is a stupid choice for a president.
Yes it is, so why vote for Hillary?
Explain what's wrong with her without using memes or conspiracies
>A criminal is, too
Could you link me to where she was found guilty of anything?
im not a robot
It's just a Trumper meme. The difference is she won't threaten to sue him over it.
I've been studying political machines at work for a project I'm working on
This is pretty much the same thing with Hillary.
Considering she's running against a literal socialist and he's still around this late in the game, she's not doing so well.
Her tenure as Secretary of State has already shown us what a Clinton foreign policy would look like(Libya and Arab Spring), except there'd no longer be Obama around to restrain her(I disagree with him on a lot of things, but he was a restraining influence re: foreign policy), her direct ties to both banks and the house of Saud, and of course her mishandling of classified material. It is never authorized to send classified material over any communication system that isn't government owned and at the proper security level. When a TS scanner wasn't working, she straight up told her staff to "remove heading, turn to nonpaper and send unsecure."
Bill Clinton isn't a criminal either and he raped people.
She fights against a communist.
Even Yeb! caould win against a communist.
>There are Yuroshits on here right now that think America is the liberal cuck.
Oh shut the fuck up everyone knows she committed crimes with her private email server, violated a court order by wiping the data, lied about it, and got caught red handed by the FBI about everything when they recovered all of her "yoga schedules" id est classified nuclear information regarding North Korea.
When the FBI is pushing for your indictment, you fucked up.
that graph is all the evidence one needs to not vote for clinton
It would be funny though
Of course, Bernie Sanders aside, she is the closest thing to a European socialist.
Sanders is just a communist crackpot.
if she was a man she would be in prison by now
Hispanics like her
Muslims like her
blacks Like her
woman like her
I know a guy who used the "qualified," thing.
The only thing Shillary is qualified at is destroying countries and being a cuck.
Sanders is just batshit insane
Only reason he's so popular is because young people need an edgy anti-establishment candidate to wear on tshirts and post about on Facebook. He's a fashion statement and a tool to signal how cool you are, not a genuine presidential candidate.
The left has been taken over by identity politics. Everybody else she was running against were FUCKING WHITE MALES. I'm a liberal who voted for Bernie, but I'll be supporting Trump if for no other reason than to kill identity politics on the left. Fuck that shit, she's winning because liberals are convinced that white males are all evil
She WILL win. Why? Because most americans are dumb and SJWs. First they elected the first black president now the first female president. Coincidence? I think not.
Hillary's camp attacked Bernie Sanders for being unqualified. Bernie then said Hillary is unqualified because she's a corporate shill who destroys countries.
Hillary supporters, of course, accused Bernie of being sexist for that. Which is what makes it so funny that now she's trying to accuse Trump of being sexist. Really? You just spent a campaign accusing Bernie Sanders of being sexist, fuck off nobody cares about your sexism anymore
Replace 9/11 with "I'm a woman".
but Obama was actually good though. And in the primary he was running against Shillary, then in the general he was running to replace two terms of Republican George Bush against a Republican who picked Sarah Palin as a running mate. If you think Obama has been bad I'm going to assume you're too young to remember Bush
>How is she doing so well?
She's not
If she keeps up her downward slide, superdelegates may jump to Bernie, or Biden might get the wheels
So basically Trump voters.
>Replace 9/11 with "I'm a woman"
Why not both?
>I accept donations from Wallstreet because I'm a woman and 9/11
Nigger ran on being a nigger, woman is running on being a woman. Many people will vote for whoever the biggest victim is. This is America placing value on the least worthy. Beatitudes and shit.
I remember during one of the debates she used 9/11 as an excuse for getting in bed with the big Wall Street banks and people actually applauded her.
"Sexists, amirite?"
"War on women, amirite?"
"Racists, amirite?"
"I've made more money from lobbyists and speeches than anyone else here so you could say I'm the most experienced candidate, right?"
Except the idea that the president can just press the nuke button when he's butthurt without checks and balances is retarded; the threat of a president starting a war because he's bought off or pro-military intervention in general is far greater.
Anyone who thinks Trump is more dangerous in that regard than Clinton is on the level of Salon readers.
I'd say the same for racial tensions - they're worse than they've been in a long time and not due to Republicans, but due to Obama's race baiting and the Democrats cultivating and milking the tension for votes.
Only Muslims or "Latinos"/illegals have a legitimate reason to be afraid or to prefer Clinton.
1. not trustworthy
2. Status quo
3. Weak character. She couldn't stand up to her Husband how do you expect her to stand up to ISIS?
4. Mediocre talent. Lost already. People voted against her already for a change 8 years ago.
5. Played race card on Obama and wants to play misogynist card on Trump. Another sign of weak character.
6. Not authentic and inspiring.
7. Resorts to cheap shots on Bernie whenever she's a little ruffled.
8. Shady past. Her brothers, Ben Ghazi and those speeches she charges exorbitant amount of Dollars for.
9. Her husband is a known rapist and she says he loves him. Daughter is a non-entity. So much for family values.
10. She boasts a lot which is again a sign of weak personality. Quite shallow and more narcissist than Trump.